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That's right folks. We're still alive. This post will work as a little reminder to all of you gamers out there who still enjoy a good ET-movie in the evenings.

sweRTCW has always been the biggest supplier of Enemy Territory and Return to Castle Wolfenstein movies and we intend to keep that title. While we have some hard work going on behind the scenes with Sweden FiEND and Norway stix working on a sweRTCW 2.0 we're still adding more movies to our huge archive!

If you press the Read More link I will give you a detailed guide on how to get your movie uploaded on our page together with some hype for one of the newest movies on the page.

A step-by-step guide on adding your movie to sweRTCW:

1. Start by creating a movie related to ET and/or RtcW
2. Write a readme.txt with information about the movie
3. Optional: Create a Screenshot
4. Add those and other relative files to an archive (.zip or .rar preferably). Relative files can be codecs, your homepage etc.
5. Name the archive-file to something without weird characters; basically a-z and 0-9 is okay. No white spaces, no &-signs, no åäö.
6. Come to #sweRTCW and get your upload instructions, either from the topic or if you can't see it, page an admin.
7. Upload the movie
8. Tell an admin again as we only check the FTP sporadically.

The list of admins that have access to all this is:
[*] Sweden celtiC
[*] Norway stix
[*] Sweden nik
[*] Sweden HellGoat

With the current activity you will probably have the biggest chance to catch me.

Promotion of the new movie:
A new trickjumpmovie has seen the light of day! The sequel to one of the most successfull Enemy Territory Trickjumpmovies Walking In The Air has just been released, named Walking In The Air 2.

The movie is starring Finland Cythonic and Finland HardyRah showing us lesser mortals what trickjumping in ET is all about.

Not only are they good trickjumpers but they also seem to know their way around movies - The film features nice synching, lovely quality as well as some enjoyable editing. A keeper for all your Trickjump-fans out there.

The movie is available here »
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