First QuakeLive EPS is ready to roll

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The Germany ESL recently announced that the Germany ESL Pro-Series XVI will feature QuakeLive. It will be played in 1on1 format, featuring a pizepool of 3,200€.

After the 4 qualification tournaments are over, the 16 participants for the first 1on1 QuakeLive Pro-Series are the following:

Germany Sebastian 'Tornado' Heidacker
Germany Cris 'dk' Torrents
Germany Sebastian 'abso' Wanek
Germany Niko 'R1EPA' Rehor
Germany Peter 'cYmoZz' Sellmaier
Germany Dennis 'psyr3x' Baltus
Germany Alexander 'razr' Haus
Germany Uli 'slain3' Krumb
Germany Philipp 'reload' Kotecki
Croatia Marjan 'majo' Basic
Germany Dominik 'slax' Huber
Germany Steffen 'oldsplatterhand' Baam
Germany Marcel 'k1llsen' Paul
Germany Benjamin 'calipt' Jakob
Germany Felix 'smoke' Pafel
Sweden Mikael 'PURRI' Tarvaine

Beside 'top-notch' players like the Europe ESL Intel Extreme Masters participants Germany calipt and Germany k1llsen, we can find the swedish Quake2 legend Sweden PURRI (who is currently living in Germany cologne and is therefore allowed to play.)
Germany Team-Germany TDM players Germany Tornado, Germany dk and Germany abso or the United Kingdom 4Kings War§ow player Germany reload within the 16 participants.

image: 3350476

related link:
ESL QuakeLive Pro-Series announcement (german news)
i should be playing aswell
Quote Germany Philipp 'reload' Kotecki

:D gl Philipp <3
yay you're still around! :>
GO RLD GO RLD, you need to text me when you play so I can watch!
ofc, I've always been around :D just not really active. BTW, are there streams so I can watch you pwn?
ezbash for wsw player!
easy for k1lllsen
Steffen 'oldsplatterhand' !Baam!
gl reload
goodluck fagget
gl reload
i can only beat lettu
only in your dreams!
1on1 t9 tonight ;D
nice :)

calipt ftw!
go go calipt!
easy for calipt
eZ Germany k1llsen gl
gl rld EC playor!
Acknowledge the superiority of the German Quake player!
well it is Germany german EPS... only german players or players currently living in germany are allowed to play... so it is kinda logic there are mostly Germany flags :D
Oh, I guess that makes sense.
why is this nubshit being main news
cause Toss loves me !
he loves ql so much that he overcrowded the lan with cod4 teams so there wont be ql tournament
it's all about the $$$ you know ? :D
Function: Moderator
yes, and only admins can make a news a "mainnews" ... moderators can't :)
gl purri
omfg purri! <3
easy for calipt
gl yermans.
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