GGL Bought for $2.5m

The GGL, the parent company behind Clanbase have today been bought for a staggering $2.5million. The GGL has had a colourful history in eSports with famed tournaments and large scale investment in early years followed up by massive debts to gamers and gaming companies. From CNN this is the story:

PrismOne Group, Inc. announced today that it has entered into a definitive agreement to purchase Professional Interactive Entertainment and its related entities (owned, controlled, parent and/or subsidiary), “GGL Global Gaming” ( The purchase agreement includes $2.5 million dollars of initial financing, and is a major change to the current PMOZ business plan. PMOZ Chairman and CEO Samir Burshan commented, “this new GGL direction is an exciting growth opportunity for our company. GGL has more than 2.7 million registered members. Their technology is superior and their growth is just now beginning.

Whilst to many gamers the GGL's reputation can be only be described as bad at best, one shouldnt forget that the GGL has concluded on several 7 figure marketing deals and promotions beyond that of many companies operating in eSports, it can only be assumed that that potential is what is being purchased. There is no word on the debts.

Should be good for gaming.
GGL HIP HIP leagues yo
Thought you decided to finally spend some money you have earned with them Crossfire LANs, but I was mistaken...
pretty sure crossfire lans don't earn money.
haha, they do
plz i think you underrate the costs that go into running the lan including the travel and accom for all the admins.
not to mention the strippers
that gets written off as tax
i dunno, theyre like 30 teams? ET? means 7500 euro signup? with a prizepurse of 5000?? dunno were the rest goes, if he has to pay moar stuff etc, but still & i guess theres alot from cod4 left too
rent, costs for admins (travel, etc.)
dunno, does toss have to pay the wizzard? iu think theyre happy enough with ppl like ross drinking loads of beer
Uhm, they have to pay for the center ofc. Although they get the most money from drinks.
As you might know the Dutch saying:
Ze eten je arm, maar drinken je rijk.
signups only is alrdy 20K euro, with a prizepurse of 14K i think.
thats what i mean :D
right tosspot is doing this only for the community :D
Who knows, perhaps they'll actually make something propper out of it again :>!

Electronic Arts reported a third quarter loss of $641 million -- significantly wider than its $33 million loss in the same period last year.

Most of the loss, the publisher says, is attributable to various business charges. EA's revenue actually increased about 10 percent year over year to $1.65 billion, plus $88 million in deferred revenue from online games -- but the gains still did not meet analysts' expectations.

I guess small change will always be small change. Then again at 88million in deferred revenue does make you think if what ever or who ever posts on forums actually affects their network.

deferred revenue : Revenue that is considered a liability until it becomes relevant to the business at hand, such as a payment received for work that has not yet been performed. opposite of deferred charge.
were there ever any contracts based around ggl having to pay up to winners?
I'm sure they have a nice little clause in their TOS that says they can choose to change/not pay out any prize they offer.
why would there need to be contracts for their prizemoney offerings to be legally binding?
actually i dont have any facts on how these things work but just strongly assuming
in Germany this wouldnt happen :D
It depends if you have to pay to participate
i wonder what the net assets are of GGL prior to buying it out and whether any of that 2.5mil related to goodwill...

garym8 rich :o nice
thanks m8, if you need some money give me your paypal, i can pay for your ems prizemoney if you never recieve it m8 :)
:D:D:D:D:D:D joke of the year
dont mind garym8, thats just his sense of humor hehe :p garym8 always joking lol.

i know ESL will pay and garym8 knows it too :P
couldnt spot the joke part m8

better pay the money very soon so we dont have to book flights to germany
aha, aha, missä rahat? huumori lopussa ja käessä saha...
this sounds like Portsmouth all over again!
good stuff
Why dont they make a law, that at the moment of purchase, the money that has been payed should be trimmed of the amount of debts and payed to the debt holders.
The way it is now the debts will never be payed :/.
if the debts are legally bound then theyd be obliged to pay them anyway at some point.
Chairman and CEO Samir Burshan

You wont find anyone higher than him, so feel free to ask.
hopefully they have some money left around to change their homepage, which is most likely the ugliest and most confusing site ever created

otherwise this post lacks substance. what is going to change?
With corporate takeovers people tend to ask what stays the same. I guess GGL has nothing worth keeping, except for the brand and the CB site perhaps.
by gamers for gamers is best. i mean look at tosspot and crossfire. you see the connection between tosspot transforming from a gamer to a gaming scene celebrity and amount of ads and spam links on crossfire?
wtf is a game scene celebrity? :D surely such a thing doesnt exist does it
jij bent zoals altijd de uitzondering op de regel
Keep the CB site? You must be kidding Oo
The site itself is fine in terms of functionality and in terms of usability it's one of the best out of its kind. But I bet the CB website does not scale out (when more people visit the site, they can't add another server to "the grid", but need to replace their existing server), making it very slow. They should also kill some of the ads.
id take cb ladder and its retarded admins over esl premium shit any day of the week
What do you want to tell me?
that both cb and esl are shit
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