Haemar - First Beta Version!

image: haemarbanner
Here finally comes the first beta version of my map Haemar b1. As usual I have to thank everyone who has helped me, is helping and will help me to make this map, most notably by *testing* Haemar and giving constructive comments.

I would just like to insist on 2 points:
  • the map is smaller than it seems
  • the gameplay is really quite complex, so don't judge it too quickly

Beta1 modifications[/b]]- Added another non-minable zone (Main entrance / Flag building)
- Added a "roof clip" but kept possible the fact of flying above buildings
- Added red transparent brushes where you have to put the stolen documents
- Added the "detail work" (plants, chairs, etc.) for less empty streets and rooms
- Added even more clips for a better gameplay (eg. you can't be blocked in the corner of a door)
- Made optimizations on the file size
- Made VIS & Brushes optimizations
- Reworked many textures angles and positions (mainly wood ones)
- Reworked a bit the docs room (Side entrance & height of the stairs)
- Reworked the light shaders
- Finished all buildings (or almost) (especially near axis spawn & final objective)
- Fixed all the bugs I was aware of, please tell me if you still find some
- ...

To Server Admins[/b]]
I advise you to increase the time limit to 14-17min on 12+ players public's servers
and reduce the first part to 9-11min in the case allies are getting annihilated by axis,
I left the needed code change in the .script with "PSA" on the 2 lines.
Then you just need to put the modified file in another /map folder.

Screen #1
Screen #2
Screen #3
Screen #4
Screen #5
Screen #6
Screen #7
Screen #8
Screen #9

... 1st!
... 3rd!
you sir are failing!
you sir couldn't stand your fail
what you talking about fool ? :O
god your a fag..
god is a fag? :S
spoiler: god doesn't exist
maybe he does , maybe he dosent , who knows?
like a good blowjob?
ofc , do you like fishdicks?
like yours?
okeeh. sup?
lets get together?
and then? :>
have fun ? :O
Doggy Style or Dickslapping?
i wasnt talking about sex but sure if thats what u want then yeh
Dont try to make jokes with me man! >:|
i wasnt joking :O
wht do u wnt thn?
play this gay map ofc :D



how r u?
good , just another boring friday night :S

friday? its thursday :D

ye boring... thats why im here :p
oh , it is thursday :S
so how are you now? :D
its friday now. xD
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT :D still gonna be a boring friday night tho :D
mhm maybe noez :p
heheh , wasnt boring friday night after all :D
You basically didn't change anything useful, well done.
Actually, I asked for constructive gameplay comments on a sticky post here on crossfire for 1 month and an half, I almost didn't received any, so I decided to give up with this and only to finalize the map, which was still a big work.
Now, if you have interesting ones, I'm listening.
At taggers we gave you much feedback, but i guess it was feedback you didn't want to hear.
It was feedback that in my opinion couldn't be verified and nobody wanted to tested it to "prove" you were right or wrong, I argued every step of it and always found pros and cons, you really can't say I didn't wanted to change things, I already changed many, and even a part of what you said.

For example, CP position and benefits have been changed, you can't plant mines on some quite important places anymore and you can still try to boost on the roof, without a 3 guys leg up, you shouldn't be able to.
I'm here just to tell you, don't put more time in this map and start creating a new map. And before you start a new map write some stuff down as how many stages you want and how many ways you want to enter every stage. Be sure to create a linear map which has the intention to move forward. And some of these points I wrote down way earlier already when it was about haemar_a10.
Here are 3 facts :

1) I will continue to create maps, but not necessarily on ET, will see.

2) If I finally work on a Haemar_b2, it wouldn't take long, just a few fps optimisation & detail work improvements (add plants, etc.).

3) If I work on a new ET map, it would be way faster, with way more FPS and thought quite differently as I did with Haemar, don't worry about it.
cant you read? he didnt tell you to stop creating maps...
You misunderstood me,
I didn't say that because of what he said,
I just said this as an affirmation because it was on-topic, nothing else, don't be so rude!
forget what they say, keep making maps and dont give up. Your good :o)
Basically, he could name the map "Lightnings homemap". Make it as you wanted it and then you'd perhaps be satisfied?

Come on m8, he's obviously given this his best shot. You might not like it but we should all at least thank him for trying to contribute to this awesome game.
Without guys like him there'd be nothing and this game would slowly wither away.

It's comments like yours that eventually will make people like Dyal to just stop giving a shit about this whole community and move on. So telling him to basically throw a map which he has worked with for months down the dustbin is not the way to go.. Quite rude if you ask me.

Personally I can't judge the map since I haven't played it. Even so I'm thankful towards Dyal for actually taking the time to make a map. I mean, if I personally don't enjoy it, then I'll have more reasons to enjoy playing Supply over and over again ;D

edit: Not aiming this at you exactly as I don't know what you've said about it before. But more to others saying that it's a crap map. That just doesn't fit here.. :)
if he would have followed some more comments that been made then yes his map would have been better.

He's gives a shot and the comments on the map been made some months ago, if he decided to go along and still go on with a map that's broken for competition that's his choice.

I'm glad there are mappers around but sadly enough all want to make their own map and when it comes to comments about the map they won't listen. Its been that way for ages.

Basically he put all the work in the map and in the end it will be lost with the other 100 failed maps. I played a war on the map in the Alpha stage and even before the war I told him stuff already that he needed to fix.

It might be harsh to tell him to stop with the map but I prefer that he makes one good map then 10 shit maps. All that I want them to do is for ones look at supply, goldrush and radar
or even ask some people and make a decent concept before they start creating random buildings on the map.
Lightning & co, you have to understand the only thing everyone was agreeing on that map is the fact that is has many roads.
I really can't make a sure move if one tells me something and someone else the contrary!
And to be sure that something is the right thing to do, I need tests, thing which I asked and didn't get, so yes, I did it with with what I thought was right, and still listened a lot of everything that was said to change my own mind!
Yes that map has to many ways and the objective are placed at a random spot with the final obj being put in the corner of the map which has no point.

There were tests, we played that alpha version and what i told you before showed in the game. But you said it yourself already, I did what I think was right and still listen to the comments. That's what the Wolfenstein creators also said. Your map is missing some basic ET stages and that is killing the map. So like i said before drop this map and take another one. Make a new concept and don't use Karsiah map to make something new from that.
If you do want to use Karsiah change the north parts area and you got a new map already.
I get your point. Just sounded a bit harsh ;)
ךook, my only constructive suggestion i have for u is not to take people's comments too serious(not saying that you do), freedom of speech can be quite deadly and annoying,
and this map looks good and so does ur future work will be imo
Nice work Dyal!

Seems like you've been putting a lot of effort into this.
Thanks! Cause yes I have, :).

bit of a big map for me but was fun when i played it - hope to play this improved version soon..
how is it big? :D

drop the fucking newschool tunnels and corners only map bullshit !!
couldn't agree more
My first time playing it. Map is good looking, wether this is competition material I'm not sure.

I think the 1st stage is easily defendable. Cave exits are easily crossfired by the two posts on top of the wall and the battle for main entrance will basically be a spamfestival.

The rest of the stages look quite interesting, haven't really put much depth into testing it.
I do think that there are too many routes towards 1 objective.

But well I haven't played it yet so can't say alot. Would be good to get some steady and loyal teams to test your map and arrange some showmatches.
did you saw my post about the first spawn?:<
Survive can play the new Haemer & the new Coast! or 1 of them twice! :D
hello there

if your map has good fps (unlike goldrush & secret weapon) then great job m8!

if it doesnt then DO IT or GTFO shit map etc etc

that is all
Good job Dyal !
You already know i'm not fond of this map but I know it can be a good one for other players.
Hop to see you to work on a new map fast ! :D
good map for pub though
omg srsly,
just call it homer
how about u make it with ss,not 'ill add them later' because i have no clue what u talk about.


In other words don't make it dark. All dark maps suck.
I think the map overall has a good concept, but there are some slight changes which I would prefer to see:

- Brighten the map up a little bit.

- Add some more scenery/details to the map

- I know its a complex map and not as big as it may seem, but I still think you should make less 'stages' accessable by routes, maybe just use a little less ways to get to certain obj.
I've only walked through the map but that third point was my main complaint. The second stage would be a nightmare to shoutcast.
and i think :

1st of all thanks to you !!!!!
2nd map is quite good - i like it
3rd dont stop making new ones :)
once i played that map and had objective but i didnt know where to go because there are 1000000 ways
there are like 1 million rooms/floors and way to go, too much places to camp if you ask me, which is even worse in 5on5 now imo...

Clearly just racist, ban imo
nice work btw :)
75 th

some public ips ?
Hirnlos :

The map just might still be on Haemar_a11 thought.
24 people 24h/24, no it's not, :D, it's just full!
was dead when i checked it :o and now its missle
Haemar is just after missile, :).
its probably dead after missile each time ;D
It's not related to your map but why we dont play de_dust/de_dust 2 ?
Those maps awesome for ET. We should try that out. once played on dust in et, on some public server 5 years ago :p
ZOMG best idea ever zomg <3f
dust 2 can't fail in ET, you have a point

on the other hand, SOS secret weapon was horrible
What about Campgrounds (dm6)?
cant imagine dm6 in et, maybe for 1o1 ?
Importing CS maps to ET is an awesome idea. I've played CoD2 on de_dust2 and it was the best map ever :)

Too bad many of the maps have pretty gay corridors and small rooms, but at keast de_dust would be neat
really good effort dyal i like the fact that it still has the classic objective staging style that made et popular in the first place :}
testserver plz

Info: sry but there is no www DL server avi. so DL The Map before

No PB Config
some1 put it @ top :(
i think, the map is even taken fps. and its a 15 min map.

but anyway, good work!!
makes no sense what so ever
i think if you make the first stage of the map (outside gates) flat, would help more i guess.

- flag is always recapture able? after building cp, and after controls blown?
- cp no extra spawn?
- axis spawn in front after the reclaim flag :(
- another spawn after docs taken?
- @ backspawn the ground is wierd, jumping isn't making sounds (landing on the sand)
- some rooms models of axis/allied are BLACK :(
- over 9000 lamps? don't you think a bit tooo much?:S
- there are toooo many ways, routes etc, will be hard for comms and defending...
- repair truck and it won't move? to finish map?
- mins @ maingate

overal: too many buildings etc together, which makes the map hard to play. way to change it will be 1 or you make a long map, or you make different buildings which are the "routes" :)
what he said

make city flag as default spawn after blowin up the door controls
that will will depend if you can spawn @ cp or not.
changing the flag to a CP is not an sollution,
neither removing flag and keeping cp on it's current place(CP will be 2nd spawn).
can't think about anything except moving buildings around, aswell objectives etc :(
i just mean that allies needs a default spawn after getting door controls.

and i also think that the secure of obi at the truck should be be the main objective. removing the truck repairing whould be fine and well playable for competive.
was just hopping around on it for the first time. first impression: a few too many routes. its like a damn city. might be cool though, let's see a showmatch
should be on the lan map pool tbh
Looks great, nice work. But as people said too many corridors and whatsoever and I think the truck repair at the end is a bit "useless". Securing the documents is fine in my eyes.
Repairing the truck is the first thing you have to do after capturing the flag in order to fix it, it should absolutely not be the last objective!
ah right like that, still I just think its a step not needed in the map :)
Where are the screens you promised? :)
Just here, =).
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