RTCW: Xmas is over

image: abc
image: 33yqg7m

Another Cup, another Christmas, the same winner! United Kingdom118 were able to defend their title last wednesday securing a 3-1 win over EuropeChaos in a close match on beach and assault. This news item combines a recap of second edition of the Late Xmas RTCW-Cup and an announcement for comming RTCW-Cups.

Final Standings:

Rewind / No Pressure

5-8th: Fixed, Cave, KiH, JeanRoucasFans9-12th: Indomitus, Highbot, skk!, Fallanx13-16th: Estonia, Liquids, iAm, PMCG17-20th: Normality, Element aR, Sexy Lovers, MAD

Stock Rising

The hungarian team around Isl4m, c[s, zenith and d0dy is one of the oldest clans in the game. They have been around for years, hitting their peak during the Eurocup X in 2004 where they could beat teams like United Kingdom4kings and EuropewArning! and have drawn Swedenemaho! Their performance in the past cups was rather disapointing, especially their last place in RTCW-Cup III. This made the surprise even bigger as cave were able to top the group this time... only to be stopped by Rewind in the Single Elimination Brackets. Yet having beaten SwedenKiH, FinlandFixed and EuropeiAm they have shown the potential they have.. next time?

The announcement of EuropeRewinds comeback to the game was met with mixed feelings. On the one hand people were happy to see the old faces, on the other hand there were doubts about how well they could perform after such a long break. Reaching 3rd place after defeating a few decent teams on the way and playing a close game in the semi finals against EuropeChaos surely proved the sceptics wrong though.
It remains to be seen if they will be able to reach the 1st place again. To archieve that it's clear they need to practise more since during this cup they only played a few practise matches.

Quote by syLWe will be back for the next cup!

Stock Falling

United Kingdom118
How? What? They won didn't they? Yes true, 118 have added another pokal to their long list and their winning streak keeps going... but the dominance is gone.
Watching their games in the past cups was often something you would rather avoid because most games would end with their oponent getting spawnraped for the whole game. The only exception being a match against SwedenKiH in the RTCW-Cup III group stage. This time all the matches in the playoffs were incredibly close and could have gone the other way easily. The reason is clearly their falling activity due to CIC7, the question is if they will be able to regain their form until the next cup?


United KingdomCrumbs
QuoteIn recent times crmbs from 118 is one I "hate" playing in RtCW.

This excerpt from a recent interview with Denmarkankel summs up quite well what everyone who has played crumbs on rtcw probably feels. His aim combined with his stability makes him one of the few players who can decide a game on his own. He was there to save 118 on countless occations in this cup and is probably the main reason they finished on top.


GermanyShowtime for providing a WolfTV-server, 2 matchservers and a public!
GermanySouX for providing an ftp for the demos
GermanyZerb for setting up the YCN public server
NetherlandsPlaya, United Kingdomdictator, Denmarkankel and all the others I already forgot who cammed matches during the cup!

What's next?

This sunday we will host a RTCW one day cup. If it turns out to be a success I'd be happy to host it on regular basis. I hope they will be used for preparation to the next cup that is coming in march after CIC7 =)

Game: Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Date: 14-02-2010
Format: 6vs6
Start: 19:30 cet

Teams: 1/8
Sign ups: yes, Sign up!

Map Pool

Single Elimination
Maps played in AB mode
Maps are selected the following way: Higher seed eliminates a map, lower seed eliminates a map, higher seed choses a map, lower seed choses a map. The remaining map is played as decider.
United Kingdom118 play Europecky
118 eliminate village
cky eliminate beach
118 chose escape
cky chose ice
-> 1st map escape, 2nd map ice (decider: frostbite)

1st Round Start: 19:30
Semi finals: 20:30
Finals: 21:30

One representitive of every team has to be in #rtcw-cup by the time the cup begins.

Note: CD-Key is required to participate in the cup, due to lack of cracked servers!

[center]Groups - Brackets - Demos - #rtcw-cup[/center]
Date: 09-02-2009
Sounds like a fail imo :D)
germans... should prolly be next week or this week sunday i guess :d
gg's, can't wait to play the next one again!




I count 19 clans :P somehow there is a 19-23 though :D

nice cup in the end, and yes we have been getting weaker every cup due to not praccing and lineup changes. was far more entertaining nearly losing though :)
true, thats what you get for doing things in a rush :/
heh =)

anyway thanks for the cup, was nice for =118= to end in such a style - close matches are great to play in :)
of 118 yea, we will all play together though :)
my services may be available for this cup on sunday

i hope the next will have the same ammount of signups :)
Inglorious Basterds should be signing up.. KAPOW!
escape = epic
Stop camping on that tower of boxes outside spawn!!
Escape is amazing. Especially Egad's chair =)
Why this sunday? :(
why isnt cky highseed against 118 !
My All-star line-up of the cup is following!
was just about to do mine.
u facking facker :(
fucking jauhis. was faster... god damn.....
well anyway: All-star-lineup of the cup (this isnt my opinion, its a fact "lololololl)

medic1: United Kingdom crumbs
medic2: Sweden fette
medic3: Finland jauhis
LT1: United Kingdom dictator
LT2: United Kingdom sharky
panzer: Norway zerom
where is sipperi?

Under-performer: Finland Sipperi
Milli Vanilli ;)
is that one day cup still on?
good question! i wanna paly!
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