V&E Launches CoD2 Squad

As the title suggests, out of the blue, Vicious & Evil have launched a Call of Duty 2 team consisting of members who formally represented 'Team Spirit'.
image: vaelogo_trans

After V&E had been approached by quite a few lesser skilled CoD2 teams to form a new V&E CoD2 Squad, The leader of V&E's Enemy Territory team "biqq", brought up the idea of having a talk with the guys of Team Spirit.
He knew a part of the team before and thought that they may fit in well with what the clan wanted.

After lengthy conversations, clarifying goals, views and stances, V&E came up with the decision of finally opening VAE.CoD2 under the leadership of Monk, along with his teammates from Team Spirit.

The team that have shown their strength many times in CoD2 before, and will now play under the Vicious And Evil tag are:

[*]Norway Monk
[*]Norway aJzZ
[*]Norway hobbes
[*]Norway sp0ck
[*]Norway Thyrfing
[*]Norway udo

Read On for a short talk with VAE.Monk about the switch and the lineup

Concerning the join-topic Monk said:
We are happy to be accepted by VAE, and gain their support aswell as the support of our new head sponsor Razer. We hope that this support will help us in our strive to reach the very top of CoD2 Competative gaming. Thanks fly out to Eagle, Wiklund and especially our norwegian friend Sexy whom supported us from the very beginning.

Monk then went on to give a very detailed description of the team's lineup:

Christophe "Monk" Roblin 20, Lillehammer
Well primary qualities of Monk has to be the in game leadership keeping the motivation up but there are also other positive sides such as all-round weapon preference (Our shotgun “noob”), in difficult situations he keeps cold and deadly.

Thomas "aJzZ" Jacobsen 17, Bergen
The best qualities of ajZz that I can see is a fearsome aim, clutch tendencies such as udo. He is the closest I go to a right hand man, if I have topics that trouble my mind regarding the team, he is the first one to be counselled about it

Petter "udo" Elefsen 17, Kristiansand
Probably the most experienced player among us all, being a part of id.no and myztc in CoD1 he brings us decent quality and experience. He's also probably the clutcher of our team, taking down several if he is left alone in the end. All though he complaints about swedish people shooting through smoke he is without doubt the player in our team with the most ”smoke luckshots”.

Daniel "Thyrfing" Philipps 16, Sarpsborg
All though he struggles with some team play maneuvers he is getting there, as our youngest player we take good care of him. There is nothing to point on his aim and he seem to have found his own way to avoid the CoD2 hit reg bug, which some of us struggles with. A valuable player at anytime.

Marius "hobbes" Næss 18, Asker
A valuable team player, rifles and smgs are his preferred weapons of choice and plays equally good with most of the weapons, dangerous opponent and a very good team player. Has an overview of what is going on and uses it to his advantage.

Reserve: Arild "sp0ck" Hovden 24, Haugesund
A very reflective though calm player in our roster, if you need a second opinion of anything this could be the man to ask, terrific humor though still down to earth. In game top quality has to be the game play understanding
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