rockit.ET adds Meez

The buildup for the ET's Top CIC7 hasn't gone to plan this season. Many teams have made controversial decisions that have resulted in a complete lineup collapse, whilst others have been completely unstable, bringing an almost fresh lineup to the table every other week.

Speaking of which, rockit.ET have been in a slight lineup muddle themselves over the past month. Finnish superstar Finland Matias left the Germany rockit.ET team for a place at United States of America Blight Gaming, whilst Finland olBaa's uncertain LAN attendance has resulted in him leaving the team and rejoining within a matter of days. Latvia Clown was quick to snatch the Italian rifle legend Italy XyloS as an arguably "better" replacement.image: picture-13However, Finland olBaa has finally decided to leave the Germany rockit.ET team as his uncertain LAN attendance has gotten the better of him. Germany rockit.ET were quick to their feet once again and grabbed the highly ranked UK star United Kingdom Meez to add another powerful aimer to their lineup, alongside the Belgian rager Belgium mAus.

Germany rockit is hosting a show match for their ET team next week, where you can watch their new lineup in action against Europe Phantom eSports
image: shead

image: snews

Germany rockit.ET

Latvia Clown
Italy XyloS
Belgium mAus
Spain Winghaven
United Kingdom Meezimage: snews

Europe Phantom eSports

Belgium Jere
Belgium Player
Belgium chry
Spain Gengis
Anonymous Unknown
image: sbordersho

Date: 17/2/10
Time: 20:00 WEST
Maps: Supply
League: ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder

image: game16087
image: sfoot
omg decem joined pM - gl mate ! GL meez - nice addition
The admin status demands that you're nice?
no, i think meez is a good player and a good addition. WHATS WRONG WITH THAT
Nothing nothing, nice that youre nice

EDIT: k4rnaj way of speaking: "There's normally one guy down"
they normally spawn at 32
rock it looks nice :)

Good luck to the team and nice news beggin :)

PS: I liked the other layout ;p
Ah, lost the code :(
gl meez :)
hope youll enjoy my floor:D
well that's not necessary now! (although sunday night i may need to crash there ;p)
you gotta sleep on the floor anyway or share a kiddie bed with Scarzy :D
we wont sleep we will make party
gotta sleep to let shaun rest

he wants to win the lan :O
yeah i also want to win that monday morning lan :D
opps :P

actually me and shaun gotta leave at 7 on monday morning so we gotta sleep early:P
ice > tree
not bad not bad :)
good luck meez and rockit
nice newspost
gj beggin
ladder offi != showmatch o.O
Have fun bro
i will bring our Anonymous back to the netherlands once again!

see you there!
good luck, but omg Finlanddecem is playin ET?!
best move by any team so far
gl guys & bo <3
wheret he fuck is wooooooorm
studying in germany where internet costs +30€/week, so he decided to leave phAntoms! and not attend the lan, because he wants to spend a quality weekend with his girlfriend -__-
get your facts right. not everywhere in germany the inet costs 30€/week :X

infact no where but @ his hotel.
he just needs to get a nice handy i-net flat maybe from vodyfon for ~30€/month and than he can play over umts^^
yeah and handy in english aint the same as handy in german...
as if I said that in whole Germany inet costs that much, was speaking about Worm in particular IMO
Quotestudying in germany where internet costs +30€/week

this says exactly what i pointed out, you just say "in germany". and thats just anywhere in germany.

Quotestudying at a hotel in germany where internet costs +30€/week

would have been right.

but who cares..
:D, yeah +30€/week indeed
decem back again
gl d00dz.

Prac hard and CIC7 is yours.
gl thomas!
thanks! i am sad because i will not see you there sami :(
maybe next time :)
Gl guys!
nice add-on, made the team better :)

btw, how does meez play 5on5 all of a sudden?
Because most of the time when meez is whining about something, he will still do whatever it is anyway.
Meez the backstabber.
good luck image: EoFzQcFqn Meez
good luck mEEz. :)
sheep sheep sheep pls pls pls
Quotegrabbed the highly ranked UK star United Kingdom Meez


Quotegrabbed the only UK player left playing ET United Kingdom Meez
in that case they might aswell pick kamz
Gl meez + clown! <3. Should be an even stronger team now
gl meez :)

decem nice :D
gl phAntoms!

nice see you at lan !
what?? decem is back???
who is decem ?
mesqis best inet buddy
nice to see laggin meez fail @ lan
you do hate us farmers dont you QU :D
awww! beer 4u at lan then
double that :D
Meez?? HON??! :[
I still play HoN, probably just less.
Ah ok, we should play sometime.
why not STICKY journal?
gl meez, I hope u pown as much in as you did in Cod4.

hf @ Enschede
sooo when is perfo going to get added to the lineup
Several teams already tried to recruit him I think - he's not going to LAN for real, it seems!
He told me he'd be happy to go, but he said that no teams skilled enough have approached him yet.
good addition. gl
good luck meez and hope you guys do well at lan! :)
gl meez 8)
gl meez gl rockit :O))))

Hope u win :P
this team needed a crybaby anyway
QuoteEurope Unknown

image: its-a-trap-cat
Gl meez :P
loooooooool nice recruiting low skiller hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
Yer man, they should of asked you!!

I was bored when I wrote that :-(
my cc7 motivation was originally to get revenge on bb but that plan can't exactly come into fruition anymore. i need something else!
money is a good motivator - you could always get revenge on night & co too?
£130 for flights this time. money is a good motivator.
You're always bored

Also judging by your latest comments you have been pretty confused lately Mayni. WHATS GOING ON
Baggiez has really thrown a curveball into my life as of late.
Good luck, I love you :~*
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