CIEC Groupstages Recap

image: ciec

Matchweek 3 of the CIEC groupstage is well on its way. This is an update for all the people who haven't checked ESL for a while. It's also a reminder for all teams to schedule your matches as soon as possible!

These are the biggest notable and upsetting results so far:image: s_foot
[0:4] - Benelux myRevenge FIF vs. Poland perception
[0:4] - Belgium oceans6 vs. France famas

[2:4] - United Kingdom trial&error vs. Belgium Nothing is Impossible
[0:4] - Germany Team reVeal vs. Belgium nkNn - angelDust

This week all the matches between the top seeds and the high seeds will be played. These matches are the most important ones as they mostly decide who will be in the top 8, and who won't.

These are the top matches to be played this week:image: s_footGroup 1: Belgium Plug & Pown vs. United Kingdom trial&error
Group 2: Europe rockit vs. Belgium oceans6
Group 3: Poland PolagZ vs. Germany EPROX
Group 4: Estonia nOu way! vs. France dESIRE
Group 5: Europe Team YoYoTech vs. Germany Team reVeal
Group 6: Netherlands dNan vs. Germany Team-AoW

The top match in group 7 and 8 have already been played:image: s_footGroup 7: [4:0] - United States of America Blight vs. Europe Phantoms eSports
Group 8: [4:2] - Benelux Friends in Force vs. Germany

Also, the match between Germany EPROX and Netherlands boondocks has been changed to a default win to Germany EPROX, since Netherlands boondocks used a busted cheater who nickfaked as one of the LAN-players. The team has to pay a monetary fine which will go to the MVP of the ET LAN tournament. Let this be a warning to all the other teams. You have to play with your LAN line up in the seeding tournament.

Esl Seeding Cup Page
mvp? monetary fine

Most Valuable Player
These are the biggest notable and upsetting results so far:

[0:4] - myRevenge FIF vs. perception
[0:4] - oceans6 vs. famas expected as i already said

[2:4] - trial&error vs. Nothing is Impossible
[0:4] - Team reVeal vs. nkNn - angelDust

add e-WAVE vs Logix 4-2 (?)
if o6 played vs famas on ettv, o6 would've won
they didnt play ETTV

(at least thats what kevin told me)
then kevin made lies :'(
ettv werd geadded tijdens de tweede ronde ofzo, er heeft nauwelijks iemand gekeken
get over yourself, the whole reason for this tournament is to get better seeds, so stop whining and get yourself a better seed by winning
Didn't you try to convince me you were a top seed? How come you lost vs FaMas
no I didn't, I defend myself against you claiming we were low.

And famas will suck @ lan mark my words
All frenchies suck at lans :)
then don't whine about us losing, because they obviously have a hacker in their squad
Who (i never specced them) why doesn't somebody try to bust them? (They have no pbbans).
didn't remember the name because i didn't care enough

but he outdamaged me by far ( I had 9K on supply he had more ), he had a crazy amount of headshots, and I think i remember him not dying by a nade once during the entire war
sounds like dooz
No offence, but I watched replay and your team played like shit :|
obviously seeing we never prac, but that doesn't change anything I said
so dont be mad if you lost vs medskilled team, who play in the same lineup 3-4 years :)

Anyway, GL at NC & CIC
I think you're talking about France quak3, he is the best aimer over there , if so he has already proved his skill @ some French LANs.
Riggs I guess
I respect your work overall but that was either a dumb statement or a dumb troll.
you never came at LAN ;)

Group 5: Team YoYoTech vs. Team reVeal

could it be more one-sided? (oh and bt w nkNn should've gotten the high seed in that group)
"oh and bt w nkNn should've gotten the high seed in that group"

Well then that's exactly what's going to be the turn out of this seeding tournament...
but it wasn't fair we had 3 med+highskilled opponents in our group :<<<

give info about the playoffs pls :P
I am wise, I know these things before the seeding tournament is over

oh and btw, i'm not flaming u or anyone that made those seeds (dont even know who did it), just gave my opinion
After Netherlands loazis picked up the rifle for Belgium nkNn angelDust it was obvious we were going to pwn.
after Belgium witje stopped playing rifle it was obvious you were going to improve
Speaks for itself.
What cheater?
MOTiF played for juA
"QUIT January 2007"

et died on janauri 2007 after the best player 'eban' got busted
cheater for cheater, i dont see the problem
hahaha wtf een geldboete voor fakenicking HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
hahah $$$$
You have to play with your LAN line up in the seeding tournament.

thats a good joke when you dont even have 5 players yet :D
change dNan -> pstarZ.dNan
QuoteYou have to play with your LAN line up in the seeding tournament.

If this is the rule, then a lot of teams have broken it. I can see that playing with a busted cheater is worth giving a fine to, but that rule doesn't make much sense seeing that a lot of matches have been played with either a backup or a random merc.
If it's not possible otherwise, you can always contact an admin to get an exception. Quite a few teams did so. And if both teams agree on using the sub, then it's not a big problem either.
and if that was not the case?
Then someone should have notified the admins
Because u clearly stated that rule ? xD
damn u frostbite
damn u frostbite
lol @
QuoteAlso, the match between EPROX and boondocks has been changed to a default win to EPROX, since boondocks used a busted cheater who nickfaked as one of the LAN-players. The team has to pay a monetary fine which will go to the MVP of the ET LAN tournament.
wtf :D 50% of the teams are not playing with their lan lineup
might be but then this mercs/backups are 1. not busted and 2. using their real nicks.
well played famas :-)
are u actually allowed to give fines, afaik its illegal
Their tournament, their rules. Don't see anything illegal in wanting retribution for breaking the rules in their tournament.
Simply put, they pay money or no LAN, kkbbthx
ja behalve dat het niet mag om boetes op te leggen.
en dan kunnen ze via bepaalde wegen egt wel hun geld terug krijgen en niet spelen.
Owja en zover ik weet is motif unbanned, dus dat zou betekenen dat ze alleen merc hebben gebruikt en daar zijn ze niet de enige in
Ze moeten nu gewoon extra geld bijleggen anders mogen ze niet spelen op LAN.
Het is verder geen bindende boete of iets dergelijks neem ik aan.
nee dat snap ik ook nog wel maar dat mogen ze alleen niet doen.

Als boondocks dan hun geld terug wilt kunnen ze dat egt wel voor elkaar krijge, maar dat zullen ze denk ik niet doen.

e: tja miss dat niet
Waarom zouden ze dat niet mogen doen? Ze hebben de mogelijkheid om teams uit hun toernooi te verwijderen. Dan kunnen ze ook het team tijdelijk verwijderen en alleen tegen betaling dat ze weer mee mogen doen lijkt mij.
ok dus ze verwijderen ze maar het team mag ze omkopen en dan kunnen ze wel weer spelen. Ja dat klinkt alsof dat mag
in amateur voetballerij kan je toch ook voor een rode kaart 50 euro ofzo moeten betalen en als je t niet doet mag je niet meer spelen voor bepaalde tijd. Das hier precies hetzelfde, als ze niet betalen mogen ze niet spelen.

En als ze hun geld terug zouden vragen is dat denk gen probleem omdat er teams om de wachtlijst staan... Er word geld teruggegeven TOT de eerste match op LAN gespeeld is. Stond in een van de eerste post over payments
dit is tog geen knvb ofzo
Gezien de zwaarheid van deze overtreding zal dit een fikse boete worden.
Zeker een bedrag van 6 cijfers.
hahahaha kijk em liegen en cb bans worden verdubbeld dus terechte boete =DDDDDDDDDDD
ja alsof t mij veel boeit
en ze klinken vrij erg tzelfde xD
Met voorbedachten rade gehandeld
ik was dus niet serieus met mijn eerste zin als je dat nog niet door hebt
je zegt toch dat motif mocht spelen mongol em als ze hun inschrijfgeld dan nog terugkrijgen betwijfel ik.
waar zeg ik dat en nee denk ook niet dat ze geld terugkrijge maar boetes mogen ze niet doen wat wss wel gebeurt
View it then like this: They paid for 5 is a cheater, which will not be allowed to play on LAN, so they need to pay for another LEGAL player. Not a fine, the team was just so kind to sponsor the tournament with an MVP award by paying for 6 players.
doesn't make sense, since they only played in a pre-tournament of the lan with a cheater...It's not the lan or something
but all the 5 lan lineup players have payed : juA overSchie sHaky ParRa and myself
Need more random capitals :-P
why im not in the 3o3 team...accurate is mine (6)
Busted Cheater?
GL Poland perception and France famas
Good thing admins keeping on top of teams using players that aren't even going to
the LAN with them........
crossfire is allowed to give fines? what a joke thaha
watch it gayboi, one more complaint about sexual harrasement on the LAN and you'll be fined
Mark my words, Famas shall stomp cc7.

Unless a washbowl challenges AKRAXXXXX to a 1o1 obviously. :-D
give that monetary fine to the player who made the biggest fail or something. Instead of giving that AGAIN to night :[
finally an award i can win
i think eujen has a bigger chance, if he decides to defuse dyna's as a medic again!
cokeser got a flatrate on those awards... "3 man rifle nade TK" "blocking every fucking spawn because he is like walking and turning with arrow keys" etc
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