ET Pro 3.2.3 is officially released!


b_extendedprone (default 0, disabled) - enables accurate hitbox for proning animations, and makes the prone animation transition through crouching.
b_killshot_delay (default 0, disabled) - time in milliseconds to take automatic screenshot after a kill
zero-bandwidth hitsounds
spectators can now hear hitsounds when spectating other players who have it turned off.
b_pronedelay behavior is changed:
0 = etmain normal behavior: no spread change, and players may not un-prone for 750ms.
1 = max spread for 1 second after proning, players may not un-prone for 1750ms
shoutcasters are now immune from g_spectatorInactivity

serverside mods may now be created using the lua language. the lua engine is integrated into etpro so external programs (eg perl/python/etc) do not have to be used, and mods can be run on any server capable of running etpro. special engine hooks are available to provide more detailed control than possible with log parsers. multiple lua mods can be "stacked" -- loaded at the same time.

detailed information on the etpro lua api and sample code can be found at the wolfwiki article.

set to -1 for no limit, 0 to disable the class, any other number will limit that class to the specified number of players.
client limbopanel ui will show if classes are unavailable or not, but does not currently prevent you from selecting them with the mouse or quickmenu (the server will still prevent players from violating class limits though)

all new crash handler for win32 and linux.
drmingw/drwatsn no longer needed for win32, and is in fact no longer desired.
new crash handler can detect server hard lockups ("99% cpu"), create crashdump and shutdown the server.
set the cvar b_crashlogpath to the path you want to want to save crashdump files to. eg on win32 set b_crashlogpath c:/ and on linux, set b_crashlogpath /home/etserver
on win32 you can enable a gui crash popup window with b_crashpopup 1 - !!warning!! server will be halted until the crash dialog box is closed.

- fix semiadmin cvar-command bug. custom cvars which admins intend to be vstr'able need to be named with an extension of ".cvar". semiadmins accessing the cvar for vstr should reference it without the ".cvar" extension.
- fix the limbo'd-dead-player-counts-against-weaponlimit bug. if a player is limbo'd, it now only counts the latched weapon against weaponlimits, not the last-spawned weapon.
- fixed bug where b_demo_nametags disguised names overlapped regular names.
- hopefully fix the server-lockup-bug.
- listenserver should work again.
- limbo camera wallhack fixed.
- callvote-go-spec exploit fixed.
- players/specs got g_inactivity/g_spectatorInactivity punted during pause. fixed.
- /configstrings exploit fixed.
- instant respawn exploit fixed.
- flamethrower bounced flames bug fixed. (chruker fix)
- server hang fixed
- following spectators on ettv would show bogus "soldier" class
- shoutcasters are now immune from
- g_spectatorInactivity

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Release Notes
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