Dvotion is born

It has been an interesting week for Enemy Territory, with an ETPro update which happen so rarely these days they are almost mythological, the final of this seasons long awaited a Euro Cup and the return of team-helix to the scene. However all this news is overshadowed by the revelations of the return of a once famous new cheater clan!

So without further ado I present to you the new and un-improved team #dvotion with a lineup including many familiar faces:

Netherlands levz
Netherlands Azatej
Norway Lakaii
United Kingdom Mztik
United Kingdom Meez
United Kingdom nev
United Kingdom confo
United Kingdom Vexx

According to wikipedia, devotion is an essential element of many religions. By the account of the same encyclopedia dvotion doesn't exist but it's clearly time for someone to go and correct that! (well maybe give it two weeks and see ;p)
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