Nationscup Triple

image: 2h4cj8h
image: 23wmd88

In the upcoming days, we’ll see more and more exciting games as the Group stages start to go towards the end more and more as well. Following up as quick update for the game of tonight as well as the 2 games which are featured and lined up for tomorrow.

Tonight is the going to be an ice cold battle of 2 former Soviet countries, Czech Republic Czech Republic and the Russia Russian nation itself. With the Czech Republic Czechs having lost versus Belgium Belgium, they’ll have to secure a win here in order to keep the 2nd place in the group. The other side, Russia Russia needs to do just the same to make sure they get that same place. With an expected win versus Lithuania Luthuania the 2nd place of Group G will all depend on this game! So be sure to tune in and watch this spectacle!

Czech Republic Team Czech Republic

Czech Republic Loo
Czech Republic kysna
Czech Republic prokinek
Czech Republic mnew
Czech Republic jalo

Russia Team Russia

Russia h8m3
Russia jago
Russia zerender
Russia Joke
Russia dunzy
Russia rivz
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image: game16449

image: adleryf8
image: goldrushvv3

21:00 CET

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Then we got the matches of tomorrow. The Thursday gives another Double Clash like we’ve seen on Tuesday, though this time it is one ‘easy’ game and one thriller match that we’re up to.
image: s_foot

First off is the final match in Group G, is Russia Russia versus Lithuania Luthiana. The expectations of this game will all depend on the game between Russia Russia and Czech Republic Czech Republic of tonight. In case of a Russian win, then they need to repeat that win in this game as well to hold the 2nd place. If the case is going to be the other way around, then this game will be about honour, because then both teams won’t have a chance for the Play Offs, like Lithuania Lithuania has already.

Russia Team Russia

Russia h8m3
Russia jago
Russia zerender
Russia Joke
Russia dunzy
Russia rivz

Lithuania Team Lithuania

Lithuania umek
Lithuania Prisales
Lithuania totto
Lithuania reVEEe
Lithuania Samurai
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image: game16120

Not Announced Yet

21:00 CET

Quote by h8m3lost vs cze, #care about the match

Quote by umekNo statement released yet

image: s_foot

Then we’re up to the thriller of Thursday. This is the battle for Group F and it’s going to be between the United Kingdom United Kingdom and Germany Germany! Two totally different sides and aspects for both teams in this season.
Germany Germany is currently holding the first place in Group F with wins versus Portugal Portugal and Slovenia Slovenia. The Germans had some issues in the start of this seasons due to a boycott from last season’s players and many questioned whether they would be able to bring up a skilled and able enough Line Up this time. Up to now the Germans have proved the critics otherwise but this game it will be the first time they take on a stronger nation then the ones they had before.
That nation is the United Kingdom United Kingdom, sharing the first place with their opponents after two wins as well. After disappointing seasons and games, the last few seasons they have been climbing up from those days and many expect this season to be even better then the ones before.
Both having something to prove and show , whether it be if the team is skilled and good enough or whether they have expectations to live up to, this game will surely be a blast to watch!

Germany Team Germany

Germany reAz
Germany RoXoR
Germany ozhor4
Germany kResTi
Germany virtu
Germany Bl4d3

United Kingdom Team United Kingdom

United Kingdom KaMz
United Kingdom sqzz
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom w3st
United Kingdom griim
United Kingdomcrumbs
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image: game16424
image: adleryf8
image: goldrushvv3

21:00 CET

Quote by shmoeAt the moment we are in the same sitiuation we were in last week. We havent played once since our win vs Portugal. Last week we were already arguing about using our wildcard, decided to play without any prac anyway. Well this week is the last game in the groupstage versus the strongest oponent in our group and I got the feeling that we will have a hard time winnig this without any preperation. In addition Aow has an official, RoXoR wont be home in time and ohzor4 is not avi, too. A new date for next week will be scheduled tonight

Quote by KaMz Definetly going to be the toughest match in this group for us. We all know it's not the same Germany team but nonetheless they have nice players in the team. But I think we'll take it maybe 4-2 (adler sucks).

image: s_foot
go Czechs! :D
nerds gonna get rolled.
gl uk's lads, especially to w3st (:XD)
gl ohzor4 & reVEEe <3
CroatiaTeam Czech Republic

little too hasty work, some typing mistakes. Thanks for the notice :)
team hYpe going to roll
Hype, I thought you said R0SS was gonna play!
UK boys will do it, gl griim sqzz haip
Why'd you stop making these awesome titles

and gl krest roll UK for me please
i wont play :O
the whole team wont play :p
fuck, thats what i wanted to post aswell :o

ANOTHER BOYCOTT!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
we boycott thursdays from now on.
goin to cic?
i guess. :)
wtf whats wrong with you rewolf? what the fuck is that: Luthuania ?? or this: Luthiana. seriously..
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