ESL Fall Leagues are over

image: fallbutton_09The Winter is over and the ESL Enemy Territory Fall Leagues are finished too. Better late than never!

The last grand final of the different divisions took place during the last days. Now we found all divisions winners' and the best 2on2, 3on3 and 6on6 teams all over Europe Europe as well as the best Germany 1on1 player. Check out the news for all winners!

The 2on2, 3on3 and 6on6 tournaments started with a group stage followed by a double elimination playoff bracket. The 2on2 tournament had 3 divisions, the 3on3 tournament 4 and the 6on6 tournament had 5 divisions.

Here are the final rankings and overviews of the divisions:

image: 1on1
image: 2o2and3on3
image: 6on6

Teams that won premium accounts, should request their premium by sending in a support ticket including the playerlinks of the players that are supposed to get the accounts within a week.

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Since when are dNanjes German?
Question: how many players will get prem in 6on6 ?
Oh ok. Ill edit the support ticket then I guess.
Sad that admins are too german-like, other than that, 3on3 was phun enough !
awesome, waiting for next cup
heee jyrkz xd
team dave delivered
ez bash, Aleks fag still doesn't want to give me op on sleeperz though, the deal was that I'd get it if we place top3 !
lol gimme my premium now :<
still not banning cheaters :( awesome
Give solid proofs(pbbans) and we shall ban them. We are currently processing some cheating accusations and we might ban some others.
solid proofs on the internet, awesome
Quotesolid proofs on the internet, awesome

cool ET comunity, awesome.
cool cheaters, awesome.

no problem for baning at least some of them, and you can ask whoever asked me to ban someone after providing demo / link / whatever. Yes i banned some guys for demos someone can confirm it, dont remember who tho ;o).

So yes, nice whining without droping any 'hint' at least.

Just you, everyone whining about this, should try to become an admin for 1 week, and you would understand some things.
hmm i will give a hint for each league: player/team

1on1: crush3r
2on2 : well i started to think that it's might due connection but still not 100% clean imo: replay
and who are these spanish guys, hi inner sense btw.
3on3: just know 3 teams of it ;( and as always laggers win
6on6 ( no 5o5?): deathless gaming, famas? prolly some other skilled players in other teams ;)))

so i gave a hint, are you going to do smth about it? not rly right? ahw... and it's nice to have as only reason: BE ADMIN FOR 1 WEEK AND DO IT YOURSELF. You volunteer to do it, not me. and as you noticed, not playing ESL anymore because of the most awesome players playing there, laggers and cheaters. guess im not the only one who thinks like that. enjoy:)
solid proofs... we don't even use pb now so what do u expect? a super obvious demo like from SOOSSI? doubt you will be able to find such a stupid cheater...

grzesiek Public Banlist Entry 6 days
ridji Public Banlist Entry 17 days

and yes, that's what we get with 'solid' proofs, polish cheater trash getting unbanned in a matter of days.. (ye we got lucky cos they got kicked by pb and even then the matches they played it weren't forfeit loss cause we had to prove they cheated ;DD - it isn't easy to prove that someone is cheating if he's not as stupid as soossi is)

I respect ESL because of the level of organization but seriously... your cheater policy is fucking S H I T - there was AT LEAST 3 cheater teams(as in at least 1 player cheating) out of 8 in 1st Div playoffs...
you are right & wrong. Cheat policy is followed by ESL policy, we can't ban for longer periods regarding those you just mentioned.

Q1: Bullshit?
A: yes

Q2: What can we (admins) do about this?
A: Nothing, but hey i'm up to know new ideas.

Edit: Just remembered, i added some unlimited bans to random polaks or whoever they are, but always with a valid reason.

Edit2: I just going to /quit within the next 3 - 4 days, if you complain about not banning cheaters now...your rage will increase in the next weeks.
yeah i know you can't do much cause you are not making the rules but my post was directed towards FoaMeA because his post made that stuff sound so easy and effective while it surely isn't

e: maybe you could try to talk to the head admins or something and make an improved cheater policy
make a big (i guess it would be big ;O ) list about the changes you would do if you were an head admin.
I'm doing my best, mate. I also want cheaters to be banned, so I'm trying to get all the facts straight. You ain't helping, tbh.
ESL and cheaters... only CB bans so many cheaters, no other league cares much about them.

and actually both mister and foamea have the power to ban anyone and any account on esl, unlike me, where i have to post the proof and a chief/assistant bans him, and our banlist is X100 more times larger, lazy admins are lazy.
You don't have your facts straight, I don't have the power to ban someone. I only have the power to add penalty points, which is not really close to banning.

ESL needs PBGUID and IP match, that's why it is so hard to ban cheaters. We do care, and we have banned some cheaters because of a demo, and we'll do our best in the future.

You'll never see a cheater that was busted(with real proofs, not cb banned) to not be banned on ESL also.
QuoteYou'll never see a cheater that was busted(with real proofs, not cb banned) to not be banned on ESL also.

made my year, everyday there is a cheater play on ETTV on ESL matches, i always point it out on ettv and nothing happens, even when i pm mister i get the " as you might know...i have lots of things to do better than the anticheat job. " excuse

get a motivated anti-cheat admin (you won't find one) and fix your policy.

e: and i only point out PBBans, it's funny though how mister has time to spec ettvs of blight and matches from perception and whining to me to ban them for a demo, while he doesn't do it himself, and then says he doesnt have enough time to ban a guy for a pbban (takes 1 minute)
Why won't you pm me?
I can also say "Gamestv is not the official cheater bust page of ESL".
Show me proofs and I can promise you that the cheater wiil be banned 100%. Like S00SSI was.

all the guys with Cheating in a public server / Trace of cheat are banned for a pbban, all the links and evidence is found there
Thank you very much! I'll seek into it immediately. Expect flame soon. ;)
by the time you finish it there will be 2000 more banned accounts :XD
i really liked you for some months i played with you, but you are becoming more annoying than expected. If you wanna flame me, go ahead against me, dont talk to foamea about myself please.
then do your esl job or just quit it ...

or paly 2on2 with reflex :)
quit using dlls in ET folder
etbot is not on et folder, btw u got 1 year etbot account for me?
2 pocals for us!
I won 4 months omg
Well I won 5 months , jes?
6 months =P
u got only 3 hehe
and i dont care u keep all those for urself
awesome :DD
0 month and im happy :D
hehe thx :)
wow, finishing the fall season and it's almost spring. I think you missed something.
Still winter here. :D
why the hate? :(
fuck yeah 2 months prem :DDDDD
So when are we supposed to get our award?
spam admins, it worked
crush3r :D
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