Esports Heaven - ET One Night Wonder Tournament
22 Feb 2010, 22:35
Esports Heaven in co-operation with YCN Hosting is proud to announce the Esports Heaven - Wolfenstein Enemy Territory - One Night Wonder Tournament.
This will be the first of many tournaments that Esports Heaven will be running for ET. Over the next few month we plan to bring more Publicity and Funding into the ET community.
This tournament will be scheduled for Wednesday the 24th of February and all matches will be played between 18:30 GMT and 23:00GMT. The tournament will be a Single Elimination bracket consist of either 8 or 16 Teams depending on how many teams apply.
We will be offering a prize of Full YCN Hosting Internet Support for the winning team. This includes Game Servers, Web Hosting, Voice Hosting, Bouncers and/or anything else a Team or Organisation would ever need.
If you have any further question please contact:
Please read the rules in here
How To Apply?
Before you apply you need to make sure that ALL of the players are registered on Esports Heaven and that you have added them to your Clan AND to your Competing Squad (more information can be found in the FAQ section)
Applications Will close at 18:00 GMT on Wednesday the 24th of Feb, or when 16 Teams have applied
Round 1 - 3 will be played on the following maps:
Round 1: Supply
Round 2: Goldrush
Round 3: Radar
If a decider is needed then cointoss will decide what team chooses the next map, the next map must be from the map pool provided below.
The finals will be played as Best of 3 using the following Map Pool:
Map Pool
Please read the rules in the rules here
Play these cups, it'll work out for you all in the long run :P
edit: If some lowskilled team needs a player, plz PM me! I'm crap but I'm willing to learn :D
imo many teams will have problems to get their lineup online at 18:30
How can we add the guids?