rockit go straight through =118=

Team Rockit have snapped up another team today after recent talks with top RtCW team =118=, it was clear that their style and attitude in gaming were of the highest order and fit straight into the rockit family where we hope they will continue their reign within RtCW! For the readers not knowing that team, one could only say they have dominated the entire community and competitions that are left in the game for about three years now. Their passion for the game they love, the similar roots we are coming from and the connection between yet two guys and rockit - being Clown and MerlinatoR - had a big impact on our decision to take those fantastic guys in.

The new rockit.RtCW team already won the latest RtCW LAN at Crossfire Challenge 6 along with other online competitions including the just recently finished 'Early Xmas Cup'. The side heavily features the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2 champions one.soldier lineup, with 5 of those 6 players in the team - chronos, crumbs, juncie, MerlinatoR and sharky. With other top players who have a wealth of experience in the side the team has every chance to continue putting 'faces in the mud'.image: picture-13
image: shead

image: snews

United Kingdom rockit.RtCW

United Kingdom Joe 'chronos' H.
United Kingdom Sam 'dusty' C.
United Kingdom Ali 'NecrostiX' G.
Netherlands Tommy '2d' D.
Netherlands Maikel 'juncie' M.
Netherlands Marc 'SeN' W.image: snews


United Kingdom Richard 'crumbs' W.
United Kingdom Adnan 'conker' C.
United Kingdom Lewis 'MerlinatoR' H.
United Kingdom Dan 'sharky' W.
Latvia Janis 'Clown' Z.
Austria Thomas 'Def' D.
image: sbordersho

image: wolflogo
image: sfoot

QuoteWe are really happy to have joined rockit who are building a great MGC, we will do our best to boost their name in gaming and specifically RtCW and hopefully continue to feature at the top of the RtCW tournaments in the future. Our backups will become a bit more active after CIC7 ET competition aswell. - Netherlands juncie

QuoteSome might say RTCW is worn out and without big competitions not interesting for gamers or spectators but from my point of view it is just an excellent game with fast paced action. A few of us started playing computer games back in 2001 with the singleplayer of RTCW and thus it was an easy decision. I am really happy about the addition of such an infamous team and we are looking forward seeing them under our wings. - Germany SPU9

gl dusty =)
gl rockit m8s:)
Ali G haha

I heard rtcw live is out next week.
srsly? or you just joking?
No chicken?.. or dey just outta chicken?
weird decision but gl
big up rtcw!

what for ?
Any RTCW tourneys or something?

12 players in 1 team?
8-9 of those are potentially active, 3 are major backups or inactive. chronos just came back from a big inactivity of like 2years; )
which future tournaments are you looking forward to ? aye, none D;
which future tournaments are you looking forward to ? aye, none D;

oh and gl to sen ! :)
What does he need luck for ? What tournament ? aye, none D;
Indeed, What tournament ? aye, none D;
the tournaments we will run, to get them site hits !
What tournament ? aye, none D;
You're so annoying man, whole cf is gonna beat you up.
Who ins ? aye, none D;
Who Rhand ? aye, none D;
Where are you guys staying, at the cabins or somewhere else? (k)
bad boekelo, appartementje

nice , gl Sen + Sharky :)
rockit to bankroll an rtcw tourny plz !
lol :) Nice to see multigaming in RtCW : D
rather pointless :P but well congrats anyway ...
oh noes the n00bs are my clan mates now ! =(
crumbs as backup? :'(
why did u took rtcw team, i mean rtcw is dead, max 2 cups in a year..?
its pretty much the same for top level ET aswell, people really only prac for the lans ;)

also with an RtCW team there is no real outlay and you will only bring hits to your site, I would take teams from smaller games early on just for that fact :)
Well done rockit. Gl guys

Our motivation has always been for this fella.

Our beloved egad, also known as hotchie.
hehe chronos ;)

i remember last LAN training for make improvement of tactics
i hope we can be in egad house again to have also nice barbecue in BIG garden :P

image: Photo_Video_126964999_big.JPG?7
omg its the big brown dog
it is make good trains to get good team spirit in egads big bathtub
after bath it is important for sit on round chair and take another bath


for become nice tan
rtcw main event cc8
backup team > main team :D

hope you will run some tournaments! : )
untrue. we have juncie. we just set him free and we sit back and watch
that's the plan :)
gl boys
A life changing moment for everyone involved.
Christ, you're still playing? gl :)
Joe will fuck up, you will loooose, and you all know it...sry chrns had to say it :< :O)
Seems like this is coming completely out of the blue, but good luck to both =118= and rockit! Keep RTCW alive! :o)
thx for the info, gl...
Need a driver give a call :)
Gl btw
Seeing the amount of comments I can only conclude that people still care about RtCW!

New cup, mid March. GO GO GO =)!

Oh and gz, gl, hf to 118 but I still believe you guys should get a propper asswhooping :<!
okej :o) gl :D
good luck guys

btw what exactly is the point ?
i dont see the point in this, but i'm happy u got bestest rtcw team so far
Rockit needs to host an rtcw tourney now !!!
Bring back Jolt5 and I believe!
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