dtekt Networks ltd. with new divisions

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The multigaming organization Europe dtekt Networks ltd. mainly known from past Enemy Territory squad which some players are playing in Estonia idle.ee now is proud to announce two new divisions. Dtekt today made addition of Call of Duty 2 and Enemy Territory squads.

The new dtekt.et team is well knows for most of you. It is polish clan Poland Warriors of Wolfenstein which have recently won ClanBase OpenCup 6vs6 Premier League and now will be playing in dtektion team. Here you have some statement from WoW clanleader Poland Thoro

Quote With great honor I would like to announce that from today we will be a part of dtekt Networks ltd. multigaming. We are confident about our strength and I think that together with dtekt we will reach high level. After short period of inactivity due to holidays etc. we will be back in action soon in upcoming events and cups. We are very happy to be part of dtekt and we believe that we will play as good as we can to prove we are deserved place in dtekt.

Also manager of dtekt Networks ltd. Finland Jack "qreippi" Bauer have released some statement about new Enemy Territory division:

QuoteWe are happy to announce a new squad in dtekt, who are WoW from Poland. We are proud to have this team in squad after winning last OpenCup and this means a direct invite to the upcoming EuroCup. We have to give the team the time to compete with the rest of the world, but we are standing fully behind this. We will try to get them to every Major Tournament in the upcoming months.

Besides adding ET squad dtekt is also very proud to announce new CoD2 team. Finland qreippi also released statement about them:

Quote We also added a new Call of Duty 2 squad, who is a new talent team. This team has 3 people above 18 and one young player 14 years. It is difficult to get a young player to Major Tournaments and we are working on a good partnership with any sponsor who can get also this boy to the Major Tournaments. I wish both teams Call of Duty 2 & Enemy Territory good luck.

Finally you can see both new divisions down here.

Poland Enemy Territory
Poland Lukasz `Thoro` Gwit
Poland Marcin `r1co` Kazmierczak
Poland Rafal `Wrobel` Mackowiak
Poland Jakub `S4rna` Sarna
Poland Andrew `Andy` Kozlowski
Poland Maciej `Mrozu` Mroz
Poland Pawel `wiesiek` Milaszewski
Poland `tranx-san`
Poland `Dvk3`

Europe Call of Duty 2
United Kingdom Mark `S3ven` Maclauchlan
United Kingdom Allan `allan` Degnan
United Kingdom Mark `aamP` Morajda
Netherlands Arno `fujiN` Poot
Nepal TBA

You can also check our website at dtektion.com

At and I would like to wish good luck to both new divisions in new home.
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