Esports Heaven - ET One Night Wonder Finished

image: ONW-ETinn_umpAfter a slow start and 3 teams short of the tournament size things weren't looking very optimistic however the Esports Heaven – Enemy Territory – One Night Wonder tournament turned out to be a success.

As predicted United States of America Blight shot through the tournament reaching the finals with relative ease. After dominating Braundorf in 2:40 Blight had nothing to worry about for the second map Radar. Czech Republic inteRaction did manage to get in some nice frags towards the beginning of Radar and made some heads wonder about a 3rd map, however after capturing the West Radar parts, blight’s defences became as solid as the Solid Granite power up of Carmageddon (well done to those of you old school enough to get that reference). After a full hold on Radar Blight claimed them self place on the One Night Wonder and the YCN Hosting Internet Support.

Apart from the 3 unfilled spaces and the 1 forfeit win the Tournament received quite good interest and generally positive reviews from all the teams involved. There is no doubt that there will be more ET One Night Wonders to come from Esports Heaven after things quiet down from CiC7 in March, and maybe next time an alternative schedule will be run to better accommodate more teams who couldn’t show up early enough for the first game. Additionally YCN Hosting is looking to host several larger tournaments during Q2 of 2010.

Participating Teams
Poland 1stCav
Czech Republic iR
Benelux P&P
Romania oSk
Spain delinQ
Europe CbZ
Germany logiX
Estonia xPz
England aGu
United Kingdom d.
United States of America blight.
Poland hrtz
Czech Republic Confis
Click Here to view the full team line up

Click Here to view the tournament brackets

lol 2:40 wtf :DXD
Decent time on braundorf.
Match vs delinQ was exciting, nice tourney with nice admins, Looking foward for more
Well, blight was just playing in another league - looking at the competing teams.
Was a nice cup to play in, hopefully there will be more!
blight noobs !!
carmageddon ftw wp blight
"Solid Granite power up of Carmageddon "

I see what you did there
I see it as well, am I oldschool? :C
Theres a guy working on a remake of Carmegaddon btw :) Well, more like a directX port :) Looks really sweet, ill see if i can find a link.

edit: can't find, was posted on reddit/r/gaming a couple of days ago
Very nice tournament...Radar just sucks :(
Austria hal90000000000
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