Uncertainty Principle

image: xfire_up
Clan Singularity would like to present their first Enemy Territory fragmovie Uncertainty principle directed by Neo.

Movie Info:

duration: 13:58
size: 410 MB
ratio: 29 MB/min
resolution: 800x500
fps: 25
codec: XviD

Frags by:

Slovakia Neo
Czech Republic butch
Czech Republic marv
Czech Republic milo
Czech Republic ripman
Czech Republic VD

We'd also like to thank to:

- All the nice clans we've pracced and played officials against.
- CB, WL, ESL and CZSK scene for organasing various tourneys and leagues.
- Swertcw for hosting our movie.

Download at: www.swertcw.com

Contact: #singularity @ Quakenet
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