
image: xfindent3cf
One small development from Crossfire towers is that we have purchased a new domain, namely
Unfortunately recently purchased by Viacom decided to be successful, and whenever I talk to any company regarding this site the conversation goes a little something like this:

Toss - "Hi, I'm from Xfire"
Person in suit - "The messenger program?"
Toss - "No, the Wolfenstein site,"
Person in suit "Oh.."
Person in suit "Before I walk away from you, what is .be?"

So after tirelessly searching for good available domains, was chosen. I enquired about .com and was told it would cost at least $50,000. The owner of .net was far more civilised only wanting $25,000! With a variety of other Crossfire domains taken, this seemed like the best option. What is .nu? Well its some crazy little island off the coast of Australia, and also means now in Swedish I believe. There are a number of other gaming .nu addresses (mainly swedish) and it is supposed to be an upcoming domain, whether it is or not I have no clue. The domain is far from ideal, but it moves us away from, still keeps a pretty poor extension, but 1 outta 2 is not bad...

The move is from a souly marketing point of view, and will not effect anyones usage of the site, will always exist for the rest of eternity and you wont need to update your favourites or anything. This move will not effect users at all, we simply wanted to make you aware.
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