ESL EMS signups end soon!

image: 40025HMP2027

The ESL has given Enemy Territory another ESL Major Series season to prove itself being a professional and highly competitive community. Due to great admin work and improved activity numbers at the European ET section, the ESL improved the prize money by €250 making it €750 cash in total for EMS season six. With that ET gets the same amount of money as eSports disciplines like DotA, TF2 and DoD:S.

Nevertheless the signup numbers have been a shame for our community so far. 50 teams have signed up for either the Spring season or the Major Series (signups close on March 20th). The EMS is what people from outside our community look at to see what teams are top contenders of the game (next to the EuroCup) and is almost everywhere seen to be more important than EC for example. The ClanBase EuroCup has a long lasting history within ET though and is something that simply belongs to it eventhough the level of professionality has decreased year by year remembering there where LAN finals and the elite of any game present in the past. The OC/EC season can already be seen as a success by taking the age of our game into consideration, as there are almost 200 teams signed up so far.

Now we cry for more LANs, more cash prized tournaments and more acceptance within eSports as well. Having a successful EMS for ET is one step further reaching that goals but we need to make it happen. The playerbase is there, no doubt. The 'bad page' criterion is something we should not let make our game an important tournament lesser as the ESL may skip the support for our game in case its not wanted. To make all what I wrote short - sign up with your team to show them we are thankful and worth the investment!
image: shead

image: snews
  • Free for all
  • The best 32 teams will join the EMS Qualification Stage
  • 16 Teams will qualify for the EMS Group Stage
  • 4 Teams invited to EMS Group Stage
  • The Group Stage will be followed by a Relegation & Playoff Stage
  • The 16 losing teams will join the 5on5 Spring League Premier Division

image: sbordersho

image: 92673HMP2027
image: sfoot

gl everyone :)
now thats better ;)
tournament where you play for ages, get moneys after 2 years if you're lucky and where admins can change the format in middle of cup

no thanks

even a random oneday cup is more rewarding than that
you got a clan yet?
i wouldnt join you even if i didnt have a clan yet.. but thanks for asking
stop the hate! :c
yep we still didn't get anything!
lol not again, now Germanykafux will post his 1000 word essay about it again, same story over and over again :D
yes same story about clanbase having no money, or what? :D

for the rest: eim said everything already. esl has has paid all seasons and will pay the new ones. sorry for this words, but JOSHUA is talking bullshit. i cannot read this shit over and over again..
Quoteesl has has paid all seasons

No, just no.
ok, and which ems season has not been payed yet? (we are not taling about the one which has been finished last week) tell me :)
Not referring to EMS, only saying ESL hasnt paid the 'Season' im referring to. But the answer to your question: ESL Intel Extreme Masters Season 3 WoW Qualification Tourney. Playing for team 'moicca'
...anything to add?
sorry, for no answer. i can just say something about ems prize money. intel extreme masters are something completly different. just ask at support again, that's the only way.

but money will come. intel marketing director announced a new intel extreme masters season at cebit for the second half of this year. i think they won't announce a new season when there is no money to pay it (and the further ones if not happened).
Your mother. X-D
Compared to the speed CB pays out money ESL is lightning fast
both took 2 years
esl took a bit less than 1 year if i remember right. but has clanbase still has some money not payed or did i miss anything? i just remember an advice by g7teams (fnatic, mousesports & co) to boycott all ggl/clanbase tournaments untill the money has finally been payed (cannot find the link to it right now)
when i ask i was told it was payed, atleast that's what i was told by the managment.

I think this is what you are searching for:
pure lie.
Why would I lie about it? : D

We were 3rd 2 seasons ago or something. We should get 100 euro but noone get's it? and it's a lie?
it is payed out. The teamleader (account owner) will have been contacted and also sent the money to the account details he was suposed to give.

that person is saken as I often enough explained to your team members.
ye I'm asking about it. I don't really care about it, but if I see you guys every season having money as a price and that the teams are not receiving it, it is retarded. But my bad then :)

we can't share it over 6 people anyway:)

gl with the cup
every seasons money was payed, so your comment makes absolutely no sense?
I only see it every time that it's not payed. I don't ask the people 'DID U GET PAYED LOL'

... I see teams whining everytime about it, that is what I see and hear.
it was delayed many times, had to whine so they dont think we have forgotten it :)
at least we got our money some weeks ago. took really long tho...
no mousepads yet? : (
saken has them all:P we did get them!:D
: (((((((((
what mousepads were they?
uhh steelpads qck+ I think:P big ones
Well if those rumours about not getting money is true then its pointless :D
they finally paid them, it was a long process
Still waiting on my piece of the 480$ I won from ESL more than a year ago. The money was said to come after the IEM s3 continental finals at Hannover which our team wouldve participated to (the LAN event was held on february 2009). Later after continous email spamming to several admins, I was told the money would come by the end of the year 2009 and after that by the end of last february.

Thrice they gave a deadline - thrice they failed to make the deadline.

This is pretty clever way to avoid paying the 32 teams the promised prize money of 480$ as Im pretty sure that Im the only one that has kept asking for the prize money.

Why am I telling this? Because ESL is tempting players to join the cup by giving money to winners.
dialer has leaderpermissions on your teamaccount
but now ill never see a single cent of it :<<<<<
hope dies last
rofl polish robber :D
luckily our leader ensam is trustworthy<3
Signed up!
give the moneyz and the mousepads!! xDD
making a living out of it man!
Interesting ^^
sort your website out

then maybe i will consider signing up
Website is okayish, I just have the feeling it tries to be the kitchen sink, fridge and furnace at the same time.
If you idiots over there finally realised that with a decent site signups would process more easy and fluent you might get some interest...

One thing CB still has , a decent signup system...

You don't have to delete 50 members or ask 20 guys to leave a team where they don't even play in because they are already signed up etc...

Make a fucking roster with who you want to add and who is playing with what clan

for example :

edit : add 5-8 players

and you can choose who to add.. It's not difficult , just do the effort ffs
Who is 'you idiots'?
+1 :<
i needed 10 years to join phantoms
+1 the player already in league & other "bugs" are quite annoying
& don't rly like the duration of the season, too much stages imo, but thats ur choice
like its so easy for a huge organisation like ESL to simply change their website.

also other teams somehow manage it to sign up, its really not that hard if youre not a complete dumbass
how to rate team?
why the fuck isn't it possible to be in 2 teams that are on one ladder
maybe double claning ? its fucking retarded anyway ...

get a Team ..STAY there get skill (teamplay) and play!

no one need 10 teams with the same guys in 1 ladder -.-
Quoteget a Team ..STAY there get skill (teamplay) and play!

lol, you new to ET?
lold at your new team:D;D
wtf are you doing there?
mhm, just doesnt seem to fit you at all... but GL, hope you can pwn some!
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