NC XIII - Play Off Menace

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image: 347hh5e

With the Play Offs being full underway, we're at the last straw of the First Round. After all the CiC7 ashes we've already seen Netherlands Netherlands, Estonia Estonia, United Kingdom United Kingdom, France France, Poland Poland and Finland Finland moving forward in the Winner's Bracket at the expense of their opponents. That leaves only 4 Nations to decide which 2 may continue on in the bracket and which two will have to hold on their last straws in the Loser's Bracket!

Tonight, one of these games will be played between Belgium Belgium and Croatia Croatia. Both teams having succesfull season's of participation in the NC behind them. Neither of them, however, managed to get the gold in the NC before, but both did get close. Croatia Croatia did this by a 3rd place last season, while Belgium Belgium grabbed the 2nd place at NC X and got the 4th place 2 times as well. With this in mind we can expect the teams to give their all for this game to ensure that they can continue in the Winner's Bracket and get as fast as they can to the next round, ready to surpass their previous achievements!

Croatia Team Croatia

Croatia calisto
Croatia komar
Croatia gmx
Croatia danL
Croatia frozz

Belgium Team Belgium

Belgium siL
Belgium Jere
Belgium Kevin
Belgium mAus
Belgium insenXL
Belgium vila
image: s_border_short
image: game17183

Not Announced

21:30 CET

Quote by AnacondaNo statement released yet

Quote by suVi No statement released yet
wrong line up for Belgium
well said suVi and Adaconda!
always loved such statements

was already a journal about it
funny how both lineups are wrong :D
gl Croatia bros
Belgium to own
Belgium insenXL doesn't exicst
I'm not in cortana so it's very unlikely that I'll play
i see what u did thar!
good luck croatia and miss_epic
ez bash for teh crotards
me , maus & kevin are not playing
isen neither :D
nice, so 2 mediocre teams will fight in a playoff match
what happend to germany? :o
they did the save to shmoe team liek to us
cast by FPS-Radio :O
i thought its isenxl not insen
atleast get the correct lu's
there were comments on both this news and on gtv with the right line-up (at least from be side), but they were ignoring them or so :p
Ye, I now see I didnt look further then the LU's said on gtv
Don't wanna be rude or smth but afaik we already won a nationscup ( yes the crossfire one ) and managed to get more than one silver / bronze medal. Just wanted to add that. :p
I know about the Nationscup, but I only took in account the CB history this time. And I am not easily offended, so np ;)
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