#evu.cup 5 SIGNUPS

image: 1756

EuroCup XXI season is on it's way. With 206 signups already, making qualifiers for the most prestigeous online tournament is not an easy task. As you may have noticed, I'm back to Clanbase, at least sort of. I will be responsible for solving EC conflicts out if they appear. Hovewer, my remaining 2 duties are creating a mappool and doing Qualifiers. I think that the Qualifier system I used in last EC was a good one, so expect the same in this season. As I browsed current signups, I've noticed several newly formed teams consisting of players somewhat known. Since inviting-to-pracc-to-see-how-a-team-is-doing didn't really work before last season, this time I decided to give you an occasion to show your skills and to prove you should be considered in EC Qualifiers. Therefore, I announce #evu.cup 5.

The cup will consist of 2 stages- groupphase and the finals only. Cup participants will be separated into several leagues. 8 clans divided into 2 groups in each league will fight in the groupstage. Then, clans from places 1,2,3,4 will clash against each other to fight for 1st, 3rd, 5th ,7th place in the final stage.

Cup's schedule:

1st groupmatch: 21 March, 21.00 CET
2nd groupmatch: 22 March, 21.00 CET
3rd groupmatch: 23 March, 21.00 CET

Finals: 24 March, 21.00 CET

You can only reschedule a game if it is played at the same day but different hour.



Wanna prove you're EC Quali worthy? Wanna have some granted praccs? Wanna compare your level with other teams? Play the cup! And play it till the end- no forfeits is a good info about your team as well.

Signups are opened till 20 March, 21.00 CET

Please list your lineup players in description, adding cb account if possible.


Signed up ;]
Signed up :o)
Wanna prove we're premier worthy!
Homer for president!
nice mate
prefer praccs but anyway nice effort!
Squad.ee has nothing to prove.
Somebody make this main news so the top teams don't miss it :)
people got other stuff to do then play ET 4 times a week in a row
You didnt train hard enough :P
Avi for a team in that period, i guess.!
signed up ! ;-)
what is the line up of VAE ?

VAE full of naablets
3 in a row? lol
funny thing, putting on waiting list, while we signed at first 10...
I don't care when did you signed up.
QuoteI decided to give you an occasion to show your skills and to prove you should be considered in EC Qualifiers
dobut all those teams accepted want ec..
Agreed, not all. So I picked those who already played in my cup and proved that they wont give forfeits. Besides, plenty of teams were eliminated at start cause they didn't have any info about lineup.
oh, well i did what was asked to be made for infos, and hope u will do ur best with cup
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