Wocen Ladders Open

image: wocenladders

In the wake of excitement coming from Crossfire Intel Cup 7, wocen.org has decided to open up ladders for Enemy Territory. There are 3v3, 4v4, and 5v5 ladders to satisfy the needs of the community. Our hope is to reach out to 2.55 players and players who are interested in going up against the best ET players North America has to offer so we can expand on current competition and possibly infuse new interest into the game. Each team may also play one European player per match, which we hope will encourage cooperation between the two communities. Teams can sign up now and begin playing matches next Wednesday, 3/24. All players must have a wocen.org account so we can keep track of their GUIDs. Team creation is easy and challenging is as easy as posting a topic in the forums.

Teams may have two European players each, but only one can play per match on each team.

Wocen Ladders:
what do you offer ?
I need to know whois the medic that revived ET, want to give him a pocal!
4on4 , amazing.
I didn't even want to offer a 4v4 ladder and I'm not gonna do anything to support it, but .55 players insist. They have no exposure to 5v5 so hopefully this will bring them in. I will agree that 4v4 is a terrible format but we also don't have 1000+ players in NA.
Never said it's terrible , I prefer 4on4 any time over 5on5.
4on4 is kinda nice actually, if it's played with 3on3 rules.
ya but the 2.55 players use rnades and mines and shit.
there's 3on3 and 4on4 ladder, but isn't 2on2
Not enough ladder admins for that. Maybe someday. Announcement coming tomorrow that will radically change any arguments about ET's future.
cause 2on2 blows
.55 nerds
wtf, why ppl play that, they must be 14 years old kids that cannot find the patch on internet
they hate "jaymod hitsounds" :D
lol pls 2.55 patch of kings
Nice going on!
there has never been an "Crossfire Intel Cup"!
Could have sworn that's what the I stood for this time around.
He was talking about the "C". All the Crossfire LAN events are Crossfire [Sometimes Sponsor Name in Middle] Challenges, not cups. Though they did have some cups leading up to the event this time, which may be a bit confusing.
Semantics, whatever.
typical american approach
Allow pauz and u have chances
Yeah, you all already have ladders :)
any active na team can take me!
"Active" and "NA" don't go together! :)

Unless a league gets going, I don't think there will be too much interest, sadly.
no one will beat me in the 3on3 ladder
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