Back to the roots: Vicious and Evil with ET Team

image: vae_back_vx60d

It's been a long time since the last Enemy Territory team played under the Vicious and Evil flag. Today we are proud to announce that we are going back to our roots. Our team only consists of finnish folks, who just signed up for a spot in the upcoming ClanBase EuroCup, aswell as the ESL Major Series. They all got experience in teams such as Insignia Cadre, Button Bashers or Team YoYoTech. They just signed up for the evu cup 5, which starts this Sunday, so you will have the opportunity to see our team in action for the first time. We all wish them good luck and a nice stay in Vicious and Evil.

Lineup of VAE:
  • Finland Jussi 'twidi' T.
  • Finland Leo 'Lettu' H.
  • Finland Harri 'Iron' L.
  • Finland Ville 'kapaa' K.
  • Finland Perttu 'Reikkeri' M.
  • Finland Tino 'chmpp' V.

Quote by swineIt wasn't a very hard decision to give Enemy Territory another chance when lettu messaged me. As everyone in the scene knows he, twidi and Iron used to be part of different VAE lineups, have been at different offline-events together and played lots of tournaments under the VAE tag. With reikkeri and kapa we got two new faces, but I'm pretty sure they will do well. Our goal for the future is to participate at the Clanbase EuroCup and the ESL Major Series. Time will tell if there are any LAN tournaments for that lineup, we all know how a "finnish only-team" performs offline.

GL HF kapaa!

Btw you must be meaning "finnish online only -team"?
only kapaa!
gl paisti harri BD!
best of luck :)
MM vs vae qualifier h0h0h0
I highly doubt that d*ck_mans would have to qualify, LoL?
Therefor the sarcastic 'h0h0h0'
Oh you were being sarcastic. :D Didnt really notice it. :S Its a new and funny joke to say that next EC winners (for 100% sure) will get a quali? Im supposed to laugh?
It wasn't meant as a joke, just sarcasm. You can laugh if you want to though!
I was rofling my dear
<3 u hahaha
I highly doubt that VAE would have to qualify.
Good luck reikkeri!
decent finnish players :P
good luck
lol iron =)

gl guys <3
gl guys ;)
gl twidi :)
gl perttu D:
A team where I can recognise some nicknames! GL :)
gosh you're so OLD :D

why dont you comeback with some other oldskulls? :>
same here, hehe
nice, seems like a lot of nice teams have been formed for the upcoming ec!
cool, good luck!
gl, can't lose with reikkeri
nice team, gl & hf :)
gl guys, pretty strong lineup
Let me join pls!
Reikkeri & chmpp will be inactive anyway
hf twidi
gl guys
gl jussi
Very nice. Great to see new teams.
is that the big news that krosan mentioned to be announced? bleh
Not even close ;P
please post already or die
Check the columns ;)
no its not
GL guys
Iron <3
really nice line up, gl for your comeback ;)
Gl nice bunch of players =)
gl guys, promising lineup

just quit the krp trolling aight?
pls naziadmin, the krp trolling is awesome!
Nice to see that the Finns are still booming at the ET scene! gl!
katos pirulaista säkin elossa vielä =)
Kyyl :D

Saanu tuosta CODista ihan tarpeekseni viimisimmän MW2 flopin jälkeen. Nyt viikon verran pubitellu taas ET:tä ja makialle tuntuu taas muutaman vuoden tauon jälkee ;)
Ain't that new and they have always been dominating that game, didn't they?
naiz to have you back

BTW omg Iron omg
I love his, office office office office style!
gl guys

and fatso :)))
ratFatZilla approves ;)
sorry :( can you forgive me?
cool, gl
hf office :D
2 camels and a tiny car.
nice to see iron 0o
gl fintards
gl pojat !
Best of luck : )
hf chmpp!
gl lettu&co
gl twidi.
gl guys! nice to see vae coming back to ET!
very nic3! gl! would be nice to see 2nd top finnish clan with ensam and co
gl my loves
gl reikkeri
nice nice!!!
Great, looks like a nice team :-)

Fintards taking over ET! :O
Will be really nice to spec this upcoming EC :)
gl kapaaa!:D
gl kapaa <3
sounds like alexl
lol, now when you say it, it does remind me of alexL a bit..
nice :)) One of my favorite teams
wb vae <3
Omg oldskool comeback or what! :D. First FF now VAE :>
gl kapaa <3
gl vae :)
gl Poland vae
LOL...someone stolen our tag!1
gl kapaa :)
"Official announcement"

sounds like big money standing behind this hha
"we all know how a "finnish only-team" performs offline."


gl kapaa
Good lineup, gl
Heh, i was right swine, when you made the post about css team? that there will be ET squad soon :XD eh?? ;))
or smth about vae coming back or smth :D on this page.. im sure you remember since twidi remembers it..
we've posted the comeback news before CIC and some people thought we are going to add Jungle Brothers, but till the last days it was never planned to get an ET team. but hey, you can't refuse that lineup =)
yeah well was more like a joke when i wrote that "i heard there will be comeback with et squad..." "pm squall for infos" :DD
Kapaa is like a lost puppy there :D
GL guys nice to see annother good team back :)
idd, he's the only 1 with chmpp that has won EC
kapaa is okei
yea i flame for idiots like you. kapaa is oldest and maturest player in a whole clan and he's probably nicest guy ive ever had pleasure to meet in et-world. he won 2 EC's and i dont think there's anyone who would dislike him. enough reputation for you?
If you could read, the comment was only meant for you
Kapaa is like a lost puppy there :D

why :o)

Just look the other players and reputation

if you could write...
* Jussi 'twidi' T.
* Leo 'Lettu' H.
* Harri 'Iron' L.
* Ville 'kapaa' K.
* Perttu 'Reikkeri' M.
* Tino 'chmpp' V.

kapaa is like a lost puppy there, because other's reputations are so impressive.Although you, chmpp, have lost your reputation for flaming and doing retarded shit.
dude, i didnt even reply to that last part of your whine. I got it. I did reply to the lost puppy part. Idiot.
Then you would have understood that every player except kapaa is considered "oldschool" in ET and you wouldnt have had to make such an idiotic comment
you didnt talk about beeing oldschool. you talked about reputation. But yes, sorry for beeing too harsh, your lack of english skills just make things you're trying to say much different. Try harder next time perhaps.
You = sinä and teidän . Your reading skills are horrible not my english skills.
so? Kapaa won 2 EC's ....
gl snusface kapaa:d
shit lineup...
I guess you're crazy :O)
kapaa <3333333333333333333333
great lineup! really happy to see iron back in action <3 good luck guys!
omg geelii pojat

looks nice, gl :)
nice gl :P
gl guys very nice lineup ! :) GO KAPAA! :D
GL twidi <3
Nice, good luck rk!
gl twidi Lettu Iron kapaa Reikkeri and chmpp !
FF and VAE back at it ;oo gl twidi, lettu, and the chimpmaster
good luck guys, nice that FinlandIron is back :o)
:O enjoy, Iron :D...insta win :x
BUT - this team lacks United Kingdom Sheep
vielä ne jaksaa
Very nice lu. Gl rk <3
gluck iron
geelii Perttu
naice comeback GL !
gl office
I want to be original.
great news, gl
gl lettu & co
kapaa sux 8[
Kapaa needs to carry his team once again? Like he did in masculine_mans and won 2 EC in a row :P

Kapaa best easy win coming again

Cu @ pussybar <3
gogo twidi, lettu, chmpp, iron!
GL twidi + Rk
Needs Finlandtorspo as he used to be their best aimer :).
2 weeks. reikkeri is gay
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