Quakecon Brackets Released

The full sign ups and brackets for the Quakecon 2006 ET 5v5 tournament have been released.

As expected, the 3 European teams received high seedings. idle.ee will have a relatively clear route to the final, avoiding both the European teams. Whilst Team Crossfire and KiH, assuming they progress, will face one another in the Upper Bracket semi final. This allows for an all European top 3.

Notable Matches:

4PM CET Estonia idle.ee vs. United States of America DfN
6PM CET Sweden KiH vs. United States of America PoN
6PM CET Europe Crossfire vs. United States of America USA
United States of America No Remorse vs. United States of America N|A
United States of America Warped Sanity vs. United States of America Grumpy Old Men

[*] Quakecon Brackets
[*] Teams Rosters

GamesTV.org will also 100% be providing ETTV, though due to limitations at Quakecons end won't be casting every match. There has been a huge effort by arni, zinx, bani, Lekdevil, skooli, reyalP and Angrykid to make ETTV a possibility, without them this would not have happened [no joke, today these guys put in 24 hours to make ETTV happen] and we owe a great deal of gratitude to them.

Click read more for a list of the teams signed up and their respective seed

1. Estonia idle.ee
2. Europe Crossfire
3. Sweden KiH
4. United States of America Warped Sanity
5. United States of America No Remorse
6. United States of America ICF
7. United States of America Euphoric
8. United States of America c5
9. United States of America Titanium
10. United States of America DFW
11. United States of America -=DWS=-
12. United States of America N|A
13. United States of America Grumpy Old Men
14. United States of America PoN
15. United States of America USA
16. United States of America AwesomeNaders
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