Team Rockit Announce Call of Duty 4 Squad!

Today, we're both excited & proud to announce our new Call of Duty 4 squad! After much speculation surrounding the final 5, we can now officially announce who they will be.

After our Enemy Territory team placing 2nd at Crossfire Intel Challenge, we knew we had to find a Call of Duty 4 squad to represent us at future LANs and prestigious online events.

With a mixture of former Infused & NCE.i3D players, this lineup is highly motivated and experienced. This ensures us they will deliver the results we are looking for. The team have been placed as number 3 seed in the ESL Major Series qualifiers, and already sit at the top of their group for the competition.

image: rockit_small
The Rockit.CoD4 lineup is:
image: ie Darren "wannabe" Borrow
image: ie Seán "Zajaki" Kilbride
image: gb Robbie "robzje" Heaton
image: gb George "raivz" Marsh
image: de Patrick "puNi" Stemmler

Statement from image: ie Darren "wannabe" Borrow:
Quote"I am extremely happy to announce the new refurbished line of TMNT will be joining up with Team Rockit from today. We are looking forward to working with an organisation that has great history in games other than Call of Duty and hope that we can represent them well and do well under the rockit tag. I would like to personally thank Seanza for all the support he has given us up to now and I am sure we will prove that he was right to support us. I’d also like to give a huge shout out to chenson, pukka, neox and redblaze you are all awesome guys and I hope you find great teams to move forward with <3"

Statement from image: gbGeorge "raivz" Marsh:
Quote"Luckily for us, NCE.i3D folded around the time we were looking for a player to complete the line-up which is where we get our 5th member from, Seán “Zajaki” Kilbride. We as a team felt like it was the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle and we felt really good playing with him. We would have liked to attend the upcoming SEC lan in Denmark, but a few of us could not attend due to money issues and other commitments. However, we intend to attend the later summer lan series flying the flag for Team-Rockit. We see this as a great opportunity and would like to thank Rockit for taking us on to represent them at the upcoming lan events, especially to Seanza for the time and effort he has put in to make this happen. We intend to make the Rockit name widely known in the scene and hope we can bring success to such a deserving organization. Shout outs to Rikku, Yuna, chenson, pukka, redblaze, neox and everyone else who has made this happen."

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the companies that support us: ClanShells Network, n1ping, ESS & Free.

Copy and paste from:

Clan Shells
Wow nice !

great step for Rockit in the CoD4 scene, congratz !

you fucked up irish & german flag btw...
rockit is going places :) Good luck!
When the hell did wannabee become isrealie?
fix statement
nice gl guys !

what happened with the ET squad btw ? or are they lan only ?
good job
wtf is that 5th's flag?
nice edit, was Georgia aka [.flag=ge] :D
Thanks exceed :P
he is irish not italian dude :D

but yeah, those flags look kinda the same :D

Post link to the original newspost then :P
who are these guys? skilled irish players? not possible!
american fail :<
gL irish dudes
rofl exceed writting news, serious gamer
i think its not that hard to copy paste
u dont know what is this about.

im always flaming him

leave me alone fag

and u gotta start names with capital not the other way around
where is winghaven?
nice choice for both parties - good team and a decent org.
good job!
oh loook, its a MGC...

Quoterockit chosen Player

must be pro.
should've taken corgz
oh man ... n/c
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