3on3 Wintercup - end of the road.

3on3 WinterCup is almost complete. Only few matches left and everything is about to culminate tomorrow when grand final of premier league will take place.
Once again Finland re+play and Estonia nOu (former Squad.ee) will face eachothers in the final.

5th league has already been played and Europe sona turned out to be the best right before Poland |uNholy| which ended up 2nd and Italy PDUCL took 3rd place.

image: game17580

Short statements from finalists:

Quote by oLBaa :D

Quote by FrEezenerds gonna get rolled

I also managed to contact PolandJoker from Europe team Sona of 5th league and Poland btw] from Poland |uNholy| of 5th league here we have their feelings after the cup:
Quote by Joker Awesome, it was propably best day of my life. Cup was going smooth and without flame from opponents and we didnt play vs any cheaters so it was even better

Quote by btw Well, we were aiming for 1st place but unfortunatley sth went wrong and we ended on 2nd. Anyways WinterCup brought me a lot of fun. I must say that cup was organised very well. Admins (Bluman) were rly helpful. Cake for Bluman!

In 2nd league Russia hFe is waiting their opponent after beating their way up to the finals.

3rd league is already in final stage and in the grand final Europe #quaco will face Italy e$. Europe ofcofcventvent and Finland Shaisse.machine will fight for the 3rd place.

4th league is at the same stage as 2nd and Europe aR| is waiting for winner of the match between Finland silence vs Estonia bWORMZ. Loser will face Poland in7 for the 3rd spot.

This season has been great success and I want to thank everybody who signed up eventhought there was mass amount of dropouts (like every 3on3 CUP/League had so far) also I would like to thank Malta Killerboy and Belgium GoldoraK for helping me out.
I have recieved lost of feedback about the WinterCup and most of them has been positive and ofcourse there has been some negative. Don't hesitate to leave your comment about WinterCup/Admins/anything.

Some of the feedbacks:

Quote by FrEeze Didnt follow the wintercup, just played some games. : D

Quote by DOOPPI I find the admin work at WC good only some noobteams /quit the cup that makes it harder forthe admins but still Well Done

Quote by GoldoraK Bluman...never heard about this guys before KB told me then he will manage the WC3v3.
For his first cup he had lot of registration with around 140 teams on Fifth League.
As i see he was always update to manage it, but i dunno why many team didnt take the time to play and half of team drop the cup.
Nvm at my opinion he stay as a captain running on the team to force them to play and think he succeed as we're closed to the end.
Sure he deserve a second chance on another cup, with the amount of drop he do all the time his best to keep it up clear.
Being an admin was not so easy, it cost lot of time, whine, contest think personaly Bluman do it as good as he can

Quote by Monkey It was a great cup. There was a little bit of inactivity but when you are an admin, you cannot control that. Admin were pretty good (for me, eventho suVi & co whined a lot).

Quote by suVi cup ran by admins who abuse their powers! No srsly now. Was an interesting and thrilling cup, too bad our community doesn't have that many people who are willing to host such cups
unexpected premier final
freeze gonna lag
who is gonna play for re+play in finals you squall and olbaa?
I seriously doubt suvi said that since he thinks you're a massive retard

he shares my opinion
Actually he did say that. You can pm him and ask if u want. And i know that he hates me but sometimes love hate relationships work.
then I guess he was just licking your ass like he does a lot lately, he probably didn't want to sound retarded in his "statement", why didn't you ask me for a statement? you'd get a really nice one

and how does he know it was a thrilling one, he didn't play a single match
i didnt remeber that u were playing :/ u can add ur comment here if u want i can take it. And if he is licking my ass im not stopping him but im not forcing either
kako god okrenes, ideja za kup nije losa uopce :>
al izvedba i admin :x
zato prva recenica !
al trebo si rec da je moron, i lazes da je kup bio uzbudljiv, nisi ni jedan mec odigro!
to sam opcenito rekao :>
oh thanks for your kind words man :)
google translator :DDd nice
PolandJoker talkin' about cheaters :PpP
hater :(((
Awesome, it was propably best day of my life.
interesting comment you made, on which basis?
saw you whining on gtv like ­­'he forced match at shit date / time'
no, it was cos he intentionally wasn't responding cause we weren't on the matchchannel...

i guess that's what you call whining a lot...

the one who whined about a forced time was someone from avenue69 i think :P
my bad, was just trying to say that everyone didnt get the same help as I did :)
Its was quite good cup, but it would be better if all these matches would be a bit forced and the cup go a bit faster, not that u wait 2-3 weeks for oppo at finals :x
:/ i know but some teams asked for more time since they had holiday trips and lans and such.
:x np, was hosted good, just need to make it till end so its perfect :P
I believe in mant.
omg sona omg :)
its frEeze not FrEeze
u know. SUCK MY BALLS :D
Im gonna boycott that
go go btw!
Waiting for my money dude ^^
bwormz !
joker not Joker
rolled by skilled
now time for OC premiere huehue :>>>>
Quote by btw Well, we were aiming for 1st place but unfortunatley sth went wrong and we ended on 2nd. Anyways WinterCup brought me a lot of fun. I must say that cup was organised very well. Admins (Bluman) were rly helpful. Cake for Bluman!

sth never goes wrong
no offence, because i understand not everyone's 1st language is english - but if ur gonna have a CB admin write a statement about a cup hosted on a CB page at least make it decent english. It looks quite embarrassing - sorry goldorak.
I agree, this looks pretty lame :P
suuuuuuuuuuuu internet shouldnt be that seriouz
nerds won again :P
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