idle win Quakecon 2006!

After a truley beautiful Quakecon 2006 it was idle that lived up to their name and reputation to take the gold and a check for $15,000.

Tournament Placings:

1st Estonia idle - $15,000
2nd Europe ATi Crossfire - $10,000
3rd Europe KiH - $5,000

Once the Americans were kicked outta the tournament games got truely exciting, with Crossfire vs KiH in both the winners bracket final and losers bracket final being the true pick of the bunch, but lets not forget radar in the grand final!

In the Quake 4 tournaments it was Sweden that set the pace, and in the words of United Kingdom TooGood "Ban swedes with railguns".

Quake 4 Placings:

1 vs 1

1st Sweden SK|Toxic
2nd Russia Cooller
3rd Sweden Ztrider

2 vs 2

1st Sweden Britney Spears (Toxic & Ztrider)
2nd Europe All the Rage (Blue & TooGood)
3rd Russia mouzsports (Cooller & Jibo)

Thats it for Quakecon 2006, there'll be more here on Crossfire in the coming days as the dust settles on a phenominal tournament.
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