Tonight: FF X-Fi vs TAG

image: CB_EC_XXI

Last night, Europe TAG raged the Polish side Poland diversus taking a 4-0 win from their EMS Qualifier match. A few humorous mistakes from both sides resulted in some close calls but Europe TAG were able to come out clean on top.

Tonight, Europe TAG are set to take on another all Polish team with a slightly higher reputation - Poland FearFactory X-Fi. Consisting of several players from the award winning 3rd place CiC7 team Poland tMoe , the match will be no walk in the palk for Europe TAG. The two sides will be fighting in the ClanBase EC ET XXI season, arguably the most reputable online league for the game.

The community has set the odds with Poland FearFactory X-Fi becoming the likely winner for the match. The odds are in Poland FearFactory X-Fi favour with 5:1, but as we all know too well, a few lineup problems on the night can turn the tables completely. Final result? Expect the unexpected!
image: shead

image: snews

Poland Fear Factory X-Fi

Poland Wrobel
Poland wiesiek
Poland numeric
Poland zMk
Poland n00nimage: snews

Europe TAG

Netherlands Lightning
Netherlands aphesia
Netherlands Hope
United Kingdom med1xza
Latvia FUZZimage: sbordersho

Date: Tonight
Time: 20:30 WEST
Maps: Railgun and Fueldump (SW)
League: image: etCB EC XXI Qualifiers
image: game17560
image: sfoot
Finland Sample's Prediction
QuoteTAG has always been a mix team and their performance isn't stable. At some days they can play good, at some days bad. Their lineup doesn't look too strong even though Lightning owns. FF's lineup is really strong. Their rifle, zMk, can own as much as Lightning and aimwise wiesiek and co will do their jobs. So I'm pretty sure FF will take it 4-0

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4-2 dunno for who yet
who is numeric?
numeric left tmoe?
backstabbed for wiaderko which got replaced by naga
gl Hope, n00n & Lightning :O)
several players from tMoe? ;D
only numeric but he might play for few guys.
PolagZ/tMoe whatever :p
there is still only 1 player :o
Sorry, u r wrong Sir, tonight its Barcelona vs Arsenal, not this one, Sir !
got rolled
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