Finland vs UK in WB Final

image: 2h4cj8h

Tonight we will see the Winner Bracket Final of Clanbase Nationscup XIII as cup favourites Finland Finland will square off against the surprise story of the tournament, United Kingdom United Kingdom.

Both teams contain experienced players worthy of winning the tournament but in the end there will only be one winner who proceeds to the Grand Final, whereas the loser will go to the loser bracket final where they will face one of these teams: Estonia Estonia, France France, Netherlands Netherlands, Germany Germany, Sweden Sweden or Poland Poland.

Finland Finland's road to the Final: 4-0 vs Sweden Sweden - 4-0 vs Belgium Belgium - 4-0 vs Germany Germany

United Kingdom United Kingdom's road to the Final: 4-0 vs Canada Canada - 4-0 vs France France - 4-0 vs Estonia Estonia


Finland ENSAM
Finland Sample
Finland Matias
Finland olBaa
Finland SquallUnited KingdomUnited Kingdom

United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqzz
United Kingdom TEKN0
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom kaMZ

Quote by kaMZI'm already proud what we've done as a nation and feel that no matter what, we have done extremely well and finally put UK back on the map in Nationscup. There's no doubt Finland is the team to beat but I'm really confident we can surprise as we did against Estonia. We won't stop at Top 3, we're in it to win it :P!

Quote by ENSAMUK's team has been performing very nicely during this cup and im sure winning them tonight wont be easy. predicting 4-2 win for us.

image: game17664

Shoutcast available in English, German and French.
Goodluck both.
tough matchup. after having played both, Finland Finland seems way more stable . 4-0 win for finland
adzz? :DDD

R0SS should change his name to R0ZZ
cheaters will take it.
np for ensam
gl both =)
Gl finland, nice post btw!
adzz ;D ?
niSmO <-> tekn0
Good luck R0SS
not even speaking about French team, what a shame !
finland > *
United Kingdom adzz
United Kingdom rozz
United Kingdom tezz
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqzz
Finland olBaa
Finland Matias
thänx bruw
ton jälkee KRP:l haetaa joku päänahka.
gl to you too mate!
Posted by Louiss


nice coverage crossfailure
crossfire is contribution community, which means everyone can do coverage... its not forced onto admins
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congratulations on proving the his point.
dude...even an image can't describe this situation..oh wait, nonix did it.
nonix fanboy trapattoni

image: sport-graphics-2008_690379a
good job on proving his point, but what about yours?
zomg adzz... will be hard for UK without Hype, but i hope they gonna win...
ezbash for matim8+olbaa. fin mix will rape team.
Very supportive for the UK!
why should i be? i'm not naive enough to support things just due to the landmass i was randomly born onto
First thing i think your right on, ill give ya that!
i would like to give my gl to ross

but alas for the uk, praccing your way to victory gets hard when you get to the good teams
I totally feel you man. My eyes are kinda squinty and I've always felt deep inside that i am really japanese.
Why is supporting your country naive? Crawl out of your own arse...
why is England "your" country except for the fact that you were (e: i assume) born here? what have you done to contribute?
Imagine my abject disappointment. Despite your clear idiocracy I was at least expecting some semblance of a coherent argument!

It's my country because I was born here yes (why you put your in quotation marks I'll never know, Belgium or anywhere else certainly isn't my country), but there is a lot more to it than that. How do I contribute? Well that's just silly, if you're working and paying taxes then you are contributing. If you are working towards a better country whether that consists of flipping burgers for the local pikeys at McDonalds or working for a London bank you are contributing. Even if you are a student you are contributing. It worries me I've had to explain this to you.
You're right, but so is he. Being born in a country doesn't mean anything. Look at me, I was born in Belgium and I feel no connection whatsoever with my country, the only exception is the national football team which I slighty follow.

But that could be because Belgium is one fucked up country.
The country you are born in does mean something though, it provides much of the context for you as a person! I'm sure if I was born in Russia for example I would be a very different person from who I am today. A little bit of patriotism is not a bad thing (as long as you dont take it as far as a certain three lettered country!).
I hate my country for example :o
Well said! Lad!
I should really goto bed so I'm not going to elaborate at length on this.

Most of the people you would label as contributors (the taxpayers) are not doing so out of free will. I feel the vast majority would happily abstain if they had the choice. For example I know that I personally would not in good conscience release any money to a government who reacted so horrifically authoritarian to the recent gay B&B news fiasco.

If you want to support your birthplace because you agree with the direction it is going or the policy it employs then I honestly have no objection. Believing that on whichever area of the world you emerged from the womb deserves some kind of blind devotion is just silly and incredibly naive and is one of the many things that makes much of the US nauseating.

Patriotism. People lap that shit up and nothing good ever comes from it.
It's sad you're so jaded and feel such little sense of community. Whether you are happy about incidents that have taken place in your country or not, you live there, your family most likely live there, why would you not want to support the place you grew up in?
I have a sense of community with the people around me, not with the 50,000 sq mi that is my homeland. That wouldn't change no matter where I lived. The government want to give/loan me money to study in this country and I obviously accept as they have a good chance that the investment will pay off and I'll be contributing back to the UK community post-degree or doctorate.

I don't see why because I share a nationality with these players that I should support their team. I know the finns more than I know these guys, my sense of community is as it should be based on interpersonal relationships and not something arbitrary/discriminatory like nationality.
I wasn't even debating your choice in what team to support, simply questioning your accusation of naivity. Mentioning discrimination is utterly stupid, do you realise how over the top you sound? Because I'm from England I feel a certain amount of pride in my country, what this has to do with liking or disliking others I do not know!
Man invented patriotism 100 years ago and so far it has been a cesspit of evil, so I have to agree with you on that. Though that doesn't prevent me from feeling connected with people who share the same language/culture/laws etc.
Why would any other country be more 'his' than England ?
Though the quote marks were probably not necessary (tired), I was more questioning the tone of ownership.
kamz noobass finally has been dropped zLoL!
gl olbaa & matias
4:2 UK ! hf
UK really suprised me this NC Cup but Finland will roll them 4:0..
for me there is high team and not so high team. gl fin and razz :D
remember what I said to you kamz ? "you have team to finish atleast in top3" ;)

good luck sqzz and kamz u can do it :)
AdzZ ? :o gl
fintastic4 and squall, lol
fin too strong this year !!
gl razz sqzz tekno

R0SS nub will ban the fins after match!
GTV button
gl, need to do at least one better than UK have done in ET before!
well gl uk its possible for you to win so have fun both teams ! :)
It will be a nice match ;)
easy for finland, ross has proven yesterday that he's able to make a really TOP team lose to underdogs

shld be easy for fin
adzz? :P
omg adzz omg!!
hi adzz :P Long time no see =)
Bull! :D still drinking your apple juice? haha
lol nah... Havent had that for years :P

I still remember the nights u, tekoa and me were on some big public (32v32) server and playin all night :P Remember the night we laughed so hard about a guy called 'Bernd' ? hahaha, I just remembered =)
I'm already proud what we've done as a nation and feel that no matter what, we have done extremely well and finally put UK back on the map in Nationscup

True, but that sounds like you don't have much confidence in actually winning tonight, regardless of your last sentence ^^

can you blame him
No, but this is one of the few matches where the outcome isn't 100 % obvious, I might actually watch it.
you will watch it or femme's mum will slap you
4-2 for finland.
gl my uk lads!!!!!!
fintardz gona get rolled
Good luck Boyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :D
gl matias
gogogo UK! gl gav, druwyn, manj
4-0 finland, unexpected
Lol, final?
Didnt even know that they had started NC.
people are only interested when the captains are announced, noone cares about the actual cup
You actually got a point there :D

Apart from the Polish guys ofcourse.
hey, we are interested in the [Polish] captain announcements too!
Yeah, but you guys freak out like crazy over every match as well :P
do not count me into that mass full of morons : s
the viewer peaks have been quite decent though :)
should have been tighter

finland played like crap (radar 4vs5) and still won :o)

why lottomap as second? was boring...
our opponents always pick adler or frost ;(
2 EAZY FOR FIN. uk only sqzz and r0ss rest fail hard

Im n1 swiss fanboi :D Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Nice post :)

Gief link to brackets anyone? :)
Ensam in NC final, ET is dead, gg wp bb
seems finland will take ec ...
nah dignitas will take ec
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