Ventinizor 1.4

image: Ventinizor1_4_2

After a long period of no updates idcation releases a new version of the famous Ventinizor. Ventinizor allows you to use different version of ventrilo while saving your passwords in between version. A few bugs have been fixed including the closing and next to that new voice programs have been added. Finishing it all with a new interface idcation hopes that the gamers will enjoy the package.

This program makes it possible for you to switch between the different voice programs thats being made.
With this program you cannot only switch between Ventrilo's but also choose Teamspeak or Mumble.

This program has been tested on Windows XP and Windows 7.

» Use the new Ventrilo but also the old ones.
» Possible to run more then one Ventrilo of same version.
» Mumble included
» Teamspeak included.
» Saves passwords of each Ventrilo
» Load your current Ventrilo settings into Ventinizor

Changelog 1.4:
» Added TS3
» Added Mumble
» New interface for starting up the programs.
» Fixed: Sometimes program didn't want to close.
» Close button now means close and Minize button is minimize.
» Removed Ventrilo 2.2.0
» Shortcuts added for startup programs press one of the following numbers in Ventinizor, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Full information on how to install and how the wizard works can be found on idcation
Direct Download Link
good job lightning
why remove 2.2?
nearly noone is using it?
maybe, still would be nice having it in, still got few 2.2s i use, well maybe i just dont update it, no problem :P
who would use 2.2 ?
you'd be using 2.3+ if you had a server liscence and everyone else uses 2.1
What are you wearing?
what unblind said, theres no point in using 2.2
well done
rly nice
Download won`t start :(
awesome update :)
could you add the option that ventinizor closes automatically after opening a program?
Ridiculous punctation ;S
splendid and now minimizor for windows 7 and i am happy again lightning :)
What problem is minimizor causing, since I might be updating it soon.
cant get it to run - i dont remember if there was a specific error but i think it was just not running at all :(
If it still doesn't work I need some details :) what's your directx version and you use 32bit or 64bit Windows?
thx lightning!
thank you! good job
the gui is a lot better now :) good job boys
good job! i want it !
fix your footer:

"Recommende resolution for watching this site is 1024*768, Best watched in Firefox with Javascript."
Site is outdated since a while , new plans are there to redo site since it's needed but that's on the todo list.
Next make minimizor that works on Windows 7 and/or Vista. Never got it working and now I have to use some really shit one that turns itself off every time ET is turned off / vid_restarts etc.
What does the minimizor do? or better yet what doesn't it do?
Nevermind, got it working! Seems like the new version had this fixed :D

Had to use the alternative mode, though, but who cares.
which version please ?
What's your directx version and you use 32bit or 64bit Windows?
64bit Windows 7 I have, so I have DirectX11, but only a DirectX10.1 capable graphics card.

Works fine when you set the alternative mode on in options, otherwise it gives a similiar effect to alt-tabbing out of ET (ET window doesn't go anywhere, you just get your cursor on top of it).
directx 11 and windows 7 64 bit - but i got it to work now with the "default mode - hides icon" which I havent tried before - stupid me - every other mode gets me a freez of the game running
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