EMS Tonight: Speedlink vs Colt45

image: 5ufey9k5

Its EMS time ladies and gentlemen ! Tonight we gonna see Germany Team SPEEDLINK versus United Kingdom Colt45. SPEEDLINK lost yesterday in a disappointing way versus 1stCav. They are surely willing to show what they are capable of and will try their best to let colt45 have a hard time. However, Colt45 is the clear favourite of the match after the disassemly of nulli secundus in their last match. duKe_ vs Kamz the duel of two great ingame leaders. But who can lead his very own team to victory ? Lets see tonight, be sure to tune in on ETTV at 21:00 CET.

Additional Info: sTOWNAGE will be replaced by reaz tonight. sTOWNAGE got exams this week and is unable to play tonight. Speedlink wishes all players an exciting and fair game. May the better team win.

image: s_headimage: s_news
Germany Team-SPEEDLINK

Germany Bl4d3
Germany duKe_
Germany kReSti
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany reaz
image: s_news
United Kingdom Colt45

United Kingdom Kamz
United Kingdom razz
Netherlands Ati_
Hungary Nonix
Sweden NuggaN
Sweden crajsor
image: game17976
ESL Matchlink - Team-SL Homepageimage: s_foot

image: x3y2h1

Speedlink had a quick talk with ESL Admin Poland Krein about the match tonight:
QuoteBoth SL and colt45 have proven to be amongst the best Enemy Territory teams. It's really hard to predict who's going to win. Colt45 has quite recently met new rockit on their way and played really well. SL has just lost to 1stCav and they surely want to prove everybody that it was just a bad luck and they can keep up with anyone. In my opinion colt's gonna take it but you never know.

Team statements:
Quote"Two motivated teams will fight tonight. Should be a close match and very exciting. I'm already on cybergames warming up for our practice before the official. Hope I won't be that tired :) Reaz joined Speedlink, this is a really good add-on. We didnt play for 3 days so I don't know how we'll play today, our form is like a fluid."

Quote"We had the pleasure to meet c45 recently in a prac and i need to say that these guys are a really tough opponent. On the other hand, we are playing even better if we have to face a stronger enemy. But this is just based on the latest prac results against some other top teams, yet!"
do not like the title
what was it?
Who's faster with the Colt ? - Speedlink vs Colt45
titles like this are annoying

(ist ja wie bei der BILD hier :D)
Haha, need a huge picture of duke with SCANDAL written all over it.
nice statements.. what are they waiting for? viagra?
nobody online yet, school/work i guess.
easy for Nonix!
Quote by Kamz StatementI'm an ingame leader ?!

Quotegreat ingame leader

that title is awful :D
EMS Tonight: Speedlink vs Colt45

It's ok, but I agree it lacks of phantasy :|

reaz joined ? Hm SL even stronger now
Its updated already, old title was 'whos faster with the colt?' :p
We are the colt itself so no question -_-
I bet you mean imagination! :)

grammar nazi strikes again!
I would be surprised if colt45 don't take this 4-0
nice game :)
team SL vs NuggaN

crossfire admins changing the flags on purpose. blame them
put them in prison for 6000 seconds !
Always figured you were a bit Frenchy!
I think we know who will win :)
colt45 going to roll

gl both anyway
We dont have ingame leader by the way.
no? i always though kamz is leading your attack while proning behind the west rock in supply..
when he does that, he doesnt say shit.
neues pic! :D
srs blick is srs :-)
Dit Format machts aber iwie weird! xD
wegen seinem auge, ich change.
Bei meinem auch, aber dit pic pwned 8-(
so geändert :')
btw die machen nen movie zs:
dit pwned! =D
cu @ kino XD
ich begaff mark du dwayne
echt so :D
bester film <3
i like den trailer mal richtig :OOO
aber mark wird alt iwie bzw die frisi is nich so beste.
er könnte mit bissl kürzeren haaren jünger und noch besser aussehen :-*
er gibt halt den sirius cop, da passt sowas schon 8D
bei date night ist er ja ooch wieder der alte 8)
guter film ?
kP, hab auch nur trailer und so gesehen..
so fail, wie bei uns renoviert wird. neue tapeten werden ausgesucht schränke möbel usw. jz diskutiern meine fetten eltern schon den ganzen tag wie sie mir auf die klöten gehen, fotzen.
bei dir auch ? :DDD
neue tapete hinter dem schreibtisch klingt ja nach win!
ja bei mir auch, waer echt insta win. :-D
aehm hier sven schau dir bitte echt mal vampire diaries an. das sonne serie die dir hammer gefaellt. sogar ich like sie richtig und geeke den shit und konnte heute ein weib impressen mit feTTeN knowledge.
ja epic serie aber die vampire diaries scheisse ist echt epic shizzle bitte vertrau mir und guck dir die ersten zwei folgen an. ich liek den scheiss so hammer , will jz schon wieder weiter gucken aebr KEINE FOLGEN!
KK, ich truste dir mal 8D
halt ma die fresse svenniii
lOOOOOLL. ... du dr0g3nOpf4
haha mein j0ng <3
ahah wie du sie mir empfohlen hast mit essah und ich euch immer ausgelacht hab, weil das halt so dulli deluxe is dachte ich. aber die beste serie, die ich seit einiger zeit gesehen hab. danke das du mir den einen oder anderen tag versüßt :-* bin bei folge 17 =]
zomg bist ja eh schon weiter als ich. hab bei 11 oder 12 aufgehört :XXXXXXXXXXXXX
wehe du spoil0rst du huso
I heard you're busted!

image: 3501680782_822924f2ff
Useless game, the winner will get rolled sunday anyway!
how do you mean?
Nothing, I just heard.
crajsor and razz ownage. no problem :-)
no stownage no win :<
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