Aalborg - Questions?

image: tossd

Today the group from Aalborg can announce a whole new series of coverage regarding our upcoming LAN here in Denmark. Within the last couple of weeks we have received a lot of questions by some players about the LAN, city and much more. We have now decided to make a small newspost where ET gamers can ask all sort of questions and within a week or two we will publish the answers here on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory finest and most beloved site Crossfire.nu.

So to put it in a nutshell, you would be able to send us a question by using Crossfire's comment system and then within a week or two we will answer most of your questions.

Some CF-users have stated in the earlier newspost that this LAN was fake and as written in my "Scandalnavia" article "Quite comfortably the virtual world lends itself to a disguise, a special place where people can be whoever they want to be or do whatever they like to do." This LAN however is not "fake". The whole payment system will be one of the most secure ones so far in the world for International Events. We will be using Ticketmaster Europe's system.

Remember this event has been created to offer new and talented players and teams the opportunity to meet each other after years of sweet-talking via Internet. We will be giving them a competition on a higher level where they can prove themselves and those who succeed will be awarded with amazing prizes.

So folks if you have anything on your heart regrading this LAN this is the time to ask us.
How many kg's of fruit will we receive? And what kinds of fruit?
You my friend, can get anything you want. Because you're KKC.

in a few weeks i can play some offis again!
Why is the entry fee higher than it was for cic lan. Eventhough the first announcement said that it will be lower or same as cic lan
Danish LANs are traditionally quite expensive because Denmark is expensive
oh didnt know that Denmark is that expensive comparing to others
Denmark is fucking expensive :D
what do you know about denmark and aalborg, you're american
lolz, never trust flags on crossfire
I know who it is ;)

just mocking him cos he's using a fake acc ;)
does anybody know any cheap hotels? =)
doesn't exist in Denmark, try campingplaces :)
How does Ticketmaster Europe prevent us from paying €300 and then turning up in Aalborg and there is no LAN?

Why did you drop CoD4?
Perhaps it comes with protection of sorts
Wich airport is close to the lan center (if they got more then one) ?
What hotels are in walking distance of the lan?
And do they use euros or still there own currency?
What is the exact entrance fee gonna be?

Think those are the major questions imo.

PS imo you should try for the 45 - 50 euro per player entrance cause it is getting kinda out of control those entrance fee.
imo there is one (small) airport in aalborg
no they dont have euros they have their own currency (1€ is about 7.4 kr)
Why did you drop CoD4?
Who are you?
Dropping CoD4 was probably a wise idea, TEX 2010 is scheduled for October also in the same country.
Will you cover expenses of coverage crew?
I heard TeX 2010 is in octorber and also in the same county, so it was a good idea to drop cod
Why Aalborg?
Why is the entrance fee this high?
Will we be able to bring our own PCs or not? would be quite nice if we could :P
i hope u are aware of that u cant hide in the corner and use hax even if u take ur own comp with ya ^^
Oh I didnt know that ! >.> .. We played like that at SHGopen :) and it was really nice actually beeing able to play before and knowing the PC you play on :>
Maybe you can ask lanpc's for a date or so before, then you can get to know the pcs
any facts on the rtcw tournament? (if there is one)
This should be awesome :)
cu @ lan :)
Why are danish people usually homosexual ?
Are there any parades near that time?
Are there a lot of black people, because I am worried about my stuff if I come?
Denmark got a great policy when it comes to immigrants.. I guess you don't have to worry about that.. Probably aint gonna be any nonix stories afterwards :D
Didnd really follow the news , but do u need to bring your own PC?
are there any interesting places/locations to go in aalborg?
yes 'strøget' - you can call it a 'party street'
strøget? D: lol what a name
yeah it's quite hard to say tbh
yes, except from that I being norwegian, and fully understand what it means :P I think the name is silly, not the pronunciation of it. In Norway we say "Strøket", which isn't really a positivily loaded word :P
It's not called Strøget but "Jumfrue Ane Gade" :D
lol :P and that's some kind of a "party street"?
It is said to be the best and funniest party street in Northen Europe :D
uuuuh, can't wait! :O)
woops der var jeg vidst lige for hurtig, men det var det jeg mente!
But let's not forget that it was definitely a good idea to drop CoD4 since TEX 2010 is scheduled for October also in the same country.
When is it and is it byoc?
Date: October 15-17, 2010, no need to byoc
Well i heard that there was a CoD4 tornament called TEX 2010 at the same time so nice that you droped it.
Which is great!
rtcw tournament 5v5 or 6v6? (note: noone will play rtcw 5v5)
can the rtcw tournament be played without playing in the ettournament?
Hi im a mongol and now im attempting to scam you. I will not linked any info regarding this lan which proofs its real. but dont be afraid just pay the entree fee and there will magicly be a lan
you got a point.
how many people will play the fifa10 tournament?
lold at this question , how the fuck they should know it 6 months before.
well maybe they already had a few fifa tournaments shithead?
calm down mate dunno why i was so agressive but still i think its different in every year.
i believe teams has standard of 1+10
if you get your pc to play on , is it like cic you just can use them when you need to play , or do you get the same pc for the weekend?
with a higher entance fee i expect that you get the pc for the weekend?
wasn`t CIC7 45 Euro per person? cause i know CC6 was.
discount for early sign ups? dunno
why will it be in aalbork?
because its a nice city :) i stood at this bridge drinking a beer in september :D
pic reminds me of dublin, image: halfpenny%20bridge%20dublin
I walked on that bridge!
It reminds you of a random bridge?
Will everyone get an own computer or is it sharing like on CiC?

Is food/drinks/acomo. rly that expensive?

Name of the airport?


Admins for ET?

Anti-cheater policy?

EDIT: How much are cigs there?
I can lend you a dollar
isnt TeX 2010 in october or something ?
so is this lan I believe ;)
thats some first class nickname dude
Quote" This LAN however is not "fake". The whole payment system will be one of the most secure ones so far in the world for International Events. We will be using Ticketmaster Europe's system.

How does using Ticketmaster Europe make it not fake?

And why does an American organize an ET LAN in Denmark?
its some croatian or bosnian guy, living in denmark. Forgot his nick.
thats an argument to use proxy and hide your identity?
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