Tuesday: Belgian Fraternity vs 1stCav eSports Club

image: esl_vi

Last night's ClanBase NationCup game was quite absurd, amusing match. Estonia took on Poland with a last minute mix team from the scraps on IRC, where the Pols performed with a rather familiar and comfy lineup - if only their performance was a pair. Estonia won all three maps, but yet they only won by 4-2. Why? The cheeky devils thought they could sneak a very naughty Swedish player (nordaN) into the lineup; under Killerboy's supervision! Crazy, I know. Needless to say, the team were penalised by the Maltese admin and automatically "lost" Goldrush, but yet went on to set an astonishing time of 1:03 on Adlernest and 5:33 on Supply. If an angry Polish team isn't bad enough, how about an angry Canadian team? A similar situation arose last year and resulted in a disqualifcation for Team Canada. However, team Estonia are able to continue in this season's ClanBase NationCup without disqualification. Nevertheless, the drama delivered a pretty damn entertaining match, witnessed by an impressive 427 spectators!

Hopefully we will see a more "respectable" match tonight in the ESL Major Series VI Qualifiers Lower Bracket Final.
image: linebreak
Belgium Belgian Fraternity
The Belgium team have delivered a few unexpected surprises both online and offline. They have a reputation for a team not to be underestimated with the results to prove so. An impressive 4-2 win over Finland Vicious and Evil has certainly not gone unnoticed by the community. Despite their marvellous performance, Belgian Fraternity met their match against another familiar Belgian team - Belgium OVERLOAd. They were thrashed 4-0 by the rival Belgians just under a month ago which has prevented them from winning 6 matches in a row.

Recent Statistics
image: 298_width_spacer
image: flag_win 4-2 win against Infused - 29th March 2010
image: flag_loss 4-0 loss against OVERLOAd - 29th March 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against inteRaction - 8th April 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against vibe - 17th April 2010
image: flag_win 4-2 win against Vicious and Evil - 18th April 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against [*EU*]United Soldier - 22nd April 2010image: 298_width_spacer
Games Played: 6
Games Won: 5
Games Lost: 1
Winning Percentage: 83%
image: linebreak
Poland 1stCav eSports
Tonight, the Belgians will be facing no other than the Polish side 1stCav eSports. Both teams are arguably identical, producing some spectacular and shock results over the current season. Both teams have managed to take a win over the powerful Finnish lineup Finland Vicious and Evil, however 1stCav eSports were also able to take a staggering win against a fellow Polish team, Poland diversus. On paper, diversus should have taken the match with ease, but after months of inactivity new talent will eventually prevail. If all goes to plan, we can expect an intense and close match between the Polish and Belgian teams.
Recent Statistics
image: 298_width_spacer
image: flag_win 4-0 win against Turbo Apinat - 28th March 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against Vicious and Evil - 30th March 2010
image: flag_win 3-1 win against diversus - 31st March 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against SPEEDLINK - 11th April 2010
image: flag_loss 4-0 loss against OVERLOAd - 18th April 2010
image: flag_loss 4-2 loss against Friends in Force - 25th April 2010image: 298_width_spacer
Games Played: 6
Games Won: 4
Games Lost: 2
Winning Percentage: 67%
image: s_head

image: s_news

Belgium Belgian Fraternity

Belgium Sup3r
Belgium uNDEAd
Belgium Gifted
Belgium AL1
Belgium pHILLE
image: s_news

Poland 1stCav eSports Club

Poland boski
Poland errol
Poland miks
Poland Dolar
Poland voilerimage: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 20:30 WEST
Maps: TBA
League: image: etESL Major Series VI Qualifiers
image: game18328
image: s_foot
[list][*]ESL ET News
[*]ESL EU ET[/list]

Be sure to check out Crossfire over the next week for coverage on the NationsCup XIII ET league, the ClanBase EuroCup XXI league and the ESL Major Series VI Qualifiers league.
First ! omg omg
go miks!!!!!!!!!!!!
easy for bojler
Oooo purple, you sir are spicing up my life!
I love your new style of news man
beg for president!
gl phillip ! zet hem maar lekker hoog!
nice beg!

Win this shit!
Easy for 1stCav, good job as always beggin.
no way, bf will take it
great news, keep it up!
Belgium bF will rape.
loazis the EC player?!?
Goed geluk belgische buddies :)
nice news :)

gl bF !!
4-2 BF

When will these quali's finish? Has been going on for more then a month or so? x))
na deze game nog de big final
Oei! Ik zit op het puntje van m'n stoel!
pas op, iets verder en je valt er af
those are the last 1-2 matches. It is a double eimination 8 team bracket and that takes some time ;)

Jo0f = bored :(
should've gotten rid of the shit teams that don';t stand a chance anyway or single elimination.. its always like this causing teams to lose interest in the tourney before it has even started
if it were single elimination alot of teams that would deserve (or have the skill) to play EMS would be eliminated by the factor of luck. Pre-seedings would decide about who gets into the groupstage and thus we could just invite 16 teams :p
you could however stop the brackets at WB final and LB semi-final or so (when there are 4 teams proven to be better than the rest)

these matches are useless anyway (only for seedings, but you could just put the WB teams and LB teams into one poule or so)

it's no whine btw, always liked ESL EMS, just suggesting some better system (imo)
that propose is a good one, is in my mind aswell. But we also have a general EMS schedule (not game related) which we try to follow at the greatest extent and put as many matches for as many teams as possible into. Might consider that for the next season, if there is one for ET :)
nice, thanks
Quote...However, team Estonia are able to continue in this season's ClanBase EuroCup without disqualification..

NationCup ?
QuoteThe cheeky devils thought they could sneak a very naughty Sweedish player (nordaN) into the lineup...

Swedish ?
You honestly don't see the pun?
lack of phantasy
if bosshoer plays instead of phille bF will take it otherwise i cant predict :-)
Actually no, imho they wouldn't have won against vae with Phille, I've got nothing against the guy, but i've seen him play, they either wouldn't or it would be way too close for comfort, somehow you picked the rifle up quite nicely, not just because of your multikills, but your playing style is what they need and what i didn't want to give :-)
thx :)

I'll be playing for gifted tonight, so phille will be rifling, no idea how this will turn out since we've never played like this
seems like Gifted will play and I'll be rifle after all :)
gl bosssssshooeerrr :p
you didnt wanna give? :s i will give my cock to you at lan :)
go bF, make me proud once again! :o)
great news, keep it going.

think bF can get a 4-2 win here.
gl mates
gl bF, easy he
...with a last minute mix team from the scraps on IRC...

Hey, they are the best of the bests!
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