Wednesday: tMoe vs rockit.ET

image: CB_EC_XXI

Tonight's game is something rather special. It's become a rare treat to see two top teams battle it out against each other online. As the ClanBase EuroCup XXI comes to a near end, we can expect some close and intense matches, such as tonight's game - Europe rockit.ET vs Poland to Make odds even.
image: linebreak
Poland to Make odds even
The Polish team are one of the few top teams to continue performing online since the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7. However, the Bronze chapmions have delivered mix results since the LAN. Just last week, they were completely thrashed by the Belgian team Belgium OVERLOAd. tMoe's defence wasn't even able to hold the first set of attacks by the Belgians on both Goldrush and Adlernest. Since the LAN, key player Poland numeric was replaced by Poland naga. Both players deliver their individual skills to the table, but a small change to a familiar and active lineup can punch a huge dent into the team's performance. However, since Poland Fear Factory X-Fi folded, tMoe have decided to go back to their roots. For the first time tonight, tMoe will be playing with their usual LAN lineup - the return of Poland numeric. Nevertheless, tMoe cannot afford to take another loss. The Antwerp eSports Festival cannot come sooner for tMoe to up their motivational gear.

Statistics since Crossfire Intel Challenge 7
image: 298_width_spacer
image: flag_win 4-0 win against Phantoms eSports - 21st March 2010
image: flag_win 3-1 win against aces - 22nd March 2010
image: flag_win 4-2 win against colt 45 and two zig - 23rd March 2010
image: flag_loss 4-0 loss against OVERLOAd - 21st April 2010image: 298_width_spacer
Games Played: 4
Games Won: 3
Games Lost: 1
Winning Percentage: 75%
image: linebreak
Europe rockit.ET
The new rockit.ET lineup hasn't been able to prove themselves since the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 LAN. There simply hasn't been a single demanding match that can test the team's individual skills and teamplay - until tonight. The team will undoubtedly be under high pressure in preparation for tonight's game; after all, they are up against the silver CIC7 champions! A close match against Europe Friends in Force denied their 100% winning role with a 4-2 loss. A win tonight will certainly deliver a well needed ego boost for the team, especially with several upcoming LANs for rockit.ET. Tonight's game will undoubtedly be a close one - probably too close to predict. Be sure to tune in, and expect the unexpected!

Statistics since Crossfire Intel Challenge 7
image: 298_width_spacer
image: flag_win 4-0 win against angelDust - nkNn - 28th March 2010
image: flag_win 4-2 win against colt 45 and two zig - 4th April 2010
image: flag_loss 4-2 loss against Friends in Forces - 7th March 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against Frogz Squad - 19th April 2010image: 298_width_spacer
Games Played: 4
Games Won: 3
Games Lost: 1
Winning Percentage: 75%
image: s_head

image: s_news

Poland to Make odds even

Poland edain
Poland numeric
Poland Krein
Poland Frag`Stealer
Poland dialer
image: s_news

Europe rockit.ET

Latvia Clown
Netherlands joop
Netherlands ZaK
Netherlands hayaa
Slovakia FiluS
image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 20:00 WEST
Maps: TBA
League: image: etClanBase EuroCup XXI
image: game18509
image: s_foot
[list][*]ClanBase EuroCup XXI ET Homepage
[*]ClanBase EuroCup XXI ET Schedule
[*]ClanBase EuroCup XXI ET Rankings
[*] ClanBase EuroCup XXI ET[/list]

Be sure to check out Crossfire over the next week for coverage on the NationsCup XIII ET league, the ClanBase EuroCup XXI league and the ESL Major Series VI Qualifiers league.
numeric +
naga - imo
why there is always news about tmoe but i didnt see a news about.
aD against impact
FiF against 1stcav
DreaM against TAG
You are more than welcome to add your own news :)
aaah i didnt know it worked like that :o , i tought admins ( clanbase/crossfire ) made those news . sorry :)
He's doing all that work on his free time you know. It's whine like yours that will soon make no one write anything for this site.
once again nice beg ;)
really nice coverage beg :)
I'm quite sure that only groupstage of EC is coming to an end :) besides that nice read!
Cant see tmoe getting past the groupstages - probably the most overrated team - dont know how they got 3rd at lan. But dialer is still a legend x. Rockit are strong and will do well this season. Btw beg - u are doing a great job especially when u dont even see a cb admin posting about nationscup winner bracket finals etc. Its a disgrace.
Getting 3rd on LAN is much more impressive than not getting through groupstages online :)
ofc it is, no doubt that 3rd at lan is a very impressive achievement. What i was saying is that i dont know how they got it.
Not sure man. They did beat dignitas to get there.
most probably motivational factors determining both sets of results
Come on, they are just in bad shape. They were motivated at lan.
perhaps he s only covering EC?
it was a compliment
oops, I see it now
dialer will take this, gl man
Rockit will take this, tmoe are in kinda bad shape i think but <3 dialer

Kinda what ross said, great coverage beg, keep it up, but what ever happened to CB doing coverage, get your act together lads.
no need for a cb admin to do coverage when there is someone like beggin doing it. They cant match him anyway.
needs owzo
needs owzo
needs owzo
nice job with the coverage..should be a good game, gl joopert<3
hayaa impressive.. omfg... new mAus
very nice beggin :) good that someone still puts time into these things. also nothing wrong with picking one single match that stands out every night although i would suggest, since you are taking the trouble to write a news item anyway, perhaps to add something like "other matches tonight are blabla vs blabla "gamestvlink" etc juspt to make things complete

anyway keep it up!! x
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