Homoerotic Scandal Rocks CoD4 Scene

In an astonoshing turn of events GameLimited have parted ways with their Call of Duty 4 team, Nexus. The seperation cites numerous disagreements between management and players, as per most multigaming organisation and squad severances. However in the most tabloid of all allegations, made from players to manager the former team are claiming to be leaving due to homosexual comments and actions made by their former manager.

The side gave the following quote to TEK9, "We left due to a problem i had with the founder of Gamelimited, oomjames. In the past we've already had some difficulties with him making gay remarks on behalf of the team and myself and we talked to him about that. But last weekend there was a bootcamp at his house and one of the members of Gamelimited wanted to sleep in his car due to the gay remarks, but oomjames didn't allow that and send the guy home immediatly. Oomjames couldn't give a decent answer why he did that, so the team and me decided to leave the organisation because of his childish behavior."

This perhaps the more politically correct of all versions given was then thrown into the dirty laundry cupboard by former player, Denmark piika, who when speaking to the homosexual remarks stated: "And the gay thing..I did show my balls, to make people get that vomit feeling, kinda as when someone posted my hawt ass. - Everyone would look away , exept James who would keep looking almost drooling. And then repeating the question ; piika, can I see your balls?"

Like any community would, the reaction to these allegations has been hilarious and you can read it in full on TEK9
Never thought I'd write that title in my life...
Yeh it's like: you never think you'd go there, but once you do it kinda feels right

oh wait...
Going bootcamping to his house. WTF, YOU HAVE NOLIFE ??
That part just made my day.

Like look

QuoteIt was just a normal day, sun was shining and me and my nolifer mates decided to go to a homosexual(prolly) manager house to play a lot of video games. Was fun , until I showed my balls to everyone
You can get a job writing for The Gay Times with that title, you're loving it!
I hear the editors Scottish
Want me to put in a good word for you?
Explain the story more properly. The guy is making gay remarks to the team as in he's calling them gay or as in he's persuading them to suck his dick?
"However in the most tabloid of all allegations, made from players to manager the former team are claiming to be leaving due to homosexual comments and actions made by their former manager.
I guess they've been never been on vent with me.. Nothing wrong with some gay marks now and then!
yes, i turned into gay the day after I played with you
Speedlink rollin over zP! & Reason news rocks the CoD4 scene
People are still waiting for that to happen on LAN :P
they didnt do bad on lan to be honest, just look at mTw. germans teams are lacking good lan performance anyway, but we'll surely change those things on AEF :-) If mTw fails again they'll probably get fired just like TBH did yesterday
true mTw always doing bad on lan :(
QuoteAnd the gay thing..I did show my balls

Good fun.
Good times, idd.
trolliN hard
<+sektor|stevejEH> basically
<+sektor|stevejEH> oomjames asked to see piikas cock on lan
<+iQPAD\StuwOw> LOL
<+sektor|stevejEH> and kept making gay comments
<+sektor|stevejEH> about some of the guys asses
<+sektor|stevejEH> and shit
<@tek9|wizinium> lmao

I googled 'What does wcyd mean' just to impress you with my intellect to maybe get into your pants some day.

QuotePossible Meanings
Whatcom County YMCA Dolphins

(hint hint: it stands for "what can you do" ;o)
Enjoy pansy's pants !
no offense to lauren but I'd rather enjoy yours ;)
I bet you would!

But, I won´t take it personally if you´d warm up on hers
nem got it.
what an outcome rofl
This actually looked pretty serious until piika entered the whole situation...
Oh mah gawd, it's a gay!

Seriously, grow some balls :D
perfect clanleader for you!
whats wrong about gay comments?
CoD players are emotionally unstable and being called gay will make em go emo ;_;
ah,true,I forgot that CoD players are so.. gay XD
those people wouldnt last 5 minutes on teamspeak with us :p
true, zesrali by sie jakby uslyszeli edaina albo tomasza XD
I always knew Call of Duty multiplayer was gay.
Just not this gay.
all thouse faggots in scandalnavia
Pfft, this is nothing. I've been on vent with Rhand, and let me tell you nothing can compare.
i expected some "LOL pic" about gays \ this subject and 10 other users comment ":DDDD" on it
This is why i left Eesti Verii
explains some of the loud screaming heard from cod4 players at lan
Quote"And the gay thing..I did show my balls, to make people get that vomit feeling, kinda as when someone posted my hawt ass. - Everyone would look away , exept James who would keep looking almost drooling. And then repeating the question ; piika, can I see your balls?"

The Cod4 scene seems awesome
ET team needs multigaming clan!!
you must be easy to amuse.
whole cod4 scene is gay, where is the problem
I felt erotic after reading this. Kinda felt like whipping my balls out too.
no1 cares abt cod4 or fags!
Not filtering CoD news wasn't a waste afterall.
sounds just like that one german who played with e-wave
homoerotic humor is quite popular nowadays but past tense for to send afaik is still sent:O
pink piikachu strikes!

image: Pink-Pikachu-Short-Plush-Adult-Mascot-Costume-11188-1
Any pictures?
sounds like dallow
Quote1. I am not gay, i have a girl friend :)
2. My dad send the guy away from the bootcamp. He left and 2 hours later he was talking on the internet shit to other players.
3. the guy wasn't a part of the nexus team at all. He was a (boy) friend of freddieM.

4. On the reality some players of the nexus team was showing there balls to me, very gay

If you dont believe me, i have a picture from the hotel in drachten. Piika is showing his as (dick) and fudzz put almost his face in his ass.

So who is the gay now??????

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