ReDeYe's Quakecon 2006 Gallery

image: redcamera
United Kingdom Paul "ReDeYe" Chaloner of Inside the Game has posted his gallery from Quakecon 2006. Whilst this time there are no "Mah Ball" pictures (thank heavens), its a wonderful mixture of event montage with individual pictures.

ReDeYe attended Quakecon for Crossfire and ATi rather than iTG this event. His initial role was to be involved with the documentary, hosting it and aiding in any filming of it that was required. However, Paul went above and beyond the call of duty in his involvement with the team.

ReDeYe is famed for his player management skills, playing a huge role in the success of Quake 4 player Netherlands Forever, and at Quakecon he leant his management hand to the Crossfire ET team. In no uncertain terms, he was the 6th player - every player on the team appriciated the value of his input and ability to clear the players minds of all negatives and allow them to focus on the job at hand, and for that Crossfire cannot thank him enough.

You can enjoy his gallery Here
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