Zero Empathy Is Back!

image: 2ugjhu0
EuropeZero Empathy Multigaming clan decided to seperate its' way with EuropeAcsi-eSports. Now Zero Empathy will be going on its way all alone like in the past.
We decided to pick a new ET team who is willing to fight under our wings along with target. Zero Empathy's new ET squad which was also known as United Kingdomcolt45 consists of some really nice and skilled players. So hereby I present you the new ET squad of Zero Empathy:
  • United Kingdom kaMzZ
  • United Kingdom razz
  • Finland twidi
  • France emorej
  • Poland zMk
  • Sweden NuggaN
Quote by kaMzZI'm proud to join a well known organisation such as Zero Empathy. They have been very successful in ET and are recognised by pretty much every player in this game. I'm grateful that they will support us in future tournaments and we hope to repay their gratitude with good results.

The team is currently playing in EC and EMS.They are also going to attend BelgiumAEF.They are going to play their first official with this lineup this sunday against United KingdomImpact Gaming,you can see their performance in action. I wish them good luck and I hope the best for the team.
not another lowteam in a lowmgc which has a low gari in.
we need moar same teams, same players, same mgcs
2 weeks again?
anyway. gl kamz?
bla bla
gl guys :D
like anyone cares

QuoteThey are also going to attend AEF

I actually believe he is going to go.
gullible [ˈgʌləbəl]
easily taken in or tricked
gullibility n
gullibly adv
they need u dommel!
Already playing in a Zero Empathy lineup ;D
2 weeks brother

gl nevertheless
QuoteUnited Kingdom kaMzZ

Zero Empathy Is Black!

pakis are not black u polish racist
sandnigger, nigger, whats the difference
2 days

and attend AEF! Haha, dont make me fucking laugh.
why is that funny?

kamz is actually allowed to play at the AEF lan unlike the past crossfire LAN events.
I wasn't referring to that point, more to the fact that he won't go.
well i was.

the reason he hasn't been to a crossfire lan before was because he couldnt play at any of them. Now theres a lan he can actually compete in, he can finally go.
But he won't.
nice lu, gl

but one question:

Quote by kamz
I'm proud to join a well known organisation such as Zero Empathy.They have been very successful in ET

dNan was the most "succesful" team in zeroE
nope xtrazone was :)
What did they "achieve" then?
they won EC, oh w8 :D
dnan in oc prem i think :)
it was dnan in EC, and cdc4 or 5 if I am not mistaken.. we are still waiting for our lan support from them :)
but you dropped out? :(
No it was one or two EC's before that. ah and indeed last EC we dropped!
That was last EC ye :D
EC and lots of oc prem.
anim,ohzor4,Sight,sCyter,eurUz,immoo,DabSter,emerica remembered that squad?
As if they achieved anything, lol.
they achieved x100 more than u ;)
fantastic argument, kid.
u are going retarded day by day..
go suckle on your mom's tits again if that's all you can come up with "they achieved more than you lololol" and "lololol you so retarded". Fuckin baby.

They didn't achieve anything in terms of actually winning something prestigeous, so I don't know what the fuck your problem is, but go be frustrated somewhere else okay?
i prefer sucking ur mom's tits <3
looking at Turkish women, I can completely understand that.
looking at you i can see what ur mother has given birth to, a shit.
u mad, boy?
stop flaming you cunt
FLAMING OKEEY stupid kebab
good luck guys =)
gl France emorej !
pawel :XD
QuoteUnited Kingdom kaMz

Zero Empathy Is hack!

Why is this main news?
gl twidi, razz, nuggan!
So leik, my big question is... wtf happened to Hype?
no1 can beat the old 0E ! though goodlucky kamz razz twidi
gl! hope you stick together
lol u so gay dave!
Thats what your mum said... but I proved her wrong.
OH, oh...u really got me there dave
really good team ! gl guys but emorej at LAN ? :DD
thats why they have 6 :)
gl vs impact kamz
zMk=new wiaderko
2 weeks and new lineup
whatever happened to nonix wasnt he in this team aswell?
kamzz kicked the most stable player for razz* to join back again.
was another e-drama
wanneer wil je weer prac
Lol, suprised they still can take themselves seriously. Kamzz biggest clanhopper ever, had much respect for him.. totally dissapeared now. Razz and Nuggan clanhoppers as well.
In case of huge counter replies: if not clanhopper, then incredibly instable.
gl kamz + razz!
backupboy \o
That's because you don't want to be in main line up, this fanboi knows that you are an awesome player and would love to see you play more again! This fanboi will never come that far! What do you think? =)
2 weeks brother
emorej kamz and razz at lan ?

You guys are only fooling yourselves :D
couldn't agree more
how are you able to still play officials with SO many changes :D I assume this is still the colt 45 'entry' into EC and EMS?
+1 should be kicked out like Easy Mode, too many lu changes. But well EM had the bad luck that admins delete their lu announcement and colt45 gets main news :S
dunno about being kicked out, think its just strange =)

also one of the bigger issues facing ET in terms of the R0SS arguement for MGC support, stable lineups that have been together for a while > EC / EMS season made lineups. IMO :)
Everyone is playing with everyone just bullshit. razz played Impact plays with colt45, emorej played with frogz plays for colt45, twidi played for vae plays for colt45, probally zMk also had a team and plays for colt45.
zmk = ff & phantomz
1 week and we will see changes in lineup :D
The soap continues.
seemslike a great team !
need filter for repeated soaplike shit that nobody really gives a fuck about.

gl jabuszko and co :)
if et was still 6o6 i would wank all day to NuggaN... but hes only a backup so u gonna fail hard... gl @ lan kamz
this lineups calls for wiaderko
1,209,600 seconds
kamz biggest clanhopper evar :@
fail lineup, will never work 3 days max
gl nuggan zMk
gl kamz, rAzZ :o)
gl kamz razz ;p
gl m8s, but pls dont change your lineup so many times hope you will be stable thise time :)
gl zioM!
lan :D gl hype
the individual skill in this team is great but ...

gl kamz, razz, zmk, Nuggan and jerome <3
good luck kamz, zMk : P
Good luck twidi & nuggan
How come I've never seen a website of that so called "well known organisation Zero Empathy"?

Good luck to the team!
gut lack razz & kamz
gl razz nuggan emorej
kamz is too shit to hack! :>
dont drink on lan pawel :) gl
gl razz ;)
gl curry muncher! :-)
An ET-Players life:

Take a look around -> find some fallen players from unsuccessful teams -> Form them into something what will mostlikely excist for like 2 weeks -> Search for a sexy clan (but dont forget to make an newspost after 3 days of praccin!) -> Sepperate again if you start losing some games cuz you think every team needs to be awesome after 1 week -> Take a look around...

<3 anyway much <3 to you <3
another 1-2 week(s) clan...not news worthy
razz & twidi
good luck 2 u 2 :-)
"EC is about stable clans" :D
Good luck with new lineup hope it goes better than last one's :) x
Good luck Kamz, hope this works out a surprise in EC!
gl hf twidi, nuggan and emorej
gl guys!
yay! finally kamz can stop messing arround with c45 XDDD
they're office
Jérome à unLAN, laisse moi rire grand chef :P

Gl guys
think you're kool when you speak french punkk?
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