Thursday: Impact vs colt45

image: CB_EC_XXI

After Sunday's action, we are ready to continue this Eurocup and bring you another interesting and exciting match as two big teams from Group A will go at it for a chance to reach the playoffs. This match will decide who finishes 1st in Group A..

So let's start - United Kingdom colt45 vs United Kingdom Impact. Both teams contain players that managed to obtain Bronze in CB Nationscup XIII this season. United Kingdom colt45 are yet to be defeated in this EC but many could argue that they haven't come across a team of the calibre of their opposition this weekend. However, United Kingdom Impact were on the bad side of the shock of the tournament so far, losing 4-2 to Estonia nOu way. They have also been on a losing streak recently and will definitely want to win this one.

There is no doubt there is history between these two sides. It was Wales sqzz who started it all off when he packed his bags and left United Kingdom colt45 to join up with eVo's United Kingdom Impact ( ). Soon after, Scotland razz followed suit, leaving United Kingdom Kamz to build a new lineup. Since then, alot has happened.. Both teams have had players walk in and out, Germany sNoOp joined up with Impact, rockit legends Italy XyloS and Spain Winghaven have also joined the team recently and Scotland razz was forgiven and allowed back to United Kingdom colt45.

There is no love lost between these two sides. This promises to be the most interesting match so far in the tournament. I'm sure Finland twidi would love to get revenge on United Kingdom Impact and United Kingdom Kamz would love to get one over on United Kingdom eVo & United Kingdom R0SS and vice versa, and rumours are that razz and sqzz don't talk to each other anymore. This one is a must see!
image: s_head

image: s_news

United Kingdom Impact Gaming

United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom sqzz
Italy XyloS
Spain Winghaven
Germany sNoOp
image: s_news

United Kingdom colt45

United Kingdom kaMzZ
United Kingdom razz
Finland twidi
France emorej
Poland zMkimage: s_border_short

Date: Thursday 27th May 2010
Time: 19:30 WEST / 20:30 CET
Maps: Bremen and Goldrush
League: image: etClanBase EuroCup XXI
image: game18916
image: s_foot
Quote by KamzI'm mostly known and respected for telling the truth so I won't stop now. Only thing that motivated me to continue in this EC, was having Impact in our group. This is a match I want to win, regardless if we're already qualified or not. I think we will do it since I think there are some weak spots in Impact, so 4-0 for us.

Quote by eVoI honestly wouldn't know what to say about the team right now... Anything could happen, they could blow colt away or be completely destroyed.. flip a coin :)

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ty to beggin :)
hype it up
what chance does impact have?
they just lost vs vibe : |

but i hope they will deliver dominate like everyone else hopes
Impact lineup changes...
image: englishpg
you play with cheater #1 Hunter, kinda strange : )))))
I don't think he's cheating.
where's mystic and sheep lolz?
Could be main news, tbh.
impact looks damn shit :l
razz & sqzz broke up :|
lol ROSS is back, what's up with Impact line ups ? :p
gl emo
like Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus
That movie was just wierd :[ damn 3d animated shark travelling half an hour over 20 meters
so where did sheep go?
im sucking!
yes thats why u need to play this game to practise!
i know that! :D
eVo should quit... he cant keep same lineup for more than ONE week... no mystic no win as always
he cannot make anymore lineup changes until playoffs (1 change) anyway.
He can invite a million backups to play, but I think he already did that :P
im pretty sure u will have to remove impact from EC...

btw. nice teams got into EC: EM impact squirtle colt... nice fuckups
you forgot to mention berza, frogz and phantoms.

they are all nice teams, thanks for confirming it.
if EM is a nice team why remove them for such a reason? not a nice way to treat nice guys now is it?
shit team full of shit
Hang on exactly what was i supposed to do:
Toxic - turned out he couldn't play as he decided to extend his time in the UK with work therefore totally unavailable
Mystic - Exams and now at least during summer time he has taken a job driving which requires him mostly to be working from around 4am (3am EST) so he is now sleeping when we would be playing, so that rules him out of the first LAN until he goes back to uni
gifty - Not here until June
That's 3 out of the original lineup unavailable, then you have:
Sheep - Not adjusted to 5o5 and struggling for form
Sqzz - playing very well, the only one consistently available and on form

We tried to use razz originally to cover toxic for online play until he got back to malta, when that situation changed we took in snoop.
Ross had originally been covering gifty online till he got back before he was due to play with his own LAN team including Winghaven and Xylos
When it became apparent mystic then couldn't play (we found this out maybe 2 weeks ago after he was told his shifts in work) Adacore (the only 50/50 manager) Ross sqzz and co put it to me that we should merge the 2 teams. It's not what i originally wanted however right now its the best team available so i agreed, tonight will be probably the first time all 5 play together.

Frankly its not that i dont want to keep the same lineup together its just i haven't been able too because of each of the players individual circumstances, most teams would just fold, we have tried to find a way to make it work, i dont think that something to scoff and frankly quitting and folding is surely a worse solution so maybe think about that!!
razz fucking pwns, why did you remove him :P
he left as far as I know
still, in all positions where management comes to play, prediction is a crucial factor, see.

you still have loads of decisions on your table that you should firmly grip ASAP, because it is quite obvious what will happen next, see.
yea i know
great show of your managing skills...

howeve u cant hide the truth behind pretty words... u failed to complete a team...
ok clearly talking to a brick wall
fail is fail, noone cares about the reasons...
So would you like us to disband, will this make you happy? Is that the solution for you?
well on your place i wouldnt catch players like pokemons for sure... disbanding and recreating the squad would look much better...
"catch players like pokemons"

bestest sentence
well you knew gifty wasnt avi before june, so thats not really a argument :)
I'm not arguing just explaining why the issues have occurred
well I think you dont need to explain anything, its your team, so your choices
didnt read but
= > idle
let wing play otherwise another lose for impact
Impact, wtf!
You should be shoutcasting c45 vs Impact! It's almost like Sublime vs asd @ last season.
gamestv match plz!
what happened to mystic?
omg mystic omg

oh wait, he's not even playing :/

impact will fail as usual...
cant wait for their fold...
Why cant you wait for a team to fold?
oh i could tell you plenty of reasons..
first of all for me personally the team is the least likable one in the whole community atm.
There have been so many bad news about impact (also already before the lan), which makes me wonder about your management abilities. Then you just cant get a lineup together, all who constantly play is communityasshole #1 r0ss (although ousted of impact just a week ago) and sqzz which is prolly the only nice guy in your lu. But as a guys who can just read on CF whats happening, i m sure the climate in your team is sensationally great.
regarding your lineup i can just say that i think even (with a roaster of prolly 100 guys) has a more constant one than you and if it comes to an EMS game which might be one of the more important ones and again you as the manager and not a real player has to play, although you re not able to handle that skilllevel makes me again wonder about your team...
at least you finally got toxic out who was prolly the most arrogant retard in the community but again those are just personal reasons...

anyways, i could keep on with such texting openend, but still i m interested in all the upcoming scandals (not to forget that you guys brought the word backstabbing into such a community), all the upcoming luchanges and the AEF fail...
2 bad news posts

1 - argument between me and ross which should never have been made public, last time i checked internal issues didn't warrant news posts

2 - A recruitment post about someone who hadn't joined

Blame the media :P
yep i agree in those points but still how can such things even make it into the newsstages of cF?
wiadro joining your team is obviously something to denigrate you..
your argument with ross was definitely nothing to be posted on here although its a common thing in here to hate ross and therefor post such news :P
but overall to answer your question again i can just say that impact from the point of just a viewer and not a proplayer is just because of all those facts not a team i ve got respect of...
Have i ever spoke to you, every time i read a post with my name in it u just flame me as if i have been a prick to you in the past
no and right until now i m glad we didnt...
still i m just a guy who sees things from the spectatorside...
its like the shit you read in a magazine, you can just decide whether you like somebody or not on what you read in it and according to all the really awful shit that took place around your name i got plenty of reasons to be sure you re a prick i d never wanna have anything to do with
fair enough, ur entitled to ur opinion. Doesnt mean u have to comment on every post that has my name in it with insults.
that might be true and i promise i m gonna step back a little bit but still we re on the internet and it seems as if such things like stuff around you doesnt result the right consequences...
my consequence is massive disrespect i put in the way everyone does on the internet...
+1... not that i care...
LOL!!! you went to town on this posts :D
to go to town?
means i m right or what? (i m not a native english speaker as u prolly saw :D)
basically owned him.
no problemo for le nemorej-
oh hey look it says no love lost instead of no love loss
gl R0SS sqzz razz zMk m8
why not kamz? thought you were homeboys
don't ever make that mistake again pls
He's one of the biggest wasteman I've met
you used to follow him around everywhere the internet would let u :D what happened :[
no I didn't, just used to mix with him and random people from almighty that's about it
you're avoiding the question :)?
well he's just a loser. He used to always chat about about how low deathless are and shit and then when I was talking about when razz and sqzz left c45, he got hurt and banned me from & almighty. Was quite funny tbh. Also comments like this, done that on more than 5 occasions taking the piss out of us when I'm not really bothered by it but just shows how sad he is. Not mentioning the fact he is online everyday, every hour playing and has no life. His facebook page is a ghostown. Plus he thinks hes so great cos of the amount of people who are up his arse and how he removes my YCN admin so he can have it for himself, de-op's me at all hours of the day when i auto-op in when I don't do it on purpose. Also funny when anyone talks about stuff irl, he changes the subject immediately.

He feels isolated irl so he feels the void by playing ET, thats why hes just a wasteman.
thanks for enlightening me :P i always wondered what happened between the two of u :(
We will tell them that the playoff spot is OURS
good luck both teams, have fun =]
hope colt wins!
who will play eng smg in impact?
that sounds like an awesome choice!
pressure kamz, can you handle it?!
gl colt45 you deserve it ALOT more than impact
Shall the best win
what mistake did i make?
Shall the best win is more like a question :P

I think you meant may the best win.

x) nvm
waiting for impact to be kicked from EC, they clearly never intended to play with their main lineup and have deceived CB admins into thinking that they would.
which mainlineup ? :)
think hes talking about the AEF Lineup
good luck guys, over and out. pumu
lol impact...enough said...
cant wait for impact colt45
nice going eVo :-)
haha hero :D
expected but unfortunate. I still think Impact has good player but somehow its not paying off yet. I hope they can turn it around somehow GL and grats to colt45
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