Crossfire 3 Approaches

Crossfire is opening up to its community to ask for help in developing the banner for the next version of Crossfire which is due to be released within the coming month. The winning design will be seen by the ever growing Crossfire community.

Interested? The site design you'll be working with is HERE: It has been constructed by a British group of post modern artists (Foonr & Angrykid).

The design has been someone blurred and doctored by my MS Paint skills in a bid to hide a few words (words = features). But nothing can hide the ugly adverts. (Its the price you pay if you want more lans)

Requirements - The right hand side of the banner must not be crucial to the design as there will be adverts placed there. The design MUST feature the Crossfire logo. You can use This Logo or you can create your own, if you chose to create your own it must represent the word Crossfire is some shape or form (like CF does on the current one). Remember we are pushing the word Crossfire not Xfire and the banner should not be game specfic.

Good Luck!
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