Map Pools for the Lan

image: xfire_logo
Both the CoD & ET tournaments will have 5 maps in their map pools for the competition, however unlike in other tournaments where either you could select the map you would play, or you were assigned maps long in advance of the tournament, this time map selection will be VERY different.
Taking a leaf from CGI maps will be randomly announced 60 seconds in advance of the match. Maps will be drawn at random, infront of the two teams once both are setup. At that point it will be 60 seconds and "Prepare to fight". Call of Duty will be played on 1 map, and ET 2 maps.

The Call of Duty Maps are without surprise and lineup as follows:

mp_dawnville, toujane, burgundy, matmata, carentan

The ET Map pool however, has a slight twist to it. As we will bring back TWO older maps, one of which will be chosen via a poll. Additionally Supply Depot will bow out of this tournament.

ET Map Pool:

Radar, Frostbite, sw_oasis b3, sw_Goldrush, (winner of poll)
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