RtCW-Cup 4 - Playoff WTV Tonight

image: mainimage

Tonight we have to final game in the first round of the playoffs. It sees the Hungarian powerhouse Hungary cave take on the wiley EuropeThunderc*ts.

image: rockit_smallThe game should be a cracker with the first official shoutcast of the cup coming from United Kingdom owzo of Rockit Radio and his new co-commentator United Kingdom dictator to bring added insight into what should be an interesting matchup. You can tune into the cast here -> Listen here

If you want to watch WTV you can grab the RTCW 1.4 pack from the tutorials section here at crossfire, connect to the ip given on gamesTV and your in! (No CDKEY Required to watch WTV).


Hungary islam
Hungary c[s
Hungary zenith
Hungary Doom
Hungary tesoka
Hungary BoRi


Netherlands voice
Netherlands kylie
Netherlands flits
Netherlands bully
United Kingdom dusty
Germany fro
Germany treff


Quote by twisterWe have practised against both teams this week and bhts left a far stronger impression. So judging by that it should be an easy win for bhts. Yet cave seem to perform way better in officials then they do in pracs, especially looking at the fact they topped their group. My guess is that it will be a close game with some doublefullholds - 1:0 to cave because isl4m will save the day!

Quote by zenithIt is hard to give prediction because our last prac was awful and thundercats have really nice line up. We are always better on official, I hope we are going to win, 3-1 for cave:)

Quote by flitsWell i think its gonna be a difficult match for us. We still havent found the perfect line up and the tacs that goes with it. We are playing vs Cave who came first in their group. Yesterday the nr 2 of their group Skk beat nP wich is a big surprise. That means Cave is good. We cant make any faults and must act like a real team.
With players like Dusty and Kylie we have good teamplayers and i think we got a shot to win the game. It also depends on wich maps we play, ii give Cave 60% and us 40% to win the match. Score after 2 maps 2-2. Decider map we will win 2-0

image: game19211

Furthermore last night gave us some great entertainment in the form of the game between Europe noPressure and Anonymous skk!, which ended 3-2 to skk! after six action packed rounds. You can check out the demos of the game at rtcw-cup.co.uk

image: game19256

web: http://www.RTCW-CUP.co.uk | http://www.team-rockit.com
IRC: #RtCW-Cup
Zenith bazzeg, felmesz es belovod oket, Eleg a napkozis szovegbol. izi 4-0
cool, showtcasting :D
gl both!
Good luck to both : )
Rockit power!
cool flag dude
your reply should have been: "nice tag mate" ;DD
gl bully & kylie :D
Zenith bazzeg, felmesz es belovod oket, Eleg a napkozis szovegbol. izi 4-0

melegek vagyunk mind
wp cave, gl vs rockit :C]
khm my nick is c[s not c]s. khm.
whats the lineup of skk? :o!
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