Infotainment for the ESL IPS

Check out the seedings and the quality of the qualifing teams for the upcoming International Premiership Series in ET. With a collection of all the matches and important information, in addition, you will be able to find your last chance to compete on ETs highest level.
In the latest newspost written on the ESL page, you can find all the details of the upcoming ESL International Premiership Qualifier Cups of ET for Europe. Our aim was to get 16 teams to sign up for the cup. After closing the signups, we have collected 21 teams and we have thought about the system to give you as many chances to compete as possible.

The first matches will be next week:
Estonia vs. Routiniers Netherlands
Russia tank 34 vs. Italy
Sweden Rewind vs. euthanasia Finland
Europe Helix vs. Spreading Death Europe
Europe Team-ND vs. SuperAC Europe
Poland - WoW vs. cdap - oddjob United Kingdom
Europe Organised Chaos vs. SFX Gaming Finland
Poland team-delta vs. zeroPoint Europe
image: 1041

Content Overview:
- Cup Structure (important)
- Seedings
- Matches
- All dates & maps
- IPS Qualifier: Second Chance
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