EuroCup XXI - Playoffs

image: CB_EC_XXI

With a total of 3 clans passing through for the groupstage from 4 gourps, we are left with 12 clans, these clans will fight for the death in a double elimination playoff tree. Below find the correct version of the EuroCup XXI - Playoffs
image: s_head

Winner Bracket

UB Round 1

UB Round 2
United Kingdomcolt45
Winner #1

Winner #2
UB Round 3

Winner #5


Winner #6
UB Final

Winner #13

Grand Final

Winner #19


United KingdomImp

Winner #3

Winner #4
Winner #7


Winner #8

Winner #14

Cup Winner

Loser Bracket

LB Round 1

Loser #1
Loser #8

Loser #7
Loser #2

Loser #3
Loser #6

Loser #5
Loser #4
LB Round 2

Winner #9


Winner #10

Winner #11


Winner #12
LB Round 3

Winner #15


Loser #14

Loser #13


Winner #16
LB Round 4

Winner #17


Winner #18
LB Final
Loser #19


Winner #20

Winner #21

image: s_foot
  • Original layout of the playoffs can be found in the rules section
  • The Loser Bracket here is incorrect, it is being fixed.

1st Matchweek matches are the following
  • EuropeSleeperz vs FinlandFintastic5
  • vs EuropeRockit
  • BelgiumBelgian Fraternity vs NetherlandsDreaM
  • GermanySpeedlink vs United KingdomImpact

Playoff Rules
  • 1. A playoff match is played at least on 2 maps. Both clans select a map from the map list before the start of the match and inform the cup admin at least 30 minutes before the match is set to start. The admin will not announce maps until both teams have confirmed their choices with him/her. In case both teams have chosen the same map, the second map will be selected with the conventional method of map elimination, preceded by a cointoss. The admin will choose which map is played first.
  • One SW round will be played on each map.
  • The admin will choose which map is played first. (The map which is played first is usually the first map to be announced by a team.)
  • Each team will decide on which side to start on the map chosen by their opponent.
  • Round wins are added to determine the score: the team that wins a SW round receives 2 points; if both teams fail to set a time in a SW round, both teams will get 1 point. So possible scores after the two first maps are: 4-0 3-1 2-2.
  • In case the game is tied, an extra SW round is played on one of the remaining maps from the maplist. Teams take turns eliminating maps. The winner of the coinflip eliminates the first map, followed by the other team until one map is left to be played. When a map is selected, the team which didn't have final pick chooses who attacks first
  • Clans are forbidden to chose the same map, previously selected in their two most recent playoff games.

Due to internal/clan problems and issues in BelgiumOverload, NetherlandsDreaM and EuropeFiF.zeroE, the first matchweek has been extended to the 13th of June.

Quick Links
These prizes will be shipped to the winners directly from SteelSeries within approximately 2 weeks after the cup has finished and the winners stored.

We wish everyone the best of luck and an enjoyable competition.
Nice news KB!
make a loser bracket for OC 1st instead
+1, this one is already fucked up
I don't know if you got me right, but OC 1st is currently single elimination so I'd prefer a loser bracket there as well, not that the losers should drop to OC 1st bracket. :O
yea i did get you right :D was just commenting this one in the process cause it's a fail
Well yeah, you didn't win your group so it's kinda deserved that you face a good team, but seeing DreaM only facing bF while they've performed worse than you in groupstage looks like a joke.
the biggest joke is that we will face impact most likely if they beat SL in our 1st LB match while other lb matches can't even be compared to our match, shit brackets are shit
You never know, Impact might beat idle, then you'd be facing idle! :D
that's exactly my point, it's so fucked up that there's even a possibility of facing the same opponent from our group so early
Unfortunately that's because 12 team DE brackets are an absolutely terrible idea. This has been known for a while...
wouldn't be that bad if only group D had normal standings
nah its just the 'topteams' performing bad in their groups!
even we beat impact so u can easily do it
a lot of people did, but impact has a new lineup now which seems to be a lot more promising so i have my doubts.
if they are better there are no problem they will just own at loser bracket then
that entirely depends on the opponents.
ye but now its playoff if u want to do good result u have to beat the best teams now or later so its the same
you don't get it do you? bF vs dream is very different from f5 and zZz or impact and zZz

it's not the same cause getting kicked out later means you achieved a better result
well shit happened in their groupstage then
+1 on that :x
why does the best prize go to 3rd place?

kamz is gonna be RAGING when everyone starts battling to forfeit their way into 3rd, especially if he gets stuck with a kinzu rofl

Well 3rd place is the only thing in question, idle/F5 have such a skill gap from the rest of the teams that they'll easily get 1st/2nd. So its a battle for 3rd anyway.
No, idle and F5 have the best chances of getting the best prize which is the 3rd leaving the 1st and 2nd places open for others (like Kamz) to win
finns have a higher chance of being able to throw the game without killerboy kicking them out imo
SteelSeries Kinzu Optical (EUR: 34.99 + shipping)
SteelSeries 4HD (EUR: 19.99 + shipping)
SteelSeries QcK is (EUR: 9.99 + shipping)

they are sorted according to price
i'd feel bad ebaying that shit, i don't like the idea of making money out of other peoples idiocy
Idle overload would of been the best match of the remaining games. But I guess that won't be much now.
I doubt that.

Jere > vila
david >>> ettv-zeto
Oh i completely agree, skill wise the new additions are much better players. Much better. But.. I'm more commenting on teamplay, I don't know if they have enough time/how much they prac and hence didn't think they'd be able to get it together in time.
tbh overload are better with jere
Here u go - no need to play it anymore

image: ecresults
Almost right:
Impact wins over Speedlink. (UB 1)
FiF wins over Rockit. (UB 2)
ovr wins over zZz. (LB 3)

It won't change the last result though.
Impact over speedlink, hm i have no clue who's playing for impact atm tbh, but if speedlink are still playing active they should take it from a weakened impact i assume or a close 4-2 game.

Fif without Jere & Worm will be hard to take rockit

I'm just judging here from recent pracs, i heard zZz rolled them recently so hope they can do it in offi too. (overload will depend on how fast david can pwn again)
Impact atm are sqzz/xylos/ross/meez/hayaa. I'm really looking forward to the SL official (first with impact LAN lineup), should be interesting :D
My bad then, that looks like a good enough lu from impact, IF they prac they should take the SL game.
I'm pretty sure Impact will win over Speedlink, since SL didn't have the most convincing results lately. (iR)

Overload: Well, dAv1d is by far better than ettv.zeto and Jere is about the same level as wh.vila. And before all that happened Overload were considered #3 and maybe even able to win a map from idle/F5, so I don't think they'll perform much worse.

You're right about FiF though, but haya left rockit, who was their best player in my opinion and I think crumbs can't replace him that well. I think it will depend on who gets the best "new player", while rockit already got crumbs.
I believe Jere was doing ingame calls for FiF it's always a difference when you lose ur leader. While rockit still have their clown :) Depends if crmbs won't make too much difference to hayaa damage wise.

Overload was really strong when they started playing again, but the last month they played worse from what I saw in prax vs zZz. (I even had overload in top3 for EC before that)

Speedlink/impact, both unreliable so no clue :P
Jere is not really doing ingame comms tbh :p.
Wat is dit nu weer? Valt fif uit elkaar??!
I love that you've got SL beating Impact. Rockit beating colt and sleepers beating bF are both debatable as well, while sleepers beating overload is unlikely.
From what I saw impact are not performing as they should & are they even praccing active, while SL should be one of the most active teams in the game.

Rockit > zZz > Colt (from offis/pracs that i saw/heard of)

zZz > bf (proven in the last 4 offis or so they played over a period of 2 months)

zZz > overload, again judging from prax - jere should be an improvement to vila - but david is different from zeto as a player, so depends on how they get along.
I agree Impact have been dismal in officials. The new lineup is praccing as actively as anyone atm, though, I think, and seems to be working better.
With those names & active praccing they could disturb my prediction :(
Did zZz win over overload with ovr playing with their old lineup? (in pracs) That would surprise me tbh. zZz > bF for sure, but I wouldn't be that sure about Rockit owning both zZz and colt after they dropped haya.
First getting raged, and recently winning of them from what I heard. (zZz vs ovr)
overload were using: vila lio zeto acid chry last time they played (no mAus = no win)
There you go:

image: ecresultsoozt

Close games between idle/F5 , FiF/Rockit, zZz/Impact, colt45/FiF
loser of Impact/idle would face zZz
Oh yeah, forgot the Imp/SL path turned around

e: edited the original picture
at first i was puzzled at how impact somehow disappear from your brackets, but i realize now you're just predicting killerboy to kick us
Haha, I forgot the Imp/SL path turned around.
Edited now :)

You'd come further if you'd lose the match vs Speedlink on purpose. (LB 4, probably LB Finals)
that is where i want to be actually, free mousepad

what i don't get is how if we lost to idle we'd switch to the top half of the bracket? wouldn't we stay on the bottom half and play against winner of SL/c45?
No clue but it was like that on Lazio's picture so I copied it. It's right though when you check the original post.
12 team DE brackets are weird and fucked up. That gets even worse after a groupstage. There's your answer.
i dont know why we would lose against bF and FiF we always won against them in pracs ( bF was close evrytime ) and we won every match against overload.
I doubt you would win any of these in offis..
well se then , we suprised allready so.
yet you played e-wave only 4-2
tag lost 4-2
zzz won 3-1
tmoe lost 4-2
impact won 4-2
speedlink won 4-2
tag lost again 4-2

those are matches from e-wave , they are pretty strong at some maps, so dont tell me if we lose 1 map against e-wave we would lose against bF or FiF , i dont say we cant lose against them , but we won them in pracs aswell as i said.
:D <3

we got you into the playoffs so lets hope you can go further, gl mate
yeh allready said thanks to the others , and you guys are good keep this team up, gl in the future.
zzz beat rockit easy:<
Those rules are awesome btw - don't think they've changed since I rewrote most of them when I was sup :D

My favourite was always "The admin will choose which map is played first."

Also, I love what vila's done with the overload team on clanbase. Looking nice there, Fifa-gaming.
Praccs zeggen natuurlijk niks he Nohead :).
only in canada
yeah, canada is as clear as this news post!
great admining there, overload didnt get any forfeits from the previous games?

your doing an excellent job keep it up...

why arnt teams boycotting these retards? really tells a lott about todays ET

When it comes to CB C&A he can only act in the rules (chiefs take it a little seriously)

When it comes to randomly removing teams from EC you don't need to follow the rules.
Don't forget only 2 players from the original lineup are left!
cuz besides sL no teams are against them i guess
most people are of the opinion that vila even with cheats probably put them at a disadvantage.
what does my acc has to do with your uselessness?

"it will make me look dumb" = too late for that buddy
needs readmore function zomg
Anyway I asked a Cup Chief, they told me that "nothing happens to the team unless it can be proven they were cheating in that match" and also confirmed by another crew member who had the same exact case in EC CoD4 this season.
some retard posted a selfbust pic and then rolled through a list of excuses finally finishing on a bullshit photoshop story?

Lightning, it strikes twice motherfucker
I didn't say he won't get banned
so you want to say that I can cheat how much I want, and then play CB bcoz nobody proved that I'm cheating in official match? with all the bullshiting background, lies etc, forgot that add that its not his first time
What are you not understanding here? Vila will be banned because he cheated. There is no indication that anyone else in overload cheated so they will not be banned. So no, if you 'cheat how much you want' then you will be banned.
There is no indication that anyone else in overload cheated so they will not be banned.

Zeto? And it doesn't matter, Vila was in team while they were playing in EC, so why not removing the team? In my opinion they should be removed, especially when its not their first time
no zeto didnt cheat and vila didnt cheat in officials, very simple really
Parent not in final??
high+ and some medskilled teams

idle / f5
zZz / ovr
rockit / impact
image: 20100531142336supply

think u mean low-
wow you must be fucking proud of it :DDDD i should upload my 10000 screenshots when we rolled you
also this:

was my first day there <3
nou/ sucks, face it
u keep insulting dream but when it benefit u ahha you like them haha stupid cocksucker ur fucking shit and ur ego is way too high for ur small skill hf in OC

anyways i dont care, i raped u so much , remember that 2v2 :P calling us hackers:D, we are shit but calling hackers :D non sense russian

Mind: ur ego is pretty high compared to ur skill :7

raping u since ages
u have won 2 matches, wow :D
cant remember that we played a 2on2 against you
u just suck srsly and my ego isnt high, i just flame every cheater and i dont care about oc, vibe started at the beginning of the ec, we would also reach the playoffs, im sure of it
oc is just as much fun as ec and we are also playing ems + we win against good teams unlike you
prac doesnt say shit, we have also won grush without problems against idle, they even voted fulltime but who cares, theyd rape us 20:0 in an official match i guess
so shut up and try to play without cheats, nerd
btw, i never said that im highskilled
engrish battle

PS: Dont always take it the bad way
remove overload! remove overload! fucking whiner kids like its their fault vila did cheat on a 3o3 and i am pretty sure vila only cheated against people who he hated and only in pracs or funwars.He wouldnt make the same mistake again and cheat during a offi resulting overload gets removed
ofc he woudlnt make the same mistake becouse he has brain ...oh wait
come on zZz :) make us proud.

f5 are not unbeatable :) look at our last game (4-0 for us h3h3h3h3)
quite proud of that game aren't we?! :D
To be fair, it's justifiable given they're considered the best team in ET right now.
to be fair, the game was 4on5 in case you didn't know :D!
I vaguely did, but I forgot when I posted the above :D
online only UNHAXPECTED :XD
i think you misunderstood, i'm not accusing any of you of cheating :)
What adacore said :)

make us proud brotha
i dont have ego, its just fun to play et and i only whine about REALLY unhitable players and cheaters
dont care if u call me low- skilled or w/e
its just fun to play with cool people (vibe <3 :D)
how comes you say that i have a high ego? weve played against most of the teams and dream/nOu/SL just suck IMO, who cares?
obviously you do..
We played once vs you when you started playing vibe
And we had 2 mercs by then, and because you won there we suddenly suck?
compared to the other teams like zZz idle fin5 etc., yes
If you say so :D
need vibe vs dream offi!
not gonna happen
make it a random laddergame then.
weil du ein hurensohn bist!
I don't care what people say about us, but how can someone say those teams suck they passed the group stage and performed well, every team has his bad moments.
We lost mize, motif & smirzz we had our bad time.
But yeah if they want to play vs us they're welcome. i would like to play vs them at LAN :)
i also think that it's retarded to make his opinion out of 1 random irc-prac. and i also assumed your team wouldn't mind playing vibe in an offical (especially on lan, ye, but that won't happen :p) so i suggested it ;D
its funny because you seem to care a lot while writing "dont care" "who cares" in every second line :D
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