CB EC: bF vs DreaM

image: CB_EC_XXI

After FinlandFintastic 5 have beaten DenmarkSleeperz by 4-2, the fourth and final match of the EuroCup XXI Upper Bracket Round 1 Playoff match to take place is BelgiumBelgian Fraternity vs NetherlandsDreaM.

image: s_head




FranceRizkKimage: 2vc7p15

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image: s_foot
This match is as tight as it can get, both teams have been the underdogs of the tournament and have done pretty well for the first time they have played in the EuroCup.

The odds on GamesTV.org are tied as well, in other news NetherlandsMOTiF will be available for the NetherlandsDreaM side while NetherlandsLun4t1C will replace BelgiumAL1 while he does his examinations. It will be interesting for the viewers to see who will win this match, so make sure you tune into the match at GamesTV on Sunday 21:30 CEST!

The winner of this match will advance to the second round to face the BelgiumOVERLOAd lineup. On the other hand, the looser team will drop to the loser bracket and will face the loser of EstoniaSquad.ee vs EuropeFriends in Force

image: s_headimage: game19469

Time: Sunday 21:30 CEST
CBooky Odds: 67% bF, 33% DreaM
Matchlink: http://clanbase.ggl.com/warinfo.php?wid=10086267 image: 2vc7p15
Belgium bF - Form Guide
  • 06 June: 1-3 United Kingdomcolt45
  • 23 May: 4-0 Poland1stCav
  • 16 May: 4-0 FinlandFintastic 5
  • 16 May: 0-4 Estoniaidle.ee
  • 09 May: 0-4 DenmarkSleeperz
Netherlands DreaM - Form Guide
  • 31 May: 2-4 SwedeniNsprd
  • 30 May: 4-2 Germanye-WAVE
  • 16 May: 0-4 Estoniaidle.ee
  • 29 April: 0-4 DenmarkSleeperz
  • 22 April: 4-2 EuropeTAG
image: s_foot

BelgiumGifted: "We lack pracs lately & have to miss AL1 & uNDEAd for this game due their exams. But I still think that we can take it. Player to watch will be Lun4t1C."
NetherlandssHaKy: "We didnt prac that much jalo his pc crashed and MOTiF came back on thursday after 4 weeks but he still got his skills on Top ! It will be a hard match vs bF we've played against them in prac and they're a very nice opponent to play. But with our dutch pwner back i think we wont lose this match a 4-2 win for the DreaM side."image: s_head


I believe the belgians are slightly stronger than NetherlandsDreaM but both have had lineup problems and it will be close, I predict a 4-2 win for BelgiumBelgian Fraternity.image: s_head

DenmarkSleeperz vs FinlandFintastic5 Match Report

Quote by NightRaverzZz did what they wanted to do. They managed to get a decider and even the decider was closer than the odds expected.
They can now go with high confidence to another change against the loser of Impact vs Idle
Ffive did what they needed to do, they won the game to proceed against Colt45 and the controversial kamzz.
All in all a good game.

x Vote for your POTM here.
image: s_foot
These kind of news are gettin' on my nerves
IM MAD LE TOTALLY MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You must like the EMS then, no coverage at all :)
I mean it sounds like you copy paste and replace old team names and stuff by new ones.
everything is different except the format :(
It's ok gary m8 I stop hatin' :}D
don't change a winning format.
It's decent!
feel free to make a new (and better) template that we can use and we gladly change it :-)
EMS has 2-3 matches left from the Groupstage, not news worthy. STFU.
QuoteEMS has 2-3 matches left from the Groupstage, not news worthy. STFU.

tbh it's the other way round
CB EC is in the playoffs stage, so I don't understand your point. EMS playoffs coverage >>> EC coverage.

we had coverage for every groupstage match, I don't even know what happened to EMS with your super awesome brilliant coverage and non-existant match reports. We have covered EVERY match in EC and you coverd 10% of EMS, so EMS coverage > EC :D?

and EMS newspost are lineups + gtv link only with 10 comments max
Quotewe had a coverage for every groupstage match

That's kinda too much if you ask me, most people don't care about random groupstage matches.. compare both EMS and EC after they've finished and not that early..
The average viewer peak of an EC match is around 200-400 viewers, so I think writing a match preview(coverage) for the match (for these ettv viewers/followers) is needed.
It's more like 100-150, or even less, for random matches.
also in this column 90% of the comments stated they want more coverage http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=column&mode=item&id=510
More coverage yes, but not covering every single game and spamming the news with it.
i really dont concider it spamming the news section.
oldest newspost at this point is from 10 days ago.
And depending on when the next main news will be posted, it might be up for 2 weeks.

Apart from that it is pretty simple: CB news starts with CB: ...
Not intrested = not clicking
Read the first comment of that link. That is soo tru.
We need ESL clicks in order to give ET another EMS every fucking year. So we just do a preview of the available matches, giving statements and further info's @ ESL news.
We also did coverage on interesting matches from the groupstages, not there where the result was predictable. I do think I did some coverage for some matches that had a predictable result and the outcome was not so good, thinking at views and comments.
QuoteWe need ESL clicks in order to give ET another EMS every fucking year
:D After 7 years of ET people have settled in Crossfire, they debate and discuss about matches on Crossfire, they don't use CB & ESL for that type of discussion, if you want clicks on ESL that's not they way to get it tbh, and it doesn't really make sense, you can setup a script that refreshes the esl newpost/page every second giving you thousand of hits every hour.
It doesn't work like that. :)
We need players too click it. We need real clicks.
Anyways, it's not hard for me to congratz you for your coverage but covering every match is starting to be annoying, as you can see in the comments.
There are only 4 playoff matches a week, in groupstages there were about 8-10 but we used to post 4 in 1 newspost so it would still be 2/3/4 newsposts per week. For palyoff matches all matches should be covered (imo).
Killerboy, i really advise you to stop this agression to ESL
We think CB is better, thats why we work for CB
They think ESL is better, thats why they work for ESL

We both have to make competition that everyone enjoys, with the differences each site has.

And coveragewise CB has not really been showing its full potentional as far as i've seen.
Since the playoff stages we are doing a good job, but we still have a long way to go, so let's just focus on that.

I really advise you to stop this 'trolling' against ESL.
biggest cock contest between cb and esl starded by the ET cb gamesupervisor


where are the times when we still had decent supervisors :(

I never called him or esl retarded, so doubt i started it. I am just stating facts and statistics contrary to his ESL > CB which was backed up by nothing.
I actually think ESL's small interviews + match coverage is quite on par with the copys you make every time for CB's games. No offense but theres like 6 CB links no1 wants to click and 2 ubersized banners + 3 gtv links, time to invent something new and interesting. Its just dead-boring now.
low vs low
no AL1 no win
"We didnt prac that much jalo his pc crashed and MOTiF came back on thursday after 4 weeks but he still got his skills on Top ! "

nothing new?
Why did you put a "?" behind it? :s
hahaha nowadays statements include these two words: no prac, ALWAYS xD
no nerds left in this game
to be honest we played the past week but with mercs
they just played everyday :D
with u :D:D:D
true :D:D:D
izi 4 Lun4tic :D.
Eze for bf
But all have played several lans ;)
Always happy to play vs motif ;)
I only talk about my team. But even him showed up at cc6 & prolly will show up at AEF
prolly hes one of the most retarded cheater in this community, played with BMG ':D' etc.
he played few times 3On3 offi's with us, but i kicked him cuz he always knew spawntime/spots where they were :P
ye, I lost few wars vs u, sup3r and motif, he was most obvious fuck I have ever seen (3 hs only), thats why I hate him so much
good 2know u kicked him =)
was 2 years ago zlol
Ik now, still... :p
you cheat in RPG's, what makes you better ?
Uber hackermatch , GL both :-)
motef back from jail? ooooh so he didnt kill anybody?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
gogo les frenchy :)
plz prac al day long plz :) no pracs is for nerds :s
I believe the belgians are slightly stronger than DreaM but both have had lineup problems and it will be close, I predict a 4-2 win for Belgian Fraternity.

Sherlock Gary
i guess Lun4t1c is not able to play this match? or am i wrong? ...he played for kalisti in OC?
◦Their new clan are not in a lower division than the previous clan.
◦The clan have not already added 3 new players during this Cup.
◦The clan have not already added 1 new player during the Playoff Stage.
◦The player must spend 1 matchweek (from Monday to Sunday) without playing for any clan in this cup. For Example if the player played on the Thursday of matchweek 1, they will not be eligible to play for their new clan until Monday of matchweek 3.
hehe good luck :-)
okay, i am sorry ..didn't really read any rule :) havefun!
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