BRINK - Revolution begins

image: bk6t15x1oq3ap31ucAs you might know, these days all hardcore gamers are focused on E3 Expo thats going on right know.

And you can't find more hardcore gamers than here on Crossfire, Halo, Gears of War, Wolfenstein, Quakewars, you name it, we are interested in that.

But there is one game studio that we have our weakness for, Splash Damage with their unreleased superhit and our competitive future that we are waiting so patiently for - BRINK

Good folks at have acquired video from this event that we might find interesting, a developer walkthrough.
Quote by GTVHead behind enemy lines in this 8 minute look at the exciting new shooter from Splash Damage and Bethesda.

8 minutes of this glorious BRINK footage tells us many things that we might not known before about characters wardrobe customisation, gun arsenal, movement style, and general gameplay.

Head over here to be a witness of this gaming revolution as some might call it.
looks a bit rubbish, another ETQW stylish game.. gonna fail :\

ironsights :XX:X:X:X:X
again this bullshit cant they just make a new enemy territory instead of this piece of crap
They need to make games for casuals cuz that's the new market
The got some great games on casuals?
Axis Revenge was a pretty good project, don't know what is happening with it nowadays..
rofl the project has only been announced. it's not like it has been in development for years and then gone to sleep :D. The project is fine where it is atm trust me.
this wasn't ment as a attack on the project or someth..
Was just wondering that it was announced, but couldn't see any further progressions or someth.. Good luck with it ;)
yet again, they didn't listen and took w/e they wanted.

hope multiplayer is different as they said, spread looks a bit too high, recoil is high aswell, 3 bullets to kill someone? revive syringe is cool, hopefully its like this for console/sp only
SP and MP won't be much different, as they said they're conjoined, SP just does the missions linearly as far as I know.
+1 "yet again, they didn't listen and took w/e they wanted. "
its like a futuristic enemy territory :D

with parkour


Impressive public game, definitely competition for CoD.
this is gonna be a awesome game <3 i gonna buy it
what I see is no shooting while sprint and ironsight
It looks cool for pub but idk about wars. e: Mix of cod/et:qw and mirrors edge
it looks kinda slow
no one cares develop new et

that hud is OVER LOADED

sooo much going on on the screen, lots of XP symbols

hope that can be turned off
Its kind of now all about how does it 'feel' - that Q3 engine feeling that Cod4 & MW2 kept are the reason its been so well accepted by PC Gamers. Barring maybe BF:BC2 which seems to be doing badly now, every PC FPS post Q3 engine has had a very short shelf life except for those that kept on mod'd Q3.
So...This game will be won and lost on its feeling.
Did you play at E3?
No, I really dont like going round the booths at tradeshows - I do what I'm there for and get the hell out! The exception to that rule is PAX which is a really fun tradeshow to search. I did meet Paul briefly, this is right after I got a photo with a cylon :D

Oh but also I'm 99% sure there wasnt a playable demo here!
JC, what a nerd!
Q3 engine feel in cod4 and mw2? I must've missed something.
Indeed you have, in promod it almost feels like Q3.
Spring 2011
you know what would be good ET with different smg's + a good anticheat prog
probably bad for competiton
make a free multiplayer game or version of it, liberate the cods and you will succede..
ps: my computer wont run it, so i dont care about this game, i didnt like the trailer at all! :D

im waiting for AXIS REVENGE!!
Coining phrases like "revolution begins" always makes me suspicious, especially if it's coming from Splash Damage.
"lets design a game to be skilled" "lets start with facial paint"

this game looks more and more like just another console title.
50% of it customizing the charactar. who wants that stuff?
nothing wrong with customizing the face, ET's visuals are now boring as hell after 7 years.
thats because you dont play with santa's or reindeer's hat or with the Grinch character :D
you dont play ET for thew vision.
you want a medic to look like "the medic".
you dont want the engine to spend alot of performance on showing some1s scare.
you dont want the developers to spend their time comming up with customizable guns and outfits.

you want everything to be according to the norm.
you want the variable to be the skill.
you want ways you need to train months of like strafing etc to gain that little extra thing. you need fast play with no bullshit iron sight or whatever and no fancy weapons
together we should make et2 and become filthy rich!
sounds like a plan.
dont even need to remake graphics id say.
no, et is almost fine on its own, all it needs is some anti cheat and some other stuff i cant think of right now
cause the lower your graphics the more ppl can play the game on the pc so will buy it easier.
Looks promising for a game that is supposed to be mainstream!
how much effort can it be for them to make a PC-Trailer....
Quote by universal abilitiesBattle Hardened(cost 1)
Battle Hardened increases your life meter by one pip.

combat Intuition(cost 1)
Combat Intuition allows you to sense if an unseen enemy has you in their sight.

Downed Fire(cost 1)
Downed Fire lets you shoot at enemies even when incapacitated.

Sense Of Perspective(cost 1)
Sense Of Perspective snaps your view to 3rd person while you complete objectives, allowing you to watch your own back.

Quote by soldier abilitiesAmmo Boxes(cost 1)
Ammo Boxes let you resupply your teammates with ammunition on the battlefield.

Quote by medic abilitiesLife Buff 1(cost 1)
Life Buff 1 lets you increase a teammates health by one pip.

Quote by engineer abilitiesWeapon Buff 1(cost 1)
Weapon Buff 1 throws a weapon upgrade tool to a teammate, instantly increasing their weapondamage.

-Recoil and spread looks reasonable to me(even unaimed on mid distance)
-about 8 hits avarge to kill a medium(?) opponent(I so hope that you were just posting bullshit KB, but in this case it's jsut counterproductive)
-revive time looks reasonable aswell, on medic side aswell on killed people's side
-movement, on whatever body size it was, looked more or less fast enough (which already counts for something in my book^^)

-hud needs a spawntimer though
At first I was optimistic when they released some info about brink, but now I can clearly see that ET will never be replaced.
kewl, new mode for ETQW!
it will fail
another fail, why make games when most of the people don't upgrade everytime a new vid/cpu come out...i'm sure these game makers have the latest vid cards and cpus plus seems like everything is copied off COD...
Reminded me of watching my daughter's boyfriend playing COD:MW2 on his PS3, I assume that was in fact a console version (though doesn't fill me with confidence the PC version will be significantly better).

Loads of character customisation, perks, weapons, attachments, etc., a definate challenger for COD on consoles and I suspect it'll sell gazillions of copies, but for the average ET player and others still attached to fast paced Q3-esque type games I think it'll be a non-starter.

Also, due for release Spring 2011 (for those who didn't watch till the end)
you assume? there was like "press square for this, press square for that" :o
wolfenstein all over again
Always the slow movement, ironsight, no hipshooting, high spread, waaaaay too many different weapons and percs and what not. And what's with this smart button? Automatic trickjumping for noobs?

As expected, epic fail.

Like kendle said, it will sell lots of copies and will be a contender for CoD etc, but it will not appeal to ET-players that simply are addicted to the Q3 feeling.
I liked the feeling, I assume a decent pro mode could get rid of most that noob friendly apparel.
Actually imo it doesn't look THAT slow, also he's been playing medium class afaik.
Hip shooting IS a possibility - with reasonable spread.
And how can you possibly find variety to be a bad thing? -.-
It's funny to see people get there hopes up for this. I like Brink, and will most likely buy it when it comes out. But actually believing this will be a 2nd ET? Believing there will be any other 2nd ET in the future? That would never sell nowadays. Games have to be extensive and noob-friendly. The only hope you might have is something like ET: Live, but this isn't likely to happend.

Buy it, support shit developers, play it once, then let it proudly rest on shelf (or trashbin) for rest of your life.
10seconds to load a hockey mask :p
But anyway, overhyped game afaik

allthough I rly liked "buffing other players is less expensive than buffing yourself" add that to ET :D
should be possible to boost class charge bar a little bit if a team mate picks up a med / ammo pack with lua although i already thought of sploitz ;<
Looks better at pre-alpha than Wolfenstein did after retail.

Can't really tell much from this since they probably designed it specifically for trade shows, plus it's a console noob playing on a PS3.

I'm still anxious to hear about competitive friendly settings, like options for movement speed, damage, spread, etc and their plans for modder support.
i just hope the ironsight is removable or at least editable, no matter how shit the game is <3
All the best games ever are already out.

Think about it.
Watched the vid and got sad. Its for sure if you hear that game is coming out on every console there is in the world then... the game will be shit. It will not be shit for random people who will buy the game, play it 5 months max and then put it in the trash, but for people like us who still playes Starcraft, ET, RTCW, Q3 and warsow... Brink will have as much fun as 2 days.

Someone in here says "I will buy it" well you will and you will be happy for a moment, but belive me you will get bored killing noobs on public. Noobs who stand still when dueling, trying to turn around with joystick. Camping noobs and noobs who think that are good when they unlocked some yber weapon with 10 different dots that are all attached to the weapon at the same time and plus the magnificant aimbot that will do the job for them.

Now I know I know that "games are made for selling" we gamers are little fish in the big sea. We dont give developers enough money, but tell me then... how come Blizzard is making there games and it sells like shit!? Games like new Starcraft and Diablo. All have same and same and same things all over again. Little things are added just small things and they work. Because thats what makes a Blizzard company that is known to everybody a company who announces new game and I know the game will not fail.
oh please... You won't be playing the PC version vs console players...
also I wouldn't say tf2 is it really THAT different? it got some similarities, so why do you have to doom the game in the first place? 0o
(wish you fun with playing ET for the next decade)

Only because it's not just an evolved version of an 'oldschool' shooter it doesn't have to be bad, ever thought of that?
Yea well as I sayd its not bad for random people. People will enjoy playing it and having fun on publics. Gamers will just ingnore the game, the learn curve is so small I dont really see enjoying that game after 6 months of playing just because what I saw in that video clip.

I was optimistic with Wolfenstein and I was optimistic with Quakewars and lets say quakewars was fun 4on4 infintry but still didint had that "glim" that could keep me playing it.

On another hand... CoD4 is awsome.. dont know why but I just love to play it and again not on publics but clanwars only.

See on Blizzard Company they make same game only with better graphic and they sell it. Its not about the "we cant make that game you want because it will not sell" its just about the challange for the company. Like brink and wolf... go over the fence that is smallest and get the results you want. Blizzard takes the challange and succees in it.
yeah, quakewars 4on4 inf was gr8. <3
looks nice etc but definitly a pub game. Too much random achievments/perks stuff. In CoD4 they just blocked all those anoying things but if moders would do the same with Brink I'm afraid it would look just like CoD4 (even with physics/movement) and its just not gonna overtake that scene. It has to be something more than CoD4 with futuristic skins :p
u should know that splash damage never listen ...
they act like they do listen but they don't

quakewars : sounds like a bell?
piece of shit
all the idiots that buy this game should be banned

fail =wolfail<ETqw<cod>mw2>brink= fail

rtcw>W:ET = Win

how many more fail games will be made?
Rahdo, I am disappoint.
If it is gonna fail, I guarantee you it won't be because a couple of embittered ET Players can't look beyond their own nose. What the fuck were you expecting? That Bethesda and Splash Damage throw their money out of the window to please a small community? Welcome to the real life.

In my opinion the game looks really fun, and I'm eager to play it - be it on pub or competitively.
Nobody cares about the competition community anymore and the reason why is simple. PC games just represent an small percentage of the total sales. Now the consoles are the big cheese here and don't forget that the main objective here for the companies is TO MAKE MONEY.
+1, so many whiners and bitches are getting obbessed of seeing a second 2nd ET so it fits with them competitvely. Pub or competition, looks good
Fucking whiners and bitches, let's go play Quakewars and Wolfenstein m8 :)
Quakewars is a good game and Wolfenstein not even made by the same people.
No it is not. It might be decent game with latest promods and patches, but it doesn't bring anything new to a table, and everything else is done better in ET (balance, engine, etc).

ET players that want ET2, can't look beyond their own nose, blablablablabla.

Well fuck you.

ET is so close perfect in it's balance, engine, and gameplay, that it makes all these pathetic attempts to recreate it, well, pathetic.

I don't want ET copy (tho, one with COD4 engine would be nice). I want evolution of the game, yet what we have received so far and will receive in future (see BRINK) is not evolution, is dumbing down game to appeal casual xbox market, with not even slightest interest in competitive play. It's just trash made to get more money in shortest period of time with disregard of gamers that enjoy gameplay.

If ACHIVEMENTS, CUSTOMIZATIONS OF FACIAL HAIR, and GUN mods is what you thrive for in games, disregarding obviously fucked core gameplay. Then again, fuck you.
Actually I couldn't care less about graphics and gadgets. My favorite aspects of a game are story and immersion... but well.
Whining still changes nothing. Believe me, I would be all in for a game that takes the ET formula and improves on it. But the sad truth is that it's just not gonna happen. At least not by a professional studio. If the community wants such a game, it more or less has to work on it by itself.
Looks like ETQW2...

e: You can't move properly because the engine is shit
Nigga please I already posted this before -_-
looks like a game that could be finished upon release, nice.
I'm not a hardcore gamer so I wouldn't buy this game anyway. There are so many games that have better graphics, multi-player etc.. Its clearly a console game and this is NO competition for other games I've seen so far. You wouldn't get any support on PC I think. I'm 100% sure. This game WILL fail.
after buying wolf im not gonna be as stupid as then and waste my money on a shit like that
Wolfenstein was an SP game with an MP glued on to it by a newb studio - no wonder the MP sucked.

Brink is getting designed from the ground up as an MP game in which the SP is basically an MP campaign with bots. So it should at least work out a bit better.

Besides, they removed the biggest gripe from ET:QW - vehicles - so that's another thing Brink's got going for itself
sp sucked aswell ;)
not as critically panned as the MP though :P
Hi guys. Sorry you didn't like the vid, which is understandable, since it wasn't really aimed at you. As several have said, this is showing the game in a much more "public" kind of way.

I'm really hoping that at some point in the near future we can put together a video of an actual multiplayer match since all we've shown up till now is single player, using skinny body type (there were none in the e3 video, only medium and heavies), using weapons that have the muzzle break and grip attached on so you can do proper hip fire instead of having to rely on iron sighting for maximum accuracy.

Also, the HUD is still going through a lot of iteration. We only got a full time UI artist a couple of months ago, and we're STILL trying to hire more full time UI coders (been looking for over a year now). So there's still a lot of work to be done there.

Also, sorry for the delay, I can understand your disappointment. But we're kind of excited because it means we get a nice long beta period to polish and balance the game. No news yet about any sort of beta plans... still figuring that out with Bethesda at the moment. If anything comes of it, I'll let you all know.

That's all for now. As I've often said here, Brink won't be a replacement for Wolf... it can't be, because it's a different game, trying to reach a broader market. So maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't, but we'll keep plugging away! But we've still got a ways to go! :)
Thanks for your time Rahdo.
It's cool that you reply. Even if we don't like what you guys show us.

Btw, hire Hannes :D.
The good thing imo is that Brink is has a strong focus on class-based objective-type gameplay. That has always been one of ET:s strengths. Now the feel of the game might be totally different and shooting with iron sights is really not my thing, but I'm gonna try the game nevertheless. It's the only new game I've heard of that has even a remote resemblance to the game we all love.
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