Introducing ESL Major Series Season VII!

image: banner7j

Today we proudly present to you the 7th season of Europe's top online league. The finest leagues, more than a thousand players competing, several thousands more will try to qualify - and €16,500 worth of prize money is up for grabs. Get ready for the ESL Major Series Season VII!
The ESL Major Series is the highest level of European competition in the ESL for disciplines not included in the Intel Extreme Masters and has already awarded more than €100,000 in prize money to hundreds of gamers in the past four years.

While Season VI is still running towards the end, we are already able to announce the upcoming season's games and prizemoney distribution for the 7th installment coming to you September 2010.

Team disciplines
  • Enemy Territory (5on5): €750
  • Call of Duty 4 (5on5): €2,000
  • Quake Live (4on4 TDM): €750[/b]
  • Counter-Strike: Source (5on5): €3,000
  • FIFA Clanwar (3x1on1): €1,250
  • Avalon Heroes (5on5): €5,000 (publisher sponsored)
  • Team Fortress 2 (6on6): €750
  • Day of Defeat: Source (6on6): €750
  • America's Army (4on4): €750

1on1 disciplines
  • Warcraft 3: €500
  • Trackmania: €500
  • Pro Evo Soccer: €500

More details on how to qualify for Season VII in all games will come in the not too distant future! Especially qualification details for Enemy Territory will be published here as soon as possible.

[center]Vote 1,000 Euro extra into the Enemy Territory ESL Major Series VII![/center]

As an initiative for communities to further support their game, ESL is launching a competition for the games that are already selected for or could be suitable to add to the EMS.
A total of 19 games and their communities will get the chance to either increase their total prize money or get their game added to the EMS with another whopping €1,000!

This is a unique challenge that will go on for two weeks and is meant to award the most active and endeavouring game community. With your help you can increase the prizemoney for Enemy Territory to €1,750!

How to participate
1) A community poll
  • Every gamer has the chance to vote for their favourite game, it includes the current EMS games and those we believe could be the most suitable. Go and vote now for Enemy Territory!

2) Tag your matches
  • We have come up with a way to 'tag' your matches which we can then count after the two weeks are up. It is very simple, for every match you play in the European section, in the game that you want the prize money increased or be included in the EMS, you have to add a match statement "4EMS7" (no quotes, no spaces, exactly as it is written). One statement per team and per player in your most played game will be counted.

In a nutshell: create a match in the European section => add 4EMS7 in the match statement => go play.

When the two weeks are up, we will count every vote and tag, combine the two and award the most selected game with €1,000!

The competition starts now, Tuesday 22nd June 21.00hCET, and will end on Tuesday 6th of July at 21.00hCET.

EMS VII Announcement
Details on 1000 EUR extra
Vote for Enemy Territory
nope, july is right. a poll cannot end before it will start xD
nice nice :)
Thanks for voting! The results on the homepage are updated every few minutes, so your vote may not immediately be displayed.
when have you ever won money so how would you know?
Look at what i said it doesn't say at all that i won the money and i know this like many people do as i talk to people on enemy territory.
Season 1-4 are all paid...
time it took to do it was unreal when you win you should be awarded !
When we got 3rd in season 2 we got the money pretty fast.
was in 2006 i think when this happened :(
Season 1-4 are all paid...
hard definding, eh? :p Worth to mention in the newspost as soon as you paid V, atleast :D
firefox crashes when i open ESL site :P
oh you troll :))
hardy har har
repje played at WoW, I'm disapointed :S
Avalon Heroes (5on5): €5,000
what is this shit ?
Sponsored by game developers.
This morning it said €1.000 for CoD4...

image: 449716HMP2038
Guess we alrdy know where the money will go to =)
in any case the better ET ends up in this vote the better the chances for future seasons and or bigger prize money ;)
need QL team :)
hmm pes im pretty faking good at it :p
great news, looking forward to it!
whats the point of adding money if you dont give it anyway ?
whats your point? they might pay out late, but at least they do it - unlike GGL
what's that question got to do with this newspost?
can you get vote thingie on the main page? it is easy to miss right now
You should check out some of the other events ESL hosts, EMS is peanuts :p
Voted@Enemy Territory
It is not up to the ESL WoW/ET Squad, it's up to the ESL Core to send those moneyz. He can contact them through the Support Ticket. ;)
Voted :-)
Voted :-)
wtf is Avalon Heroes that has 5000€ ???
Quote(publisher sponsored)
is it a rts/fps or what?
Quotewyniki beda widoczne w pozniejszym czasie
results are hidden and will be published when the vote has ended.
Quote(The result will become visible later on.)
and i know more enemy territory players who have already received their money.esl has always paid and will pay. why dont you ask et player of further esl competitons like esl ips or ems?
he really still waits for the money? i can remember a similar comment from you at the last ems announcement news (nov 2009). and as one of the esl heads posted, all tournaments up to summer 2009 had been paid out - so he cannot wait for the money of a tournament of 2006/2007..
Season 1-4 are all paid...

5 + 6? (:
6 is still running, or do you already know who should get the money for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place? :)
voted :=)
rather admin the current cup properly instead of trying to start another failseason
dont worry for the next season there will be several rules changes, lets see who will fail then
Avalon Heroes (5on5): €5,000
u know that game? :XD
my point is i dont
publisher sponsored
Avalon Heroes (5on5): €5,000

also if i win something i dont wanna get it few years later.
well, then eSports is not for you :p
nice point !

have fun with waiting then.
people still complain about getting their money. in which world do we live?
nah just stating facts that it took over one year to pay 150e bill
thats a common standard in online eSport, sad truth. ESL is still one of the better cases as they pay out 100% and in a respectable time (EMS has been a bit off that time for 1-2 seasons but still)
unless you play ET for a living 150€ will never be a big deal, but just some extra money in your pocket so the time isnt a big factor. So to say it is like getting nothing is just untrue. (not saying it is good to be late)
You do understand that all payments from a season are paid together?

While it is only 150 euros for you, it is 15-20,000 in total
I don't follow ESL at all but if your leagues are the same standard as your admins ( hi Foameosomething ) then you guys should just /quit.
or vote for cod4 :]
lol at guys whining at money for free game ::::D
What does cost of game has to do with anything?

Cheating in free game, zomg.

Prizes in free game, zomg.

Thats the most retarded things thats being said on crossfire every day.
Not even gonna discuss this with a troll like yourself.
Imagine TosspoT didn't pay out the prizemoney of CIC7, maybe only after 2 years, you think nobody should whine since ET is a free game?
better to have prizemoney for an online league, payed out after 2 years, then playing a league and getting nothing imo :)
luckily both online leagues have prizes
can u get my CB EC money from 2006? still waiting
which team, which game, which season, which place
Lans are totally different than online leagues, mate.
yes but the point was that his reasoning about
Quotelol at guys whining at money for free game ::::D
just because it is a free game doesn't mean it should be taken less seriously than others
its not free when you pay an entree fee :D
Yes. I play this game for fun, like most of the people here. When I went to LAN, it was to have a fun experience, not to cash in or whine about money or w/e.
vote cod4

dont blame esl btw. rather play a tournament where you get paid 1 year later instead of playing cups without any prizes.
would you stop complaining about how long it takes to receive the money already?! seriously i cant stand your flame anymore, better be grateful the ESL supports a game like Enemy Territory, which is - as we all know - overrun by cheaters (also in the EMS, I'm just guessing now ) and not even supported by an anti-cheat tool at the moment.
If the ESL chiefs would be harsh on Enemy Territory, they could come to the conclusion that supporting ET = paying bots for the cheaters in this game.

Unlike ANY OTHER league the ESL promises money and also pays it out (cases have been mentioned above), and OF COURSE in such a big organisation SOME PAYMENTS may take more than a year, but consider the amount of money which has to be payed out and youre forgetting most ESL admins are not getting paid by ESL to do their admin stuff - this is also just a hobby.

I dont mean to offend you - you can have your opinion of the ESL - im just totally annoyed by you constantly flaming ESL and not apprecciating even one little thing.
yet again you just deny everything which doesnt suit your opinion - cant you understand that admins sometimes have more important things to do in real life than paying out some nerds e-moneys?!
you dont even try to apprecciate whats done here - its money for a free game, which isnt supported neither by its creators nor by any anti-cheat software.
Quote*clap* *clap*, paying couple dollars takes over year is just hilarious, so unprofessional.

stop the kid internet stuff, im trying to discuss with you here ...
as i pointed out, theres a huge amount of money to be payed out after each season and as you probably know Enemy Territory isnt one of the most supported games around ESL - therefore some admin may not consider it right away and it will take some time..

I cannot deny that waiting +1 year for your money is professional, youre right it really is kind of unprofessional, but you should know better and show some understanding. your constant flame here on crossfire is not helping anyone, better contact the ESL directly via support ticket. I'm sure they will cope with your ticket soon.
As if ESL would pay the prize money. I hear they owe thousands of euros already.
lies you hear
QuoteThere are plenty of ppl who get monthly paid on ESL. Makes it more serious mode and not only "admin for fun and pay when i have time" stuff.

Well, i know there are people gettin payed for doing that, but what i dont know is who and how much. I guess you do not either, so argueing about something nobody has a clue about makes absolutley no sense.

QuoteCant be so huge amount of money that getting money into ET takes over year to get. Most likely esl just doesnt have the amount of money what they have promised while the cup is running, most likely they are getting the money later on -> unprofessional once again. Cant really understand otherwise at all how could sending money take over year. Feel free to enlighten me if u know better.

Now youre just being unreasonable. You are telling the ESL promises money they dont even have? Assumptions wihtout any kind of proof...

There are a couple of factors which can make sending money take a long time ... problems in activity of the user, problems contacting the user, issues with the bank data of the user etc. etc. And as you can read above, ive already said that +1 year is quite embarassing indeed, should come within a few months imo. that would be reasonable.

Going to bed now, was nice talking to you!
I will only vote if there will be delivery in the mappool :))))))
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