Belgians? I don't know.

image: CB_EC_XXI

Summer is here and EuroCup is always ready to provide exciting matches between ET top teams! Tonight, Belgium"belgian e-brothers" will face to now known as "EuropeI don't know". There is one sure thing about this team, they'd better know how to play if they want to win this match against Belgiumbelgian Fraternity who proved many times how good they can be against ET top teams!

Anyway, you probably were busy those last weeks but now you're certainly on holidays. So, come here and have a seat next to me to watch those 10 players fighting for your own pleasure :


Belgium Gifted
Belgium AL1
Belgium chizz6l
Belgium Sup3r
Belgium uNDEAd

Europei don't know

United Kingdom crumbs
Netherlands ZaK
Slovakia filus
Estonia frEeze
Latvia Clown

Unfortunatly, because of or thank to CB rules I can't tell you what maps will be played tonight but if you're interested by an external point of view let me suggest you some players to spec'. I'd be curious to spec' United Kingdomcrumbs because he is a well known RTCW player and he played in many good teams in the past but ETplayers don't really know him. So if you're curious enough you should pay attention to this british. The best would be to move your freecam around and spec BelgiumbF's teamplay which was pretty amazing against best ET teams, even if Europeidk has individually good players to make the show!

From now you should be wondering : "Did he forget team statistics?" Well, not really... BelgiumbelgianFraternity won once 4-2 against NetherlandsDreaM and didn't win a single map against belgian top team BelgiumOVERLOAd. Concerning EuropeI don't know, it's pretty the same situation, they won once against GermanylogiX 4-2 and lost 4-2 aswell against It's not really convincing... Anyway, this is a good reason for both team to win this match. That's going to be a close one for sure!

image: game19805

Since FranceFrance doesn't play World Cup anymore I'll have the pleasure to shoutcast for the ones who want :
United KingdomCubeCast - FranceFrancis

CB related links :
EC XXI Main Page
EC XXI Playoffs
EC XXI Schedule

image: 455400HMP2044

An amazing Estonianight is about to start.

Thanks for reading.
You're welcome.
Francis for CB coverage admin :-)
oh no it starts again with lame lame titles :(
I like this one tho :P
c bien mais tu devrai refaire la partie des statistiques
gl both. may the better team win (:
more cheats
bF will make rape
lets clownie do it

clOwn it !!
bF are so nerdy they got various attacktacs for every stage so my money on them!!
old lu back al1 ?
Dunno who to bet on, bF rocks but idk got frEeze :SS
Smashing title.
Nice job Le Francis!
What happened with rockit?
Epic work le Francis, that title got me all excited. Then I saw what it really was and thought =( Francis le troll
I thought this news is about next scandal from BelgiumOverload ^^
haha lol i know chizz6l
his cat is a rifler

Awful to read.
QuoteFrom now you should be wondering : "Did he forget team statistics?"

Should I? I might've wondered.
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