EMS: Dignitas vs nulli

image: 9avxjah2

What a Sunday night we shall have tonight, in the ESL Major Series Playoffs! One of the best ET teams will have to fight for a place in the next round of the Playoffs. Their opponent will do everything to win so that will make the match even more interesting and exciting!

There were moments when we thought they were unbeatable, no ET team could have ever contested their supremacy. However, since their estonian superstar, Night, left for army, we all wonder if they are still the same team that was able to win CiC7 and many other online competitions. How will they perform at their first EMS match without EstoniaNight, we shall see tonight!

On the other side, Europe nulli secundus has always impressed us with their online performance. However, they are now without their best aimer, EstoniafrEeze`. Question is: will they be able to surprise in this match, as always, since their opponents are missing a key player? That is to be determined tonight!

Also, some interesting statements were released by both United Kingdomdignitas and Europenulli secundus. You can check them out here. Good luck to both teams!
image: s_head

image: s_news

Europe nulli secundus

Belgium isenxl
Estonia mant
Estonia rAUL
Croatia rimi
Sweden newbje
image: s_news

United Kingdom Team-dignitas

Finland Squall
France karnaj
Germany drago
Slovenia Jakazc
Estonia Anderson
image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VI Playoffsimage: game19823
image: s_foot

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oh no,
no Estonia freeze :(
no key palyor, no win :[
4:0 dig
I don't give a fuck.

cb main news -> esl other news wp :=D
Both news always have to be pimped up by CF admins.
They probably just didnt notice it in time
Or ESL admins forgot to spam them to dead for their lazyness :-)

Either way, hope EC match is over so i can see this one
easy for dignitas
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