I dont know dignitas

image: 9avxjah2

The second round will make its first step tonight, featuring the battle of two well-known ET titanz, Europei dont know and United Kingdomdignitas. Before we go down on presenting these teams once again, let me say first that the ESL Major Series Playoffs[/url] will continue in the following days with another 3 interesting matches to watch. After this round, 2 of the 8 teams that are still playing in this competition, will leave us. What teams are threatened to leave this competition? You'll have to wait a little bit longer to get that answer!

Now back to the teams that will fight tonight for a place in the Winner Bracket Semi-Final. The underdog in this match is clearly Europei dont know, not because they are not performing well lately, but purely because their opponents are too good and popular. It's not enough to be good and popular to win a competition, so Europei dont know will try to proove that tonight. Asked how are they doing lately, LatviaClown said:

Quote by ClownWe are doing fine, even though we don't play as much as when we started. Our EMS officials have gone pretty good, the few we have played anyway... Tonight we'll play vs United Kingdomdignitas which obviously is a great team. I think they can do well on most maps even without Night, they just need a bit of practice. I don't see us doing easy in this official BUT, if there is a good time when to play dignitas, it's now. Watch Germanydrago, I want him under pressure!

Going to the other side, there are players that made history in ET, with the team that also had the same name years ago, United Kingdomteam-dignitas. A team that is so popular, that has so many pocals, surely expects a win tonight. Will they be able to get it against the ex-Rockit team? The best engineer from United Kingdomdignitas gave the following answer:

Quote by dignitas\dragoFacing us in the ESL Major Series Playoffs[/url] is the ex-rockit squad now known as Europeidk. We have been playing a bit more recently and are eager to play some official matches. I cannot judge how good exactly Europeidk is, as we have only played them once, but I think it will be an entertaining match with a luckier ending for us. Have fun to everyone watching and playing.

Seeing these two statements, I can only say that this will be one of the best matches to spectate tonight. I don't know about you, but I'm gonna take a beer and some popcorn and tune in to this epic battle! Good luck and have fun to both teams!
image: s_head

image: s_news

Europe i dont know

Latvia Clown
Estonia frEeze`
Netherlands ZaK
Slovakia filus
United Kingdom crumbs
image: s_news

United Kingdom Team-dignitas

Finland Squall
France karnaj
Germany drago
Slovenia Jakazc
Estonia Anderson
image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VI Playoffsimage: game19890

image: s_foot

Once again, we've asked a few players to answer some questions related to this match tonight: Who do you think will win this match and why? And what player would you spectate? Let's see what certain players had to say:

Quote by saKenI suppose United Kingdomteam-dignitas will be taking this win home, although they have a slightly different lineup than before and they have to adapt to playing without EstoniaNight. I think they'll be able to get everything going and defeat the former Rockit squad without a lot of hassle. From what I've seen they've been a little but unconsistent in practice games but I'm sure they'll step up for this EMS game.
Player to spec for me would be Germanydrago or EstoniaRELOAd, RELOAd because he's so annoying to play against and manages to disrupt the game quite often, drago because I think he's very underrated and very important for this team.

Quote by `Boss
I have no doubt that United Kingdomdignitas will take it, idk isn't a bad team, but dignitas is performing quite well lately imo, I'd say 4-0 dignitas. I would spec either Squall or Reload, and if you want to spec someone on the idk side, I'd go for Slovakiafilus.

Quote by zeroE`FlashyIt's clear that United Kingdomdignitas will win this match without any problem. Their teamplay and players with a lot of gamesense and experience will be more sufficient than idk. Players to spec: karnaj, freeze & RELOAd.

Quote by JinostaIn my opinion and many others United KingdomDignitas will win 4 - 0 as they have shown with there lineup change they are just as capable of winning as when they had Night.
Who to spec? Most people would say RELOAd but depending on what the maps are, I'd probably say FinlandSquall as he was raging last game he played.
Also, be good to hear Owzo's shoutcast, wouldn't want to watch without that in such a good high skilled match. Need more shoutcasters at his level!

Quote by RobaciekI believe that the winner will be United KingdomTeam Dignitas (yes, I know that's a surprise). I think that they are simply the strongest team out there, even without EstoniaNight and that noone can stop them. A player to spec would be Anderson and Clown. First one for sick aim, 2nd one for his interesting rifling style.

Quote by suVi`Haven't even seen idk play lately, but United Kingdomdignitas will take it.

Quote by e-pAuZeI predict a 4-2 win for United Kingdomdignitas. idk.et has been performing pretty decent lately, but dignitas hasn't lost yet this season afaik. Player to watch? I'd normally say Reload or Squall, but I'm gonna say SloveniaJakazc. I haven't seen him play in quite some time and it would be quite interesting to see how he plays.

image: s_foot

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I know them:P
roman empire
frEeze is gonna roll some nerds
gl Clown
gl ZaK
gl filus
gl crumbs
gl Squall
gl karnaj
gl drago
gl Jakazc
gl Anderson
i like how u left freeze out
Obviously you love to leave things !
i like how hes a faggot
hahahah :D
still hating for trolling :)
shit title
easy for god of et, Squall.
worst title ever
jinosta?! LOLOLOL
nice stealing francis's title !
who are those people that gave their opinion?
u stylin' on me
I mad
Good luck Clown, filuS, crmbs, zak and freeze
You have € 189 on idk
Possible win: € 3090.15
Easy bash for Latvia Clown.

image: Pennywise%281%29
is it the clown from the movie "it"?
clowns brain will deliver.

but eesti&fin will destroy them (:
I dont know them either :PpPpP
love those headlines
Quoteidk.et has been performing pretty decent lately

image: game19470

QuoteI predict a 4-2 win for dignitas.

image: game19890

gtfo with the titles!
Glad we've got jinosta's and robaciek's opinions! :D
next time ask me. i give the best opinions
wtf... why didnt i get interviewed? :<
karnaj will cheat again? :D
cleary a idkfa rip-off
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