EMS VI 1,000EUR Poll: Current standings

image: banner7j

As we have announced some days ago, the next ESL Major Series season has a special competition for the games that are already selected for or could be suitable to add to the EMS. A total of 19 games and their communities will get the chance to either increase their total prize money or get their game added to the EMS with another whopping €1,000!

With one week remaining to vote in the poll and tag your matches, we are giving you an overview of the current standings.

Current results:
• Enemy Territory -> 137
• Call of Duty 4 -> 1939
• Quake Live -> 205

• America's Army: Operations -> 282
• Combat Arms -> 98
• Counter-Strike: Source -> 1015
• Crossfire -> 133
• Dawn of War 2 -> 56
• Day of Defeat: Source -> 460
• DotA -> 201
• FIFA Clanwar -> 180
• JK: Jedi Academy -> 94
• Pro Evo Soccer -> 73
• Team Fortress 2 -> 515
• TrackMania Nations -> 233
• War Rock -> 341
• WarCraft 1on1 -> 850

As you can see, Enemy Territory is at the moment on 12th place and another Crossfire game Call of Duty 4 is rocking the vote! You still have time to vote and bring Enemy Territory at least into the top 10. Detailed information on how to participate can be found here.

The competition will end on Tuesday 6th of July at 21.00h CET.

ESL Newspost
ESL Major Series VII Homepage
ESL Major Series VII Announced
Vote 1,000 Euro extra Announcement
somehow i cant vote on the 'Go and vote now!'-page
lol @ Crossfire, FIFA, and War Rock, TM, DoD etc getting more votes than ET

what's the point of voting now if cod4 is the clear winner?
To show at least we are a big community...
137 votes, yes very big community indeed.

It was already clear who was going to win from the beginning.

The winner should be the game that had the biggest percentage, f.e if ESL has 1000 ET Players and 600 voted, that means 60% and the same is done for the rest of the games, so it is fair for the games that have a small community.
You get the point, if the community don't involve itself for this, well, ET is dead...
ESL is shit and always will be. Noone has ever seen the prizemoney so yeah, why bother with voting
Well didn't know that point, and i ask for proof 'cause from a "professional" organisation, well, that fucking suck you know...
Try English now please
bullshit I received the money from EMS IV a couple of months ago
and how do you count the gamers of each game ?
either by guid or by the game you select in the "My Games" section
then nice idea ; )
Only the most voted game gets 1000€ more? Well nice useless effort m8, we can't compete with CoD4.
it's more about showing interest as he wrote in the previous post. Looks like crap for ET here :O
That's true, it might have some further purpose!
Electronic Sports League is currently offline.
like i will login on esl too much effort
+1 will probably have to change passwords again, and I dont know my old one since I had to change that aswell etc etc stpid shit site is shit :( sooo no vote
Members: 35080 = 137 n1 :D
indeed thats so fucking bad .. :-/
you do realise that 60-80% are fake-accounts?
do realize that et is dead?
like i will login on esl too much effort
gj et playorz :D:D
voted QL
voted cod4
Cmon guys, at least get up to 1000 votes, cod4 and css nearly doubled their votes from this announcement 2 days ago..
yeah but cod4 players are fucking keen, et players are apathetic at best even when it's not summer

edit: semi-serious point though, why should people waste the time voting for something that affects them in no way at all
2 secons wasted! oh no! ;)
esl makes me change my password every month or something stupid, takes more than 2 seconds to try various combination of "nigger" and "cunt"
why vote for money that i dont win :D
voted jk jedi academy
What will happen to CSS prizepurse? Is it going to be played like the update never happened?
whats the big deal with this new update? has it fundamentally changed the game :S

i thought it was just achievements but didnt affect gameplay?
tickrate from 100 to 66 = fuckedup fail
gai :(

i heard they changed some weapon spread too?
might be cba to care since it has been shitgame since always
It feels alot of different... The core gameplay seems to be away, hitting is harder in 66 tick as bluman mentioned.

It's like a new engine has replaced the older one, doesn't feel the same
voted sims 3
voted tf2
Please add ESL filter!
I have never understood why ESL requires one's password to be changed every month (or whatever the period of time is)... 1. My ESL pw is not some super confidential information that will somehow put me in jeopardy should it be compromised, 2. I can only think of so many decent pws, 3. My first pw is already solid enough for the purpose it serves.
is it nemesis?
I just change the password when it asks then change it straight back lol.
because for a few players there's a lot of money involved and they do not want to have their ESL acc hacked
if those ppl cared that much then they can change it regularly on their own, no? Why bug the rest of us with it? :S
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